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Banks Dynasty – Day 18.4 (Part 2)

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On my way back from class, I make a few necessary purchases – including a treadmill for the bedroom because it’s way too cold to run outside. While I’m trying it out for the first time, Maia arrives holding her cat, Luna. I end my workout early and step off the treadmill because I have a different workout in mind.

Maia: Nice treadmill, even better than the ones at the Skills Academy.

Wade: Yeah, I paid a pretty simoleon for it, but it’ll be worth it because I plan to put some miles on it.

Maia walks over and I kiss her on the cheek.

Wade: I have a few surprises for you.

Maia: You do?

Wade: Yeah. I hoped you’d bring Luna, so I bought some stuff to make her stay more comfortable.

Maia: Oh, Dub. You thought of Luna. That’s so sweet.

Wade: And there’s one more thing, but you have to change into workout clothes and come downstairs to see it.

Maia: Okay, I can’t wait to see what it is.

Maia quickly changes and hurries downstairs to see what I have planned for us. I direct her to the living room.

Wade: I cleared some space and bought new yoga mats because I know how much yoga means to you.

I can’t see her face, but I can hear the smile in her voice.

Maia: This is amazing, Dub – you are amazing.

Wade: Well, it wasn’t completely for unselfish reasons. I might need your help with my yoga class.

Maia: I’ll be glad to help.

We both step on our mats and Maia shows me a starting pose. She places her hands in front of her.

Maia: This is called Pranamasana. It’s the praying pose.

Okay, so far so good. I didn’t think I’d be learning terminology, too. I’m feeling smarter already.

Maia: Balance is essential in yoga, symbolizing the balance we seek in life.

Maia sticks her foot out and balances on one leg. I attempt it but can’t pick my leg up from the floor without falling.

Maia: It’s all in your core. The core is your everything – your center.

I thought I had a strong core, but apparently not because I struggle with several more poses. So far, the only thing I like about yoga is that it makes me think of woohoo, especially when I see how flexible Maia is. Every pose is a position I want to try in the bedroom. Maybe that’s why Luca likes it so much**. I know the truth now. I giggle internally and keep it to myself because Maia wouldn’t appreciate me saying it. She obviously takes all of this very seriously and is a tough teacher. If I cracked a joke right now, she’d probably make me write lines on a dry-erase board or something.

Lesson number one is complete, and I feel pretty good afterward. I’ve worked muscles that I didn’t even know I had.

I’m not the only one full of surprises today. Maia walks into the kitchen and sees that her cat, Luna, has been busy scratching up my bookshelf and spreading trash all over the kitchen floor.

Maia: Luna, no!

Luna: *angry hiss*

I’m trying my best to be a good host to Maia’s cat, but I also take pride in keeping a tidy house, and trash all over the floor just ain’t it.

Maia: I’m so sorry, Dub. I’ll get this cleaned up.

I’m happy to hear that because I don’t want to do it.

Wade: It’s okay

It’s not, but like I said – I’m trying to be a good host.

Wade: *continues* I’ll be upstairs taking a shower.

While Dub is upstairs, Maia cleans up Luna’s mess and works on her own surprise. She pulls out some ingredients that she brought with her when she arrived and begins work on preparing dinner. She hopes this makes up for Luna’s naughty behavior.

After a nice long shower, I see that Maia has prepared dinner. It smells amazing. I sit down next to her at the table.

Wade: You cooked

Maia: I did – surprise! It’s so cold out that I decided to prepare something to warm us up.

After a few spoonfuls of Maia’s incredible claim chowder, I feel much better. She’s a fantastic cook, just like she said she was.

Wade: Oh, I almost forgot. My mom called earlier, inviting us to Henford tomorrow for Winterfest. My entire family will be there.

Maia: Really? Your mother knows about me?

Wade: Of course, well – mostly because of the video I posted earlier on SimTube. I didn’t get a chance to tell her before that.

Maia: You posted a video? I haven’t seen it yet.

Wade: I hope you like it. It’s mostly about you.

Maia: That’s sweet. I’ll watch it tonight.

Wade: About Winterfest – do you want to go?

Maia: And meet your family? Of course.

It’s Maia’s turn to go upstairs and take a shower, so I volunteer to clean up the dirty dishes. Afterward, I turn to put away the leftover claim chowder and see Luna standing on the counter, helping herself, licking chowder out of the bowl.

Wade: Hey! What are you doing? Get off the counter!

Luna’s response is a threatening hiss. I decide then and there that I hate cats!

Wade: You’ve ruined a perfectly good bowl of chowder. Now I have to throw it out!

Despite Luna’s threats, I grab the bowl and toss the rest of the chowder in the trash. I could have let the cat have it, but I don’t want her getting used to eating on my counters. I turn to go upstairs and see the cat sitting comfortably on the kitchen island.

She’s giving me the side-eye, daring me to say something.

Wade: Get down, or I’m putting you out in the snow!

Just like I thought, the cat completely ignores my demands. Now I’m pissed. I complain out loud to myself as I go upstairs.

Wade: I hate cats! I f’ing hate cats!

I haven’t seen Hiro since the stupid thing arrived. Hiro probably hates cats, too.

I can still hear Maia in the shower. I angrily flop down on the bed to wait for her, planning what I want to say when she enters the room. I could start with something like, ‘Look, Maia, I don’t think this whole cat thing will work. You can stay, but the cat – ‘ Hot damn!

Suddenly Maia enters the room with nothing on but a few drops of water from the shower and a smile. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, and I suddenly can’t remember what the hell I was just thinking. Watcher, have mercy.

Maia’s shyness from our first few encounters were stripped away along with her clothes. She walks to the bed while I fumble awkwardly, taking my pajamas off as quickly as possible while still trying to maintain some level of cool and woohoo appeal. We climb up under the covers as Maia stares at me with those beautiful eyes that drive me crazy with lust.

Maia: I saw your video and wanted to show you how much I appreciate everything you said.

And boy, does she show me. Maia takes control of our woohoo session, transporting me to places I never knew existed. Afterward, she falls asleep, but I get up because the love was so good and satisfying that I’m not quite ready to relinquish it to my dreams. This moment begs me to soak it in for a while.

**Link takes you to StoriesByJes2G’s website

(Generation 4 Chapter Summaries)

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