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Banks Dynasty – Day 32.4 (Part 1)

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Tambara sleeps through the night for the first time, but it comes at a cost – a dirty, smelly, diaper-bursting currency that seeps down her leg and all over Maia. It’s safe to say both of them need a bath.

Although I know perfectly well what’s happening, I remain in bed with my eyes tightly closed, pretending to be asleep because my stomach can’t take another messy diaper this early morning.

When the coast is clear, and Tami is finally clean, I activate daddy mode and walk into the bathroom to grab her, allowing Maia time to take a much-needed shower in peace. I fake a few big yawns, pretending that I just woke up. I know it’s not right, and I feel bad leaving Maia alone to clean up the mess. I make a silent promise to them that I’ll be there for the next diaper mishap.

With a fresh change of clothes, I’m ready to start my day by spending time with Tami in her bedroom. It seems that Hiro and Luna have the same idea. They play and romp around us while I help Tami practice sitting. It’s the least I can do after what I pulled this morning – and it’s a lot cleaner. Baby girl doesn’t disappoint. She’s strong, just like her daddy, and with very few failed attempts, she can sit up on her own.

After her accomplishment, I hold her tight in my arms.

Wade: Daddy is so proud of you, little princess. You’re going to conquer the world one day! I know it!

I’m starving, and Tami has to be hungry too, so I take her to the kitchen. Maia is already in there after preparing French toast for breakfast. It smells incredible, and my stomach growls for them, but I’ve already shirked some of my fatherly duties today. I won’t pass this one on to Maia.

Wade: *to Maia* Didn’t we read somewhere that once babies can sit up independently, they’re strong enough to try baby food?

Maia: I believe so. Why?

Wade: She just learned to sit. Should we give it a try?

Maia: I don’t see why not, but what should we start with?

I know what I’d probably want if I were a baby.

Wade: Something sweet?

Maia: Let’s try applesauce.

Maia gives me a small jar of baby applesauce and a tiny spoon.

Wade: Let’s do this, Daddy’s princess!

Tami stares at the spoon like it’s a foreign object. I decide that this moment warrants a bit of fanfare. I do my best to hum a version of ‘Hail to the Chief.’ Maia picks up on my cue by dancing and humming along.

Wade: The royal parade marches down the street! *continues humming*

I swing the spoon around slowly, allowing Tami’s eyes to follow it, hopefully building the anticipation.

Wade: The procession is approaching the castle, where the princess awaits.

I move the spoon closer to Tami’s mouth.

Wade: And here we go—open wide!

Tami opens her mouth, leans forward, and chomps down on the spoon. It worked! Maia and I pause as we wait to see her reaction.

We don’t have to wait long. Tami looks up at me with her big gray eyes and awards me with a smile that will one day make me go broke, attempting to give her everything she’ll ever ask for.

Maia: She likes it!

Tambara finishes the entire jar, and I finally get to enjoy Maia’s cooking. As much as I’d love to spend the whole day with Tami, I have to work, so I place Tami on her playmat in the living room. Now that she can sit up, her toys are much more accessible. She bats and swings at them before pulling them to her mouth. Seeing that she seems happy where she is, I head downstairs.

Tami doesn’t take long to realize she’s no longer stuck in place. Not only has she learned to sit, but she’s also learned to scoot around on her knees, which means she’s not limited to the toys attached to her playmat. She looks around the room and sees many formally out-of-the-way items that can become potential playthings.

Bills are due, which always gives me anxiety, along with the irrational fear that paying them brings me that much closer to running out of simoleons. I need other sources of income to ease the fear – and I can start by renting out the house next door. I sit down at my computer to find potential tenants, quickly concluding that renters are easy to find. What’s much more challenging is finding one willing to pay maximum rent, which is what the place is truly worth. I have no choice but to lower the monthly costs by more than §100. With that done, I narrow my choices down to a couple ready to move in immediately. They accept, so I go outside and change the ‘for rent’ sign to alert others that the place is no longer vacant.

Now that I know the rental will make us more simoleons, I can relax. I return to the living room with what I think is a good suggestion.

Wade: How about we leave the house and explore the city?

Maia: That’s something we may want to postpone until tomorrow. There’s a storm in the forecast.

I noticed it was cloudy and overcast, but there’s no way it’ll storm. At least, that’s what I hope…

…until it does. Within the hour, the clouds break and protest loudly as rain pours down and the thunder begins. We moved to the West Coast for sunny skies and warm weather, not this. But no matter how I feel about it, we’re all forced to find things to do inside, which for me means chasing the newly mobile Tami all around the living room to keep her from destroying it. And for Maia, it means spending time with her cat, Luna.

After about an hour of trying to keep up with Tami, I hear her yawn, which indicates that it’s probably nap time. I pick her up off the floor, which she doesn’t like at all. But I do my best to ignore the tears and take her into the room to change her diaper and prepare her for bed. And this is when karma pays me back for pretending to sleep in this morning. As soon as I remove her diaper, she begins to poop. I grew up on a farm, so I’ve seen live-action poop from almost every animal imaginable, but even that didn’t prepare me for seeing it right now – with my daughter. I’m going to be sick.

(Generation 4 Chapter Summaries)

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