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Banks Dynasty – Day 3.4 (Part 1)

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We’re up before the sun the next morning to get a start on our day. There’s still so much to see and do here. We each finish our first mission, which earns us many Credits, and I add some of my newfound Batuu friends to my Social Bunny Account.

I also run into “first-day cutie” again, and this time I get to introduce myself and discover her name is Clementine. She’s a frequent visitor to Batuu and gives us a few tips on how to structure our visit so we can see as much as we can before it’s time to return home.

Wade: So, you’re saying we should visit the First Order District first?

Clementine: That’s what I’d do. It’s closer, and there’s not quite as much to see and do there.

Wade: Well, can I add you to my Social Bunny account in case I need more tips? I’d hate to have to search the whole park trying to run into you again.

Clementine: *chuckles* Yeah, sure.

She gives me her social media details.

Clementine: *continues* My cell number is also attached to my account – in case you want to call or text.

This is going well, but I need to make sure of one more thing before I get myself into a situation that I don’t want to be a part of.

Wade: So, if I call – I won’t have to worry about your boyfriend or husband answering, do I?

Clementine: *smiles* I’m single, so no worries.

Wade: Okay, cool!

I’m trying to be nonchalant about it, but I’m pleased to hear that.

This is an excellent start to the morning. I’ve added several new friends to my Social Bunny account and got Clementine’s number without trying. Looking down at my phone, I see I’ve received a friend request from Mase’s little friend Zoe. I get why she’d want to add me as a friend, but I don’t think it’s a good idea. I’m already on thin ice with Mase because of Perla. This is one friend request that I’d better ignore.

Mase, Dray, and I take Clementine’s advice for something good to eat for breakfast and try out Rontoless Ronto Wraps. I’m not sure what a Ronto Wrap is supposed to be, but it looks just like a taco. Other than that – it seems to be hyped up way too much. But our stomachs are full, and it’s time to check out the First Order District.

The First Order District is adjacent to the Black Spire Outpost. Without the red banners, we wouldn’t be able to tell one area from the other. I take more of Clementine’s advice and find my way to the cargo building. I introduce myself to the first official-looking guy I see there, who tells me he’s Lieutenant Agnon of the First Order.

Wade: I’m looking for ways to earn some credits so my brothers and I can buy some souvenirs and maybe some lightsabers.

Lt. Agnon: Well, you’ve come to the right place. We could use your help!

Lt. Agnon explains the mission of the First Order and what I can do to help. He’s way too intense for an Amusement Park actor, but I play along.

Wade: So you need me to spread the word about why you guys feel you have the right to run things around here.

Lt. Agnon: We don’t feel we have the right – we have the right, the power, and the means! Got it?

Wade: Yeah, sure – as long as I get paid when finished.

I agree to the dude’s little mission and head out to see what sights I can see while I look for people to harass with the First Order’s Propaganda – which sounds a lot like BS, but whatever. I look around and see that Dray is enjoying some sights as well. As long as he doesn’t attempt to ride any of the vehicles he’s checking out – I’m guessing he’ll be okay on his own for a while.

Dray’s not the only one mesmerized by the cool vehicles in Batuu. I pause my mission long enough to scan and get some information about the TIE Echelon that I see parked on a platform near the cargo building. The information I get is interesting, but I want to know if the thing flies and how I can be a part of it if it does.

Drooling over vehicles won’t earn me any credits, so I pull myself away from the TIE spacecraft and begin approaching people to speak to. Some people are receptive to the First Order information, and others don’t want to be bothered. I don’t care either way. I just want my credits. After speaking to the required number of people, I find Lt. Agnon again and get them. Now I should have enough for a Lightsaber.

Back at the Black Spire Outpost, I try to convince Dray to join me for some sightseeing, but he and Mase would rather return to the Cantina to listen to the robotic DJ. That’s fine with me. I tell them to stick together at the Cantina while I find someone to direct me to where I can get a Lightsaber.

I take a few photos and scan more of the machines that I see around me. Batuu is like a museum when it comes to the interesting displays created to make the place as immersive as possible.

I finally spot someone who looks like he can help me find what I’m looking for.

(Generation 4 Chapter Summaries)

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