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Banks Dynasty – Day 17.4 (Part 1)

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I wake up the following day with Maia still sleeping by my side. Seeing her beautiful face peacefully resting and her curves outfitted in only panties and a bra first thing in the morning is pleasant and so much better than waking up alone. But coming down after an emotional high like I felt last night leaves me feeling groggy and disoriented. I don’t let my eyes linger on Maia for long. I need some fresh air. I check my phone and see that it’s early. I’m still operating on East Coast time. I get up anyway, slip into my workout clothes, grab my earbuds, and head outside.

Del Sol Valley is quiet and calm this early in the morning. I almost prefer it this way. I take off jogging at a quick pace. I need to get my heart pumping and feel some motion. I run for a while, but suddenly my cell is blowing up. I open the social bunny app and see messages from Dray, Perla and my cousin Terra – all congratulating me on my win. I was vaguely aware but didn’t remember until now, that the Starlight Accolades award ceremonies are always live-streamed.

My eyes linger on Perla’s picture for a while. I wonder what she’s doing now and how she’s been. If she watched the ceremony online, as she says, then she saw me bring Maia onstage. She doesn’t mention it, but I wonder how it made her feel. Did she question me and Maia’s relationship? Did she feel some regret, wishing it was her beside me last night? I can only guess.

I respond to everyone’s message with an emoji and continue my jog.

I return to Studio PBP, hoping to arrive before Maia wakes up.

But I’m just a few minutes too late. Maia is just getting up when I open the door to our room. Happy to see her, I pull her into a big hug, my mind returning again and again to the incredible night we shared.

Wade: Good morning

Maia: Good morning! Where’d you go?

Wade: I just went out for a run. After we’ve washed up, we can grab something to eat if you want. They offer a breakfast buffet on the balcony, or we can go elsewhere.

Maia: I don’t think anything else will be open this early.

She has a point, so breakfast on the balcony it is.

I finish showering and find Maia sitting in the lobby waiting for me. She’s wearing the same dress she wore yesterday, which is a little strange to me until I remember that she only had a small backpack with her. A bag that small could probably only fit her green dress from last night and a few necessities. She packs light,  which is wise – unlike me, who brought a suitcase with enough clothes for a week. I’ll be dragging a bag of mostly unworn clothes back on the train.

The dress looks fantastic on her, so it’s nice to see it again.

Maia: I figured I’d give you some privacy while you showered.

I can understand why since the bathroom has no door. I guess we’re not yet at the ‘seeing each other completely naked’ phase of getting to know one another.

We walk out to the balcony and admire the pretty lights of the city. I can’t get over the weather here. We would freeze to death eating breakfast on a balcony back east in winter. We each make a selection, grab a plate, and sit down.

I’m a little nervous, but I want to ask how she feels about what happened last night. Was it good with her? Did she expect us to complete the act and woohoo? Is she disappointed that we didn’t?

Wade: Was last night – uh, okay for you?

Maia: It was beautiful. Sorry about being so nervous.

Wade: Nothing to be sorry about. I’m sorry if I was a little too excited.

Maia’s cell buzzes, and she looks down at it.

Wade: Is it your dad again?

Maia: Yeah. He doesn’t know how to take ‘no’ for an answer.

Wade: Maybe he doesn’t have to.

Maia: What do you mean?

Wade: He’s in the next town over. Maybe we could stop by before we head home.

Maia: *excited* Really? You don’t mind?

Wade: Not at all. He’ll be happy to see you.

Maia: He would! That’s for sure.

It’s still early and we have some time to kill before it’s time for our visit with Maia’s dad. Luckily the museum across the street opens early. So we go there after breakfast.

There’s no one at the desk, so I purchase tickets at one of the ticket booths. Then we explore the gift shop and make a little detour to the photo booth, all located in the lobby. We quickly discover that photo booths are perfect for a private little make out session. I just hope the camera didn’t capture us at the wrong time. That wouldn’t be a good look.

We explore the rest of the museum, which primarily displays historical items from different movie sets over the years – including some of my favorites. I can’t resist taking a selfie or two.

The last place we end up is a studio with easels, craft tables for children, and art completed by people in the community who have visited the museum. I observe some of the drawings.

Wade: These kids draw better than me.

Maia: Me too. Drawing and painting was never really my thing.

Wade: What is your thing? I guess you already told me, but is there anything else you like to do?

Maia walks over to a nearby block table and puts a few together in what looks like a nervous gesture.

Maia: I’m into yoga and wellness, but it’s more for therapeutic reasons than anything.

Wade: That’s what jogging is like for me.

Maia: I’ve never been a runner, but I enjoy a long bike ride.

Wade: Run with me a few times, and I think you’ll change your mind.

Maia: I’ll try it if you try yoga with me.

Wade: Deal

Wade: Is it weird that I’ll be meeting your dad today? How do you think it will go?

Maia: I don’t know. I’m a little nervous about that.

Wade: Why?

Maia: Father can sometimes be overprotective, but he has good reason.

Wade: Does he?

Maia: Yeah, he does. *suddenly very serious* Before we see him, I need to tell you something. I know he’ll bring it up, and I want you to hear it from me.

Now I’m scared as one thousand possibilities of things she could say rapidly run through my mind. I try to keep my tone calm and steady.

Wade: What is it?

Maia: Remember what I said last night about hiding who I am?

I swear my heart stops beating for several seconds as I brace myself for what she’s about to say.

Wade: Of course I remember. What did you mean by that?

Maia: Dub, I’ve been diagnosed with a mental illness. *pause* I wanted to tell you for a while but didn’t know how.

There’s a sudden fullness in my stomach as I brace myself for whatever she’s about to say next.

Maia: *continues* I have a mood disorder that causes me to have rapid, erratic, and unpredictable mood swings. It can happen suddenly without warning or reason.

I should say something so her words are not left alone, hanging on a string of vulnerability.

Wade: How bad is it?

Maia: It’s bad enough to require medication, but when I moved away from home – I weaned myself off of them. Now, I control it by watching what I eat and through yoga, meditation, and other wellness activities.

I swallow hard as I take a moment to process what she’s told me. It’s not the worst thing she could have said, but it’s still a lot. I try my best to form a response.

Wade: Okay. Thanks for letting me know.

Maia: I understand if it’s something you’d rather not deal with. Most guys feel that way. I expect it now.

Wade: What? Maia, we all have our issues.

Maia: But—

Wade: You saw the way I was acting last night. I don’t know if that would qualify as normal. But maybe it is. Maybe having some mental challenges is just a part of being a sim. I’m not about to turn my back on you.

Maia suddenly smiles. I open my arms to her, and she squeezes me tight.

Maia: I was so scared to tell you!

Wade: You don’t have to be scared. You can tell me anything.

(Generation 4 Chapter Summaries)

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