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Banks Dynasty – Day 4.4 (Part 1)

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After a particularly restful night’s sleep in the dwelling, my morning begins with an incredible idea. My brothers and I have been enjoying our time in Batuu so much, I figure, why not share some of my favorite things about the place with others on Simtube? I set up my camera and film an introduction.

Wade: *to the camera* Hey, Simtube! It’s your boy Wade, but call me Dub. I’m here in the beautiful world of Batuu. For those who don’t know – Journey to Batuu is an amusement park that gives you the immersive experience of living in a Star Wars-inspired world in outer space. I’ve been here for a few days, and it’s been the adventure of a lifetime. From the food to the unique cast of characters – it’s the place to be. But I want to share some of it with you. So, here are five things you must see if you ever visit the Journey to Batuu amusement park. Let’s go!

I go through all of the pictures I’ve taken, including some of the ones I took as we were flying in, and decide on five I want to share in my video. I post a link to it on my Social Bunny account, hoping to reach at least some of my over 2,000 followers. I stare at that number for a while, realizing I’m good at reaching out to people and making them want to follow me. Who knows, maybe this can be the start of my Simtube media company. I won’t know unless I take this first step!

After my brothers wake up, we stop for a quick breakfast, and then we head off to the resistance encampment where I spent time with Inata yesterday. It’s so pretty here that I want my brothers to see it before we leave tomorrow morning.

I guide them past the pretty waterfalls, and we continue walking until we reach a dead end where there’s nothing but a dark cave. Dray looks it up on his phone, reads about what’s inside, and insists on exploring it. But as I stand there staring into the darkness, thinking about the bats, snakes, and every other creepy thing that might be in there, I realize one fundamental truth – I’m not going in.

They beg me to join them, but once they realize I’m not about to step one foot into that cave – Mase and Dray go in alone.

While waiting, I receive a DM from Inata on the Social Bunny app. She’s nearby at one of the campgrounds and wants me to meet her there. I wait for my brothers to exit the cave, but Dray steps out first.

Wade: Where’s Mase?

Drake: We got separated, but he should be right behind me.

Wade: Text me when he comes out. There’s something I need to do real quick.

I hurry off, leaving Dray there to wait for Mase. I follow Inata’s instructions and spot her near one of the tents. I hope she’s not about to try and convince me to spend the night in one again. There’s no way I’m doing that. But when I get closer, and she pulls me into her arms – I realize that I’d probably do anything she wants me to in that moment.

Inata: *whispers* I’m glad you came.

I’m glad, too, but I don’t get to express that before her lips are on mine. A simple kiss quickly evolves. Inata has a lot more than a greeting in mind this morning.

Meanwhile –

Mason: Where’s Dub?

Inata’s hands begin exploring different parts of my anatomy, so I grab her hand – very much aware that we are in a public place where anybody can see us.

Wade: We can’t do this out here.

Inata: Well, there’s always the tent.

It seems that Inata is on a mission this morning involving me. I can get with the program or walk away and find my brothers. My head tells me to do one thing, but my body, operating on its own volition, walks over and enters the nearest tent.

We’ll go into the tent for privacy to continue our make-out session – at least, that’s what I tell myself. But the next few minutes are a blur, and I quickly realize that Inata is a woman grown, not some teen content with a few hot kisses at the back of a movie theater.

The tent is dark but transparent enough to let small snatches of light seep through the fabric. Inata pushes me on my back. Her eyes are full of determination and longing. She removes her clothes, and I’m suddenly staring at two bare breasts. They’re not very big but marvelous – a happy handful.

Wade: But – my brothers

Inata: This won’t take long.

I agree, it won’t take long, but is this really how I want to lose my virginity? The question fades like a whisper in the wind as she takes control. I’m happy to be along for the ride.

Mason: He’s not answering my text. Maybe he went back to the dwelling?

Drake: I don’t know. He said to text him when you came out. But he didn’t say where he was going.

Mason: Maybe he went to find a bathroom. Let’s check the campgrounds.

Mase and Dray search the campgrounds until Mase suddenly spots Dub exiting one of the tents.

Mason: *to Dray* There he is!

Drake: Who is that he’s with?

Mase can’t see her clearly, but he can guess who it is.

I feel like a new man as I take control and pull Inata into my arms after we exit the tent. I hate that this will be our last day here in Batuu. Who knows when I’ll see her again. She seems to realize that as well.

Inata: Until next time

Wade: I’ll definitely be back

At least that’s what I hope. Either way, this has been a hell of a parting gift. I stare as Inata walks away, then I suddenly divert my eyes and they land on Mase’s angry face.

Uh oh – how long was I in the tent with Inata? Have they been looking for me? Is that why Mase is mad?

But then my mind flashes back to the cantina on the first day. I can almost hear myself convincing Mase that Inata was into him. I even talked him into going over and talking to her. He can’t possibly still think he had a chance with her, could he?

I walk over to him, racking my mind for ways to explain what happened. But Mase’s face is a brick wall. He’s not trying to hear it.

Wade: Mase, I –

Mason: *interrupts* I want to go home.

Mase turns and walks away. Does he mean the dwelling or Henford?

(Generation 4 Chapter Summaries)

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