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Banks Dynasty – Day 31.4 (Part 2)

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Maia loves how inviting the living room is, with its many cozy spots where she can sit and read while still near Tambara. The plants and large picture window accomplishes the designer’s goal of bringing the outside in. This is easily one of Maia’s favorite rooms. She grabs her fabrication skill book and brushes up on her techniques while Tami babbles on her playmat behind her.

I finish adding the mobile to Tami’s crib and then stand back to admire my work. This addition will make bedtime much smoother – hopefully with fewer tears.

Back in the living room, I see that both Tami and Maia seem content.

Wade: I’m going next door to see what the rental property looks like.

Maia: Okay, Tami and I will be here.

I quickly fill the pet bowls before heading next door

As soon as I step inside, my friend Luca crosses my mind, so I pull out my phone and give him a call. He’s thrilled to hear that we’re finally in town. I give him our new address and invite him over. It turns out that the timing of my call is perfect because he has some news of his own. He and Sophia’s baby girl has been born. The excitement in his voice is entirely relatable. We plan to get together as soon as things have settled with the new baby before ending the call.

Now, for the tour, I walk around the living room admiring the décor. This place screams bachelor’s pad. I could easily have seen myself living like this when I moved out of my parents’ house. I cannot wait to start searching for a tenant and begin my new role as a landlord.

I step into the upstairs bedroom and attached bathroom. Then I go down the stairs to a long hallway as nicely decorated as the rest of the house.

The first door I approach after descending the stairs is the garage. It’s a nice little space. It’s not quite as big as our garage, but it’s complete with a washer and dryer, and there’s wine storage, which is in line with the bachelor theme carried over from the rest of the home. The last door takes me to the main bedroom, which has a door that leads out into the backyard.

Back at home, I reenter my media room. My old videos have continued to pay off, but the older they get, the less income they generate. If I hope to keep the simoleons rolling in, I must consistently create new videos and other types of content. I step in front of the camera and start filming.

Wade: *in front of the camera* What’s up Simtube! It’s your boy, Dub. I’m back at a new time and a new location. That’s right – we’ve finally made it to San Sequoia!

I continue talking about our new home, our rental property and that Tami now has her own bedroom.

Now that Tami seems more accepting of her tummy time, she takes the first steps towards becoming mobile. Maia watches as she learns to roll from her back to her tummy and her back again. Maia hates that Dub has missed witnessing Tami’s new milestone, so she snaps a few photos to show him later. 

Tummy time is over when Tami begins to whine. Maia suspects Tami’s gassy tummy and the need for a diaper change upset her. They head upstairs to the changing table. When Maia removes Tami’s diaper, she gets a wet welcome.

Missing my little ladies, I go upstairs and find them in Tami’s bedroom as soon as I finish uploading my video. It’s bedtime for Tami. Maia already changed her diaper, so I  successfully avoided the dirty parts of the bed routine. All I have to do now is help her put on her pajamas and put her to bed.

I am excited to see Tami’s reaction to her new mobile, so I click on the switch that turns it on. Tami watches as it spins and plays a soft lullaby. Seconds later, she begins to cry…so much for a tear-free bedtime. But I’m happy to see that the outburst doesn’t last long. Tami flips herself over on her tummy and quickly falls asleep.

Wade: *impressed* When did she learn to do that?

Maia: Not even ten minutes ago.

(Generation 4 Chapter Summaries)

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