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Banks Dynasty – Day 16.4 (Part 1)

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Maia and I travel back to Brindleton Bay in a shared S-Uber while continuing our discussion about the trip to Del Sol Valley. After seeing her home, I return to my place to finish my night, still feeling high on the tea and our kiss. A thought occurs to me, and I call her on a video call.

Wade: *on the phone* Hey Maia, sorry to call you this late.

I say I’m sorry, but I’m not because she answers, wearing nothing but sleepwear, giving me a tease of her ample cleavage.

Maia: *on the phone* No worries. I wasn’t asleep yet, anyway. What’s up?

I stare for a while, almost forgetting what I called for.

Wade: Um, yeah – I… *finally remembering* We didn’t discuss how we would get to Del Sol. I can book a flight for tomorrow afternoon.

Maia: I think I have a better idea. Let’s take the train.

Wade: The train?

I’m surprised to hear her suggestion because taking a train is the most plebian thing you can do. Besides taking a bus, that is.

Maia: It’s cheaper and much prettier. It’ll give you a chance to see a few of the cities that are on the way.

She says cheaper like it’s a good thing, but my mind is hazy off of what this trip could mean for us, so I reluctantly agree.

Wade: Okay, I’ll purchase train tickets then.

Maia: It’s a long ride, so book an early time.

A long ride sounds even less appealing than the cost, but at least I’ll be with her.

Wade: Okay, I’ll text you with the details. Have a good night!

Maia: *yawns* You too.

I end the call thinking about how even her yawn is attractive.

Just as I’m thinking about going to bed, I remember what Maia said about the comments on my last video. I decide to spend a few minutes replying before bed.

Maia was correct; there are a lot of people who agreed with what I said about pursuing long-lost dreams. But there are also a lot of comments from women and an occasional man or two asking if I’m single and if my eyes are really grey. I consider ignoring those, but a fan is a fan – so I take the time to confirm that, yes, I’m single, and my eyes are naturally grey. Maia might decide to revisit my video and read the comments, so I ensure my replies reflect that possibility. I’d hate to ruin any chance with her by flirting in my responses.

With my work completed, all that’s left to do is to crawl into bed.

But I have a tough time going to sleep. All I can think about is Maia and I spending the night in a hotel together and all possible occurrences during that stay. I sit there, undressing numerous scenarios in my mind. If things did escalate to woohoo with us, I wonder how it would compare to what it was like with Inata in Batuu.

Woohoo with Inata was basically wham, bam. I was very excited for my first time. But now that I think back on it, I almost feel like I was used for her pleasure. There wasn’t much kissing or caressing during the act. She just hopped on top of me while I lay there, trying to figure out if that was what I wanted. I want it to be different with Maia. I want to hold and explore her. I want to hear her moan in my ear with pleasure. I want to satisfy her.

I sit there, getting more and more aroused, knowing that I’m way ahead of myself. Maia may not even see me in that way. She let me kiss her a few times, but kissing is a lot different than woohoo.

I must clear my mind and sleep to prepare for our long trip tomorrow.

Eventually, I manage to drift off, but sensual thoughts of Maia, Inata, and a few times – even Perla feed on my pent-up lust and manifest themselves into vivid images within my dreams.

Hours later, I wake feeling spent from my overactive mind. But even more than that, I feel sad as I remember Ma’s news of our family dog, Belle’s, death. I don’t know why it hit me so hard suddenly, but it does.

It makes me regret leaving Hiro alone all night while on this trip. What would I do if something happened to him, too?

I grab Hiro and leash him up. The least I can do is take him for a brisk walk and give him a chance to pee and poop before I go.

Hiro and I run up and down the block a few times, and then we stop to give him a chance to relieve himself. Once again, his favorite potty spot is my shoe.

Wade: You need to find a better place to piss, dude.

Hiro is taken care of, so I go inside and make myself a fruit salad for breakfast.

I spend the rest of the morning cleaning up the house, playing with Hiro, and even collecting my first harvest from my money fruit tree. The profits from the tree will more than cover the train tickets and expensive hotel costs.

It’s almost time to catch our train. I step outside with my bag to wait for Maia. She calls me soon after to tell me she’s on her way. Moments after we end the call, she’s standing there looking like sunshine on this dull cloudy day.

I pull her into a hug and risk telling her how good she looks.

Wade: You look beautiful!

Maia: Thank you!

I’m getting aroused all over again. If we hug any longer, we might not get to the train.

I step back so my body doesn’t reveal my thoughts to her.

Maia: Are you ready?

Wade: More than ready

Which is correct, but I’m not referring to our trip. I do my best to calm myself and pull out my phone to call a S-Uber to take us to the train station.

An hour or so later, we’re seated on the train. It’s much nicer than I thought it would be and more comfortable than an airplane.

Wade: I’m glad you convinced me to take this trip. Have you ever been to Del Sol Valley?

Maia: Several times, it’s not too far from San Sequoia, where I grew up.

Wade: Good, one of us needs to know our way around.

Maia: I’ve got you!

I’m glad to know that I’m in good hands.

Wade: So, do you ride the train often?

Maia: Actually, yes. It was always my father’s preferred way to travel, and now I prefer it too.

Wade: This is my first time on a train.

Maia: Really? You’ve been missing out. If the windows weren’t iced over from the cold – you’d get to see how beautiful the scenery is.

Wade: I’ll take your word for it.

I prefer the scenery in front of me, but I keep that thought to myself. I realize I don’t know as much about Maia as I’d like – it’s time to ask some questions.

Wade: What do you do when you’re not collecting frogs and speaking at the museum?

Maia: A lot of things. I love to craft. I like to dance—

I unintentionally interrupt.

Wade: What’s your favorite type of music to dance to?

Maia: Soul music

I’m more of a hip-hop person myself, but soul music is tolerable.

Wade: Cool. What else?

Maia: I’m a pretty good cook, and I love animals. Growing up on a farm like you did would be a dream.

Wade: I actually hated it.

Maia: Why?

Wade: There’s never a break from farm life. It didn’t matter what was going on in my life – my birthday, a holiday, a death in the family…whatever – there were always more animal chores. And I felt like I was always dirty. I could never keep a clean pair of sneaks after cleaning the cow stable and gathering chicken eggs.

Maia: Well, animals can’t care for themselves.

Wade: True, but I’d prefer someone else do it.

She chuckles as if I’m joking.

(Note: Deco sims were created by super talented xldkx-cc)

(Generation 4 Chapter Summaries)

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