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Banks Dynasty – Day 20.4 (Part 2)

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The place we rent in Tartosa happens to be owned by my Aunt Lia and Uncle Stef. They give me a reasonable price for the next three days. It’s also dog and cat-friendly, so we bring Hiro and Luna. When we arrive, I’m happy to see that although it’s cool outside, there’s no snow. Maia and I step inside and take a look around.

Maia walks into the downstairs bedroom. Aunt Lia told me it was her kids’ bedroom when they were babies. We have no use for it, so I don’t bother checking it out. Instead, I busy myself with filling up the pet bowls for Hiro and Luna. They’re both pretty happy about not being left behind this time.

Maia is looking at the pictures on the wall while I prepare the place for the pets.

Maia: You have such a beautiful family. I met most of them at Winterfest. Everyone got along so well.

I walk over, finding her statement a little odd.

Wade: Is that unusual?

Maia: Where I come from, it is.

I’m unsure how to respond, so I pull her into my arms instead. After the hug—

Wade: Ready to see the rest of the place? The room we’ll be staying in is upstairs.

The place is fascinating. We have to step outside to go upstairs. It leads me to believe the weather must be pretty nice year-round here.

We look over the balcony at the backyard and the ocean beyond it.

Maia: This is like a resort. Your Aunt and Uncle lived here?

Wade: They did, but they moved when they had kids. According to Aunt Lia, the backyard renovations are new.

Maia: If they left a place like this, I can only imagine what the house they live in now might look like.

Wade: Maybe we’ll get a chance to see it before we leave. We should change so we’re not late for Luca and Sophia’s engagement dinner.

Maia: Yeah, we probably should.

Back from Luca and Sophia’s engagement dinner, our first stop is the hot tub.

Wade: This is nice! I’ve never been in a hot tub before.

Maia: Me neither.

Wade: Do you think we have room to add one at home?

Maia: *joking tone* I don’t know about that. Where would it go, in the living room?

Maia thinks I’m being funny, but I’m serious.

Wade: Don’t tempt me. But maybe one day we’ll move into a bigger place.

Maia: A bigger place – why? Yours is perfect.

I think about how happy and in love Luca and Sophia were at the engagement dinner. You could almost sense the optimism they have for their future together. I want to feel that in my life, and I hope Maia will be a part of that.

Wade: For now. But I’m thinking about what’s next. I know we’re a long way from it now, but who knows – maybe we’ll want kids one day.

The expression on Maia’s face is similar to the time when I asked her what she thought of marriage on the train.

Maia: I –

Wade: I’m not talking about now, Maia. But don’t you think it’s something we should discuss? What do you ultimately want out of this relationship?

Maia: If it’s okay with you, I want to enjoy what we have for a while.

I want to enjoy what we have, too. We’re here in beautiful Tartosa, and I’d hate to ruin it by continuing to bring up something she’s not ready to discuss. I drop it for now, and we spend the rest of the time in the hot tub flirting and talking about our plans for the next few days here in Tartosa.

We eventually leave the hot tub and begin getting ready for sleep. I sit on the bed alone, waiting for Maia to change and join me. Something about how Maia keeps avoiding the subject of our future bothers me. And I’m wondering if it has something to do with things in her past, the mental condition she told me about – or if it’s me. I’m still sitting there when she finally joins me.

Maia: Everything okay?

I could lie and say ‘yes,’ but I don’t want to do that. I beckon for her to sit down next to me.

Wade: I keep asking you how you feel about marriage and kids, but I realize – I never told you how I feel. Is it okay if I do that now?

Maia’s eyes widen and she nods slowly.

Wade: Before I start, I want you to know that there’s no pressure involved in what I want to say. It’s just my truth.

Maia: Yeah, okay.

Wade: I love you, Maia. I love being around you. There’s no denying the connection between us. This time I’ve spent with you has been life-changing, and I can’t imagine a future without you. You mentioned that you’ve never seen a happy relationship before. But that’s the past. We can rewrite those chapters – the things you’ve experienced before don’t have to apply to us. But I know you’re not ready to talk about it, so I’ll leave it at that. I just wanted you to know how I feel.

I can see tears forming in her eyes.

Maia: I need to tell you some things about my mother. I’m not trying to hold it back from you. But I’m still trying to process it all myself. I love you too, Dub. But – I need you to be patient until I figure it out. I don’t want to scare you off.

Wade: You won’t scare me off – but, of course, as long as it takes.

Maia: Thank you.

Maia gets up and walks to her side of the bed. I can only imagine what’s holding her back from thinking about our future, but just as I promised – I’ll give her all the time she needs to sort it out.

(Generation 4 Chapter Summaries)

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