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Banks Dynasty – Day 7.3 (Part 1)

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I wake up in desperate need of a shower after having a series of interesting dreams last night. It might be time also to change my sweaty sheets, but that’ll have to wait until later, or I’ll be late for class.

A few of my roommates are already up when I make it downstairs. I don’t have to worry about what I’ll eat because food always seems to be prepared. I have no idea where it comes from, but lobster and cookies are an odd choice for breakfast, so I go into the kitchen hoping to find a better selection.

I grab a serving of pasta (another odd choice, but better than lobster) from the kitchen and sit down at the table with Loke. Although it’s still early, my roommates seem to have an affinity for music because it’s already pumping loud from the stereo. I don’t mind so much because it’s on the hip-hop station.

Kai: *to Loke* Did you choose this station?

I’m hoping that Loke and I share the same taste in music.

Loke: No, I think it was Yassine.

Kai: Do you like hip hop?

Loke: It’s okay – as long as it’s not pop, I can deal with it.

Hmm, so Loke isn’t a fan of pop music. I make sure to note that.

I finish breakfast and hop on my bike, hoping to make it to class on time. But once again – it doesn’t happen. I’m late for another class. I cannot make this a habit.

I finish class feeling good. I took lots of notes and understood the lesson, so I’m confident that I’ll get a decent grade in that class.

Once again, I’m on my bike, heading to the student center. Since it’s the middle of the day and most people are probably in class – the student center is pretty empty. I check a quick text before another student approaches me.

Male Student: Hey, do you happen to know where the gym is located?

Kai: Do you mean the stadium?

Maurice: No, there’s supposed to be a small gym here in the student center.

Kai: I haven’t heard about it, but I’d love to find it. It’ll save me from going to the gym in Windenburg every time I want to work out.

Maurice: It’s in the basement, so there has to be some stairs around here somewhere.

Kai: I’ll help you look. I’m Kai, by the way.

Maurice: *offers his hand* Maurice, but most people call me Mo.

We shake hands, and then I follow Mo as he takes off searching for the student center gym.

Kai: So Maurice…I mean, Mo, I’m guessing you’re a freshman, too.

Maurice: Yeah, I stay in Briny Tower.

Kai: I’m in Maritime Manor.

Maurice: Lucky you! I tried to get in there, but it was full.

Kai: Sorry to hear that. *slight pause* Where are you initially from?

Maurice: Oasis Springs, you?

Kai: Basically here, although I was born in Sulani. This has to be a big change for you.

Maurice: The weather is crap, but I like it here so far.

We eventually find a sign leading to the gym. We descend the stairs together.

The gym is nice and much bigger than we thought. There are even rock climbing treadmills which means I no longer have to train in freezing weather. Since I’m done with class and have some time on my hands, I decide to climb.

I complete the first endurance challenge with a decent time. Let’s see how long my time holds up. I change and go back upstairs in search of a quiet place to do my homework. It doesn’t take long for Mo to find me once again. But I don’t mind; he seems like a cool enough guy.

Kai: Thanks for letting me know about the gym. Do you rock climb at all?

Maurice: I haven’t really tried.

Kai: I’m thinking about starting a climbing club, want to join? I can give you some pointers to get you started.

Maurice: Yeah, sure.

Kai: Cool, for now, we’ll call it the Climbing Club, unless you have ideas for a better name.

Maurice: I’ll let you know if I come up with something.

Kai: So, what’s your major?

Maurice: Fine Arts – I’m a musician.

I tell him my major, and we make small talk for a bit before he leaves me to finish up my homework.

After my work is done, I head for the stairs. Whether I want to admit it or not – I go down there to see if Melisa will show up. I don’t see her right away, so I go off in search of a comfortable isolated spot to chill and catch up on some more work. But before too long – she’s there, standing across the room looking my way. This time, I’m not leaving here without getting her number.

(Generation 3 Chapter Summaries)

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