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Banks Dynasty – Day 19.4 (Part 1)

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It’s Winterfest, and unfortunately, one of my crazy professors insists on having class today- holiday or not. So I don’t get to sleep in. I start my morning with a run on the treadmill, which miraculously doesn’t wake Maia. Then downstairs, I’m greeted with another one of Luna’s messes. But not even Luna can ruin my mood today after the fantastic night I spent with Maia.

I clean up the mess, take the trash to the dumpster, and then leave for class.

Maia wakes up after Dub has left, in the mood for a bubble bath. As she lathers and washes herself, she reflects on her new relationship, noting that she hasn’t been burdened with strange emotional shifts since she met him. On top of that – the woohoo has been incredibly therapeutic. Maia’s not sure if it’s the hormones, the feeling of being in Dub’s arms, the skin-to-skin contact, or just the act of giving and receiving love back. Whatever it is, she wants more and more of it.

Maia spent so much of her life afraid of relationships, fearful of being vulnerable and letting someone else into the deeper parts of her world. She didn’t exactly see great models of what it could be like growing up. But maybe it doesn’t have to be filled with turmoil like with her parents. She feels close to Dub. And she is no longer afraid of that.

Maia, fresh with the remnants of a hot, steamy shower or bath, greets me when I arrive home from class. My mind immediately returns to last night when she entered the bedroom undressed and gorgeous. I’d love to revisit that moment, but I can tell she put thought into picking out what to wear for the day, and I know we have a lot to do before leaving for my parents’ Winterfest party. Instead, I’ll have to settle for a kiss. I pull out a mistletoe and hold it over her head.

After a kiss, which always leaves me wanting more – I do my best to regain my focus and pull out my textbook to start my homework. Maia crosses the kitchen, opens the refrigerator, and looks around inside.

Maia: What happened to the Clam Chowder?

Wade: Luna happened. She was eating out of the bowl, so I threw it out.

I do my best to hide the irritation in my voice.

Maia: Oh

Oh? Why did that ‘oh’ sound like I did something wrong? I hope Maia doesn’t expect us to eat something the cat just licked.

Maia: I’ll make us breakfast.

Maia pulls out what she needs and gets started.

As Maia cooks, Hiro and Luna gather in the kitchen, drawn by the scent of her meal.

Maia: *to Luna and Hiro* Don’t worry, guys, I can make you something too.

Maia pulls out more ingredients and makes a special meal for Luna. Then gets started on making a meal for Hiro as well.

Hiro is too slow getting to his special meal, and Luna ends up eating both.

We sit down at the table with our grand holiday breakfast. Maia has prepared pancakes, bacon, a small omelet, and hashbrowns. Both of my parents are good cooks, but I don’t think I’ve ever tasted anything so delicious in my life. I relish a few bites, but there’s something else on my mind, and I can’t think of a better time to bring it up.

Wade: I have something to ask you, but if it’s too ridiculous – please feel free to say ‘no.’ Okay?

Maia: What is it?

Wade: I uh – I enjoy having you here. And I wanted to know if you’d consider moving in with me.

Maia: Move in with you? Are you sure?

Wade: Yeah, it’s been on my mind since you said that your house is a rental, so –

Maia: Is that why you’re asking? Because I don’t own my house.

Dang that came out all wrong.

Wade: What? No, of course not.

Maia: Wade –

Wade: *interrupts* I’m asking because I can’t get enough of you. It’s better with you here. Your energy and laughter fill the place. I can’t go back to living here alone.

Maia: It wouldn’t be just me. I have Luna and my frogs.

Luna? Frogs? How many frogs? Damn – I didn’t think about that. But having her here is worth dealing with anything that comes along with it.

Wade: They are welcome, too. Luna already feels at home here, and we’ll make a special place for your frogs. Move in with me, Maia.

Finally, the smile I was hoping to see.

Maia: Okay. I’ll move in.

Now it’s my turn to smile.

Meanwhile, in Henford – Me-Me is busy preparing the house for the big Winterfest party when she receives a call from Dub.

Melisa: *on the phone* Dubbie! I hope you’re not calling to cancel. Everyone is excited to see you.

Wade: *on the phone* No, Ma. I was calling because Maia wanted to cook something for the party. She’s asking what she can bring.

Melisa: Maia is our guest. We don’t want her to bring anything but herself because we look forward to meeting her.

Wade: She’s looking forward to it too.

Melisa: Good. You two have a safe trip. The roads are a mess, and the bridges are slippery.

Wade: We will, Ma.

Me-Me ends the call and joins Kai downstairs.

Kai pulls out the vacuum as Me-Me finishes the prep on her ham and places it on the buffet table.

Melisa: *satisfied* I think we’re ready.

Kai agrees as he thinks back to when he and Me-Me were still in college, young and naïve – dreaming about what their future would be like together. They said they wanted to host big get-togethers at their house, and that dream has come true more than once for them. All of their children are grown now. And Kai and Me-Me hope more than anything else that these parties will soon expand to include their sons’ spouses and children.

Maia and I make it to Henford with no issues. Maia gasps, shocked when she sees the expanse of my childhood home.

Maia: And the land. That’s all yours, too?

Wade: Well, it’s not mine. But my father inherited it all from his father. But yeah, the land belongs to them too.

I step inside, immediately embraced by the home’s familiar coziness, but it feels strange after being away. It’s like I’ve lived two lifetimes since stepping out the front door, a silly boy with unrealistic dreams and the desire to be grown. Now I’m returning as a man, those dreams now sculpted and molded by the reality of what being an adult entails.

The first person I see inside is Ma, who stands there waiting with a huge grin. I miss seeing her beautiful face every day. But now it’ll be Maia’s face and smile that will greet me each morning.

Next up is Drake. I see that he’s still experimenting with his look. Somehow, this one suits him. We hug.

Wade: Love the new look, Lil Bro!

Drake: Thanks. Welcome home!

(Generation 4 Chapter Summaries)

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