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Banks Dynasty – Day 18.4 (Part 1)

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Maia and Dub spend the rest of the evening warm in each other’s arms. But as the temperatures drop outside, Maia wakes up mid-morning, freezing. Being from San Sequoia, this will be her first winter in Brindleton Bay, and she’s not used to the cold. She has to find a way to warm up but doesn’t want to wake Dub. She slowly climbs out of bed and gets up, searching for the thermostat.

Hiro is in the hallway just outside of Dub’s bedroom. Maia introduces herself to the dog for the first time.

Maia: *to Hiro* Hey there, beautiful. I’m Maia.

Hiro sniffs Maia’s hand and immediately decides he likes her.

Maia: Any idea on how to make this place warmer? Let’s take a look.

Maia picks Hiro up and carries him down the stairs with her.

It makes sense that the thermostat might be near the front door, so that’s where Maia goes. She passes Dub’s small gallery of family photos on the way. Her eyes gloss over some images of herself, but Maia stares at the large Banks family picture the longest. She can see where Dub gets his good looks. His entire family is gorgeous, but his mom stands out to her the most. She looks sweet, generous, and wise. Like a TV mom who bakes on the weekends and who you could go to with any problem. Dub is lucky to have her.

The chill hits Maia again, reminding her of her mission, so she turns her eyes away to find the control that cranks up the heat.

Maia returns to Dub’s bedroom, feeling much warmer with the heat turned up several degrees. Dub hasn’t moved a muscle. Maybe he’s immune to the cold. She lies down, closes her eyes, and drifts back to sleep.

I wake up smiling as I open my eyes and see Maia next to me for the second time in two nights. I could get used to her being the first person I see each morning. As much as I’d love to lounge all day with her in my arms, it’s the first day of the new term at college, and I have to get ready to start my day. I take a quick trip to the bathroom, then go downstairs to make breakfast.

It would be nice to surprise Maia with breakfast in bed, but she’s down there with me before I can finish.

Maia: Good morning. I thought I was supposed to be cooking for you.

I turn to face her with a smile.

Wade: Next time. Good morning, beautiful!

I pull her into my arms and all the memories of woohooing and holding her through the night flood my senses.

Maia: I turned up the heat. I hope you don’t mind.

Wade: Of course not. I want you to be comfortable here.

Maia looks around for a moment.

Maia: Your place is beautiful. I gave myself a brief tour this morning.

Wade: *chuckles* Thanks! Sorry, we didn’t get around to it last night.

Maia smiles, reliving why there was no tour last night.

Maia: No complaints here.

Wade: The house belongs to my parents. They bought it for me when I decided to move out.

Maia: That’s incredibly generous. My place is a rental.

A rental? So it doesn’t belong to her. My mind is open to a new possibility, but I’ll have to find the right moment to bring it up.

Wade: It’s a nice place.

Maia: I was lucky to find it. It was the only thing within my budget.

I remember what her dad said about me being a rich kid. I can see why he’d say that. I’ve never had to worry about a budget. I change the subject.

Wade: I start the next term of college courses today, and my elective is a yoga class. I was curious about what you and my friend Luca told me. Maybe you can help me with it?

Maia: *big smile* Really? I’d love to.

Wade: Good. I look forward to it. Are you hungry?

I turn and lead Maia over to my freshly prepared waffles.

Maia: These look amazing.

Wade: Probably not as good as yours, but they should be edible, at least.

I grab a drink from the fridge and sit with Maia at the table. She takes a bite of one of the waffles and compliments me on them while I take note of the awkwardness in the air. Maybe it’s natural between two people who have shared an intimate evening for the first time, but I’m unsure what to say to her. Should I ask her how last night was for her? Is it polite to wonder out loud when it could happen again?

Maia breaks the silence.

Maia: So, what’s your major? In college?

Haven’t I ever told her? Maybe that’s what’s contributing to the weird air I’m feeling – there are still things we don’t know about each other, but in my head – I’m already thinking about the next significant steps in our relationship.

Wade: I’m a drama major at Foxbury. I figured it would help me with my Simtube videos.

Maia: That’s smart. I thought about college, but I struggled enough in high school. I figured it wasn’t for me.

Wade: I didn’t feel it was for me either, but it was one of the conditions that my parents gave me to get the house. I’m glad I decided to go along with it, though. No regrets.

I get up to clean my dirty plate.

Maia gets up from the table and announces that it’s time for her to get home and feed Luna. I walk over and kiss her cheek.

Wade: You can bring her with you next time –

I pause, wondering if I’m being a bit presumptive.

Wade: – if you decide to come back, like tonight or something.

Her face lights up as if she was hoping I’d say that.

Maia: Is that an invitation?

Wade: Of course it is. You can come over anytime you want to.

Maia:  Maybe I’ll see you after your class?

Wade: I hope so.

Maia turns to leave.

I check my schedule and see that my class isn’t for several hours. I might as well get some work in before it’s time to leave. I turn on my camera to film a new video.

Wade: What’s up, Simtube! It’s your boy, Dub. It has been a while since my last video, and so much has happened. Your response to my previous videos earned me a nomination for a Starlight Accolade. So this weekend, I traveled to Del Sol Valley, and against all odds, I won!

I briefly recap the events of my time on the West Coast. I even mention my new friend Luca – shouting out his Simtube channel. But Maia is the main topic of the video.

Wade: There’s one big part of the video that I left out so far, as you’ve probably gathered from the title. I don’t know how many of you watched the ceremony, but if you did tune in, you saw that I had a special lady with me that night. And I meant everything I said about her on that stage. She has been my biggest cheerleader, always there for me with wise, motivating words. I would not have even gone to Del Sol Valley if it wasn’t for her. So, I may have won that Starlight Accolade, but she has won my heart.

I finish the video and even manage to edit and upload it minutes before it’s time for me to leave for my yoga college class.

(Generation 4 Chapter Summaries)

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