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Banks Dynasty – Day 33.4 (Part 2 – Collab with StoriesByJes2G)

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Luca: Well…it’s the reason I haven’t reached out in a while, and I’m really sorry for that. You trusted me with your problem, and I kept mine to myself. I just want you to know it’s not that I didn’t trust you. I wasn’t in a good place and didn’t want to talk to anyone.

Wade: No need to explain – but did something happen between you and Sophia?

Luca: Not between us, more like – to us.

Wade: What happened, Luc? Did you get attacked or robbed or something?

I can think of a hundred things that might have happened to them, and I dread hearing them all.

Luca: Heh, I almost would have preferred that. We had trouble getting pregnant. Adoption was on the table, but we wanted to try everything first. She did several rounds of treatments, but they didn’t work. We later learned our chances were slim to none, so we did IVF, and that’s how Desiree got here.

This is not what I expected to hear, but my heart immediately goes out to him.

Wade: Dude, that’s a lot! I never would have guessed…gosh – I’m sorry to hear that. It must have been hard.

Luca: Yeah…thanks. It was hard. Especially when… Nevermind.

Wade: What is it? Everything alright downstairs?

I can almost see the color drain from his face. Why the heck did I ask? I’m not his doctor. It’s a question no man should ask another man.

Wade: Luc…bro, I’m so sorry! I was trying to make a joke! I didn’t-

Luca: It’s fine. There’s no way you could have known.

Wade: Maybe. I still feel like an idiot. You know I would never try to hurt you like that.

Luca: I know you wouldn’t. I’m cool. I promise.

I crossed a line, and I know it, but to my relief, Luca seems to take it in stride. He surprises me by laughing but in a sarcastic way.

Wade: What’s funny?

Luca: It’s really not funny. I was just thinking about how cocky we are as men sometimes. Sophia suspected she had a problem, so she got checked. We spent all that time and money on those treatments, but never once did I consider I could have had a problem.

Wade: Until you did.

Luca: Yeah… She wanted to have a baby before her birthday, but because of my male arrogance, I couldn’t give her what she wanted.

Wade: But you did. Maybe not when she wanted, but you have your family now  – a disgustingly adorable family.

He laughs again, but I know he means it this time because the humor reflects in his eyes.

Luca: You’re a jerk, you know.

The lump of embarrassment is heavy in my gut, telling me it’s time to move on from this conversation before I say something else I’ll regret.

Wade: Yeah, I’ve heard that once or twice. I think it’s time to beat your butt in some foosball.

I lead the way to the garage, where we each choose a side of the table.

Wade: What were you gonna tell me earlier – before I opened my big ass mouth?

Luca leans down and grabs the handles on his side of the table.

Luca: You don’t deserve to know now.


Wade: Oh. I guess I deserve that. *grabbing the handles* Best two out of three?

Luca nods, then chuckles.

Luca: I’m messing with you, man. I was going to say that I was a little jealous of you.

Wade: Me?! Why?

Luca: Because of Tami.

It takes a moment for me to get what he means. Then, it hits me like a brick.

Wade: Ohhhh. Damn. Of course. While you were going through that, I had a baby I didn’t ask for. I’m so sorry, Luc.

Luca: For what? You love Maia, and Tami is perfect. It doesn’t matter how or when she got here.

Wade: Yeah, but it’s not fair. You and Sophia did everything right, and you went through all of that. But all it took for Maia to get pregnant was a careless night in a hot tub.

Luca: Well, when you put it that way… but it wasn’t just you, though. My ex-friend got pregnant, and so did my sister. All of these babies popped up around the same time, which just happened to be the worst time to hear of their existence. Learning about my sister almost took me out, though. I was not prepared for that one at all.

Wade: What happened with your sister?

At that moment, Maia walks into the garage to change Luna’s kitty litter. We pause the conversation and focus on our game until she leaves. I win the first round, and Luca picks up the discussion with his answer.

Luca: She met this guy at the party in Tartosa and moved him into our house. He got her pregnant and went back to his ex when they found out it was triplets. Might I add said ex is in freakin’ Mt. Komorebi!

Wade: Dang

Luca: It gets worse. Not only did he leave her for the ex, but he married the woman, and now my sister is stuck raising three babies alone.

Wade: Seriously? I know you were ready to hunt him down!

Luca: He better be glad there’s an ocean between us because I was definitely NOT thinking about using my yoga techniques when she told me. You wouldn’t have recognized me at all that night, man.

Wade: I believe it – big brothers. We don’t play.

Luca: We do not…but that’s why I was asking about your rental. I’m thinking that if I can find something like this, she can move in next door and she wouldn’t be alone.

Wade: Good idea. I can give you the name of our real estate agent if you want.

Luca: Yeah, thanks. *short pause* Hey…thanks for understanding. And for listening. I was trying not to tank the conversation and keep it vague, but I guess I needed to talk about it.

Wade: Anytime, bro. That’s what we do. But there is something I would like to talk about, though.

Luca: What’s that?

Wade: This ex-friend.

Luca: Oh geez. I should have known. What about her?

Wade: Her? Just what I thought. It’s not Chi Chi, is it? Did she finally cross a line? Cause you and I both know –Luca: *chuckles* No, not Chi Chi, man! Just – someone else I used to date…

Wade: Is she fine?

Luca: I plead the fifth…

Wade: That tells me everything I need to know.

Luca: Well, know this –

Wade: What?

Luca: That’s two – I win.

I look down and realize that I just lost the last two games.

Wade: No way! No one’s allowed to beat me in my own house.

Okay, maybe that sounded a bit more whiny than intended.

We move the party out to the backyard because I’d been dying to drink at my new bar, and what better way to break it in than to share a drink with Luca? He sits on one of the stools, and I pour.

Wade: You’ll never guess who helped us find this place.

Luca: Who?

Wade: You’re supposed to guess.

Luca: You just said I’ll never guess—so just tell me.

I sit with my drink, keeping Luca in suspense while I take a sip.

Wade: It was Maia’s dad. He came and spent the weekend with us right when Maia was going into labor.

Luca: Damn—I remember you being concerned about him finding out about the baby. How did that go?

Wade: It was wild, but apparently, he has connections—although not the most legit kind. Some squatter dude that he knows told him about the place.

Luca: A squatter? That’s crazy.

Wade: Right! But I guess it worked out.

Luca: It did, and you’re finally here.

Wade: Yeah, it took long enough, right?

Luca: Speaking of took long enough – what’s up with you and Maia? Not that you have to get married, but have the two of you talked about it?

I guess it’s my turn to be in the hot seat.

Wade: We did, before the baby, but it always felt like a conversation that was off-limits with her, so I stopped bringing it up.

Luca: Maybe it’ll be different now that Tami is here.

Wade: Maybe. My new cousin-in-law is a jeweler, so he and I have been searching for the perfect gem for an engagement ring. We haven’t found it yet.

Luca: Is that what’s holding you back? You know there’s no such thing as a perfect ring. Maia would love whatever you give her.

Wade: Yeah, but what if I ask her, and she says no?

Luca: You think the ring will make a difference?

Wade: Probably not, but I’m scared, man. I don’t think I can take that type of rejection – not from her.

Luca: I feel you on that.

Wade: And it’s not just that. Since Tami was born, all these new fears have popped up in my head.

Luca: Like what?

Wade: I’m concerned about money. I’m not sure I’ll ever have enough to ensure she’ll always have everything she wants and needs. And then, I sometimes wonder what’ll happen if I’m not around. Like if I just…I don’t know, died or something – who would take care of them?

Luca: Okay, I hear what you’re saying, and as a new father, I definitely understand the panic. But taking care of your children is about more than leaving them a ton of money.

Wade: But life is a whole easier for them if you do.

Luca: Maybe, but what if she doesn’t want the money? You hear about celebrity kids all the time who want to make it on their own and earn their way. What if Tami is like that? My mom gave me literally everything. I can’t even take credit for my yoga career because that was her idea. While I appreciated her help, I sometimes found myself frustrated because I wanted to take care of myself, especially as a man who was getting married and looking forward to having a family. I think it’s great that you’re concerned, but you’ve had your money tree way longer than me, so I know for a fact you have nothing to worry about. Just make sure you’re not inadvertently robbing her of the chance to do things her way.

I pause and think about what Luca is saying. I can’t imagine not wanting my parents to give me everything, but everyone is different. Maia isn’t like me at all. What if Tami takes after her? I need to consider that.

Wade: Here you go again, making way too much sense.

Luca: *joking tone* That’s what I do.

Luca sips his drink, creating a natural pause in the conversation. My phone alerts me to a text, and I figure it’s a good time to check it. I instantly regret it.

Wade: Not again!

Luca: *concerned* What’s up?

Wade: It’s the new tenants. They’re saying that they’re having some type of garden blight issue. You ever heard of anything like that?

Luca: A garden blight? No

Wade: I’m not even sure what to do about it. Maybe I can ask my dad. He might have an idea of what I can do. Other than that, I’ll have to call a contractor to take care of it.

Luca: How much would that cost?

Wade: I don’t know—that’s the problem. At least if you do decide to purchase a rental property, it’ll be for your sister. Can you believe my tenant told me I was too good-looking to be a landlord? Then her jealous husband comes here this morning, trying to look tough. He said he was joking, but I can already tell these two will be a problem.

Luca: Wow! Keep me updated on how that goes. I’d better get out of here before Sophia sends out a search party.

Wade: Yeah, don’t get us both into trouble.

Luca gets up to leave, so we shake hands. 

Wade: It was so good to see you, Luc. Don’t be a stranger. You’re welcome to come by at any time.

Luca: Same to you, Dubstep.

Wade: Dang, you just had to throw that in there. Just for that—I think I’ll hang on to your birthday present.

Luca: Did you say present?

Wade: Yep, before I forget…

I pull out a big box and give it to him.

Wade: This is for you.

Luca opens it and pulls out a gift certificate to his favorite restaurant – the one we visited when we first met.

Luca: Oh wow! You shouldn’t have!

Wade: Yeah, I figured you and Sophia could probably use a night out.

Luca: Thanks, man, I appreciate that.

(**Note: Parts of Luca and Dub’s dialogue were written by Jes of jes2gstories. The link takes you to her website!)

(Generation 4 Chapter Summaries)

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