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Banks Dynasty – Day 15.4 (Part 2)

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Shortly after my family leaves, I arrive in the Spice District in San Myshuno. Now that I see it, I realize I was wrong to prejudge it. It would have been a great place to live, but then again, I would be living in an apartment – not a large house like the one I’m in now.

My cousin Bri is outside waiting for me and greets me with a big hug.

Brianna: Long time, no see cuz!

Wade: Way too long

Brianna: Terra is already inside.

We go inside and find Terra; surprisingly, Maia is also there. My eyes fall on her cropped top and fitted jeans. It’s the first time I’ve seen her dressed up, and she looks fantastic.

Wade: Bri, Terra – this is my friend Maia from BB.

Brianna and Terra: *together* Nice to meet you, Maia.

Maia: Nice to meet you all, too.

Brianna: I hope at least one of you can bowl because Terra and I suck.

Maybe my college bowling course pays off today.

Since bowling was my idea and no one else seem to be in a hurry to start, I step up first – grab a ball and line up my throw. I release it, and everything looks good at first, but then my ball spins to the left, leaving four pins untouched. I can already see that reading about bowling differs from actually doing it.

The ladies each step up to take their turns. Bri was right; she and Terra are terrible at bowling. But Maia is even worse.

Maia releases the ball, and it barely rolls down the lane. I’m shocked that it didn’t stop in the middle. By some miracle, it hits a pin or two.

But, at least watching her bowl gives me something nice to look at. I stare at the back of her jeans for as long as I dare, trying not to get caught.

It’s my turn again. I’m determined to show off at least some skill. What’s the point of taking a bowling elective if you don’t learn anything?

I still suck, and if it weren’t for Maia and my cousins, I wouldn’t be having any fun at all. I step next to Maia.

Wade: *embarrassed* I didn’t think I’d be this bad at bowling.

Maia: It’s one of those things that you’re good at or not. I’m sure it takes a lot of practice.

Wade: Yeah, but I’m not quite ready to give up. Are you?

Maia: I’m game. *pulls out her phone* I saw your last video on SimTube. Is Dub your nickname?

Wade: Yeah. Wait – I thought you stayed away from social media.

Maia: I do, but I’m not a complete hermit. SimTube can be helpful at times, you know?

Wade: True. What did you think about it?

I lead her to a nearby bench because I want to know what she thought about what I said in the video.

Maia: I agreed with a lot of it. And based on the comments you received – many other people do, too.

I haven’t had much time to read my comments, but I’ll do so when I get home.

Wade: That video has earned me a nomination. The ceremony will be in Del Sol Valley tomorrow night, but I’m not going.

Maia: Why not? You have to go. What if you win?

Wade: It’s a long drive, and I don’t know how to get there.

Maia: I do. It’s not far from my hometown.

That gives me a great idea.

Wade: If I go, will you go with me?

Maia: Well, I –

Bri walks over before Maia can answer.

Brianna: Are you two done bowling? I know I am. I hear that the romance festival is in town tonight. Want to go?

The romance festival is the perfect place to go if I want to convince Maia to join me in Del Sol Valley.

Wade: Yeah, why not?

Maia agrees.

There’s a surprisingly good turnout for the festival. I guess looking for love is something that most sims have in common.

Terra: First things first, you have to drink the Sakura tea.

Wade: What’s in it, and what will it do to me?

Brianna: It’s just cherry blossoms, cuz. It’s supposed to increase your libido.

My libido is already at its peak. Can it even be increased? I guess I’ll see. I gulp down the tea at once.

I step over to a strangely dressed guy next. The sign beside him says that he’s the love guru.

Wade: What does a ‘love guru’ do?

Love Guru: I give you insight into your love life.

I could use some insight, but what could this guy possibly know?

Wade: Okay, shoot! Tell me about my love life.

Love Guru: Love is often found in the most unusual places.

Wade: Okay, but that’s a general statement. I want to know about me specifically. Will I find love? Will I ever marry and have children?

The Love Guru takes a moment to consider my question. Finally, he blurts out an answer.

Love Guru: Indeed! I hear wedding bells –

Okay? So far, so good!

Love Guru: *continues hesitantly* But they sound cracked.

Wade: What the f-? What does that even mean?

The Love Guru suddenly looks very uncomfortable.

Love Guru: I don’t know, man. It’s the vibe that I’m picking up from you – sorry. Here, take some of these cherry blossoms. Good luck!

I return to Maia, feeling slightly off-kilter by the Love Guru’s message.

Maia: Who is that guy? What did he say?

Wade: Nothing I wanted to hear. But he did give me these –

I take the cherry blossoms and toss them high over our heads. Maia smiles and looks up as the blossoms fall all around her. She looks so pretty that I wish I could take a picture. I suddenly notice that there’s music playing nearby.

Wade: Would you like to dance?

Maia: Yeah, sure

Maia and I walk closer to the speakers. I pull her into my arms, she takes my hand, and we sway slowly to the music. After some time, I tilt her back into a dip.

Maia: You’re a good dancer.

Wade: Not really, but I’ll take the compliment.

We dance silently for a while, and I realize this is a great time to clear the air about what happened yesterday.

Wade: I owe you an apology.

Maia: For what?

Wade: For that kiss. I feel like it was a mistake –

Maia: Oh

I realize how what I just said might sound.

Wade: Not because I don’t like you. I do – like you. But I had no right to kiss you. We weren’t even on a date.

Maia: What’s the difference? Does something have to be called a date to be a date?

Okay, I like the sound of that.

Wade: I guess not. Is this a date?

Maia: If you want it to be.

There’s something in the way she says it. It makes me want to be close to her all over again.

Wade: Good, because I really want to kiss you again.

She nods, and I press my lips against hers. They are soft and inviting. I want more, and maybe she does too. I feel dizzy from the tea, the music, and her warm body pressing against mine. What would it feel like undressed? Who knows if I’ll ever find out, but I can step towards the possibility.

After the kiss –

Wade: Come to Del Sol with me! We can make it a date – an official date.

I can tell she’s giving it some serious thought. Maybe she’s considering everything I’d already considered. Del Sol Valley is a long drive, the ceremony is late, and we’d most likely have to stay the night. I can see the moment when she makes her decision. Her eyes soften, and she looks deeply into mine.

Maia: Yeah, okay

(Generation 4 Chapter Summaries)

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