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Banks Dynasty – Day 33.4 (Part 1 – Collab with StoriesByJes2G)

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Maia and I wake up early to finish a few things while Tami sleeps the following day. While I’d love to go outside for a jog – it’s way too hot, so I run on the treadmill in my office instead. Maia, however, braves the heat and goes outside to begin planting flowers for a flower garden.

While Maia is in the middle of planting, a man steps through the gate in the backyard. Seeing him there startles her, but she decides he doesn’t look very threatening, so she waves.

Maia: Hey there. Is there anything I can help you with?

Haru: I just wanted to introduce myself. I’m Haru, your new neighbor. My wife Tia and I are renting the place next door.

Maia: Oh yes! Nice to meet you. I’m Maia.

Maia continues her work by watering her flowers while she and Haru talk.

Maia: Is everything okay over there?

Haru: So far, so good. The place is clean and nicely furnished. Tia and I are happy with it. She told me that you’re husband—

Maia: We’re not married.

Haru: Oh—my mistake. *corrects himself* Your partner stopped by last night to fix our dishwasher, but Tia didn’t think I’d be ready to meet him for some reason. I can’t imagine why. 

Maia: Hm, that’s strange.

I hear Maia talking to someone, so I come out to see who it is. Just as I step into the backyard, I get a text from my friend Luca asking if I have anything going on today. We haven’t had a chance to get together since I moved into town—with us both being new fathers.

I respond immediately by inviting him to hang out here at the house. He agrees, so I send him the address and continue to Maia, who is talking to some guy. I wave and introduce myself.

Wade: Hey, how are you doing? I’m Wade.

Haru: I’m Haru from next door.

So this is the jealous husband that Tia warned me about.

Wade: Oh, yes. Our new tenant. Is the dishwasher working now?

Haru looks me over from head to toe with a less-than-friendly expression.

Haru: Now I can see what Tia meant. You look just like one of her knucklehead ex-boyfriends.

Maia and I both freeze. What the hell? I size the dude up quickly. He’s a big guy, but I think I can take him. If Luca gets here in time, we can make quick work of Haru if necessary. Just as I’m planning where to attack first, Haru smiles, and his eyes light up.

Haru: I’m just messing with you, mate. My wife gets these silly ideas in her head, and I just stopped by to prove her wrong.

Maia suddenly smiles, and I breathe a sigh of relief. I guess there won’t be an ass-kicking today after all.

Wade: Well, you have nothing to worry about either way.

I blow Maia a kiss.

Wade: This woman right here is the only one for me.

Haru: I can see that. You two make a beautiful couple.

Wade: Thank you! We just had a little girl. She’s inside sleeping.

Haru: Yep, Wade – we’ll get along just fine.

An alert from Haru’s phone interrupts.

Haru: That’s my wife. I’d better go.

Maia and I both wave.

Maia: It was nice to meet you.

Wade: Don’t hesitate to let me know if anything else goes wrong.

Haru: I will. It’s nice to meet you both.

Haru steps through the back gate, leaving Maia and I standing there.

Maia: That was a little weird. Did you go over there yesterday?

Wade: I forgot to tell you – I stopped by to make sure everything was good with the place. Tia seemed to think that Haru would have a problem with me, so she hurried me out. It was bizarre.

Maia: I’ll say.

Wade: Oh, good news! Luca is on his way over.

Maia: Nice! Our first visitor. I’ll go and get Tami ready.

Maia heads back inside. Moments later, I get a call from Luca.

Luca: I’m outside your place.

Wade: Cool, I’m on my way!

Luca is right outside the front door. I step out to greet him. He has grown his hair out quite a bit since I last saw him, and something about his beard is different.

Wade: Fatherhood looks good on you!

Luca: Thanks, you too!

Wade: How’s Sophia and the baby?

Luca: Good. Sophia has finally recovered, so I figured it was a good time to come and hang out. Your place is nice! I didn’t realize there would be two houses. I almost knocked on the wrong door.

Wade: Oh right, I should have warned you. We rent out the 2nd place.

Luca: So you own both?

Wade: Yep, I hope it’ll be a profitable investment. Our new tenants moved in last night.

Luca: Hmm, that’s interesting. I might have to look into something like that myself. It could solve a little problem for my sister.

Wade: What’s that?

Luca: We can talk about that later. I’d love to see the rest of the place.

Wade: For sure, let’s get out of this heat.

I take Luca inside, and he automatically starts removing his shoes.

Wade: Slippers are by the door if you want to slide on a pair.

Luca: Sure, thanks.

After showing him the foyer, I take him to the garage and show him our foosball table.

Wade: Do you play?

Luca: I have, but I wouldn’t win any championships.

Wade: Then we should be evenly matched. Maybe we can try it out later.

Luca: Was the place already furnished when you moved in?

Wade: Yeah, Maia worked with a designer to get everything move-in ready before we arrived.

Luca: Oh, nice. That sounds like a good idea.

I take Luca upstairs to meet Tambara next. I find her and Maia in the living room.

Wade: *to Maia* Look who’s here!

Maia: Luca! It’s so good to see you. Congrats on the new baby!

Luca: Thanks! You too!

Wade: And this is our little princess, Tambara.

Luca kneels on the floor with Tami.

Luca: She’s beautiful – the perfect combo of the two of you.

Wade: Thanks, man.

Luca plays with Tami for a while before I suggest we head downstairs to catch up.

We go down to my office, where I offer him a seat.

Luca: This is a nice man cave.

Wade: I think it’s my favorite part of the house. I can get a lot done here and work out without waking everybody up.

Luca: What do you mean?

I almost forgot that Luca never saw my place in Brindleton Bay.

Wade: My place back in Brindleton Bay was tiny. My treadmill was in the bedroom, and my media center was at the top of the stairs, which had all the foot traffic.

Luca: Sounds like this is a huge improvement.

Wade: It is. *changes the subject* It’s been way too long, dude. It seems that everything has changed since we last spoke. What’s been going on with you? You’re a daddy now! I almost can’t believe it.

Luca: *deep sigh* I can’t either because it almost didn’t happen.

Wade: Almost didn’t happen? What do you mean?

(Generation 4 Chapter Summaries)

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