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Banks Dynasty – Day 33.4 (Part 3)

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After Luca leaves, I text my dad, hoping he can give me some pointers on the garden blight situation before speaking with the tenants next door. Tia answers my knock. I briefly consider mentioning her husband Haru’s strange visit this morning, but decide to keep this strictly business.

Wade: Hi. I’m here about the garden blight issue.

Tia: *confused* Garden blight? What’s that?

Wade: That’s what I’m here to find out. I received a text that there was an issue.

Tia: I didn’t send any text. We haven’t even planted anything in the garden, but you can go and take a look if you like.

Wade: Okay, yeah – I’d better see what’s happening.

I go through Tia and Haru’s kitchen and down the stairs to the garden. Tia’s right – there’s nothing there but dirt. Tia steps out into the backyard.

Tia: I just checked with Haru, and he says he didn’t text you either.

I don’t know if I believe that, but what else can I say?

Wade: Well, there’s nothing going on back here.

Tia: Maybe you should check your yard. Wasn’t your wife back there doing some planting this morning?

Why would I get a text about my backyard? And who would send it? The mystery is on. I leave Tia’s yard and head over to ours.

I read my Dad’s response to my text as I walk to our backyard. According to him, a garden blight is a plant disease caused by bacteria or fungus infestation. He also tells me that an anti-fungal or bacteria spray is the only way to kill it. The only other option is to uproot the plants, but I’m sure Maia would prefer that I avoid that option. Dad’s text describes what to look for. As soon as I step into our yard, I see some of Maia’s plants have been affected. Luckily, I find what I need in our garage and spray every affected plant.

Even our money tree is affected, which is disturbing to see. I spray it thoroughly, which solves the issue but not the mystery. It seems awfully strange that Haru stopped by while Maia was planting her garden, and then all of a sudden, we’re plagued by a blight. Could he have had something to do with it? I hope that’s not the type of person we’re dealing with.

Now that I’ve solved the problem and the temperature outside has gone down several degrees,  I figure it’s an excellent time to take Hiro for a walk. I search the house, but find him outside near the front door. As I prepare to put on his leash, I notice he doesn’t feel well.

Wade: You okay, boy? What’s going on with you?

It isn’t something I’ll be able to figure out myself. It’s time to visit a vet.

I step inside to let Maia know what’s going on with Hiro, which makes her worry. I do my best to assure her that Hiro will be okay. After Maia calms down, Hiro and I head to the nearest vet. I check him in and after a short wait, a vet leads us to an examination room.

I never know how to address a vet. Are they doctors and if so, do we address them as one? Our vet introduces herself as Chanelle, and after a quick examination, she determines that Hiro has come down with a case of Prisma Poop.

Wade: What would cause that?

Dr. Chanelle: It could be something he ate – maybe spoiled meat.

Or a blight-infected garden plant? I don’t want to be paranoid, but it’s obviously on my mind.

Wade: How is it cured?

Dr. Chanelle: There are several treatment options. A quick anti-bacterial shot will do the trick, but it’s the most expensive option.

Wade: Let’s do it – only the best for Hiro.

Chanelle administers the shot.

Dr. Chanelle: *to Hiro* Good boy! You should feel better almost immediately.

Wade: That’s it?

Dr. Chanelle: Yes, but call us if he doesn’t improve within the hour.

Chanelle leaves the room, and I give Maia a quick call to let her know that everything is all right with Hiro. Moments later, Hiro and I return home.

After going inside with Hiro, I find Maia and Tami in the living room. Maia is sitting down watching TV, and Tami is playing with her toys on the floor.

I sit down and watch Tami lift herself on her knees. Maia comes over and sits with me.

Wade: Has she started crawling yet?

Maia: She’s been trying, but I think she prefers scooting on her bottom.

Wade: I guess there’s nothing wrong with that, right?

Maia: Some babies crawl, and some babies scoot.

Wade: Right

I pause and think about the conversation I had with Luca earlier. Maybe it’s time for me to bring up marriage with Maia once again.

Wade: Can we talk for a moment?

We both get up from the floor, not wanting to interrupt Tami’s exploring. Maia and I haven’t spent much time together today, so I try to make up for it by kissing her on the cheek.

We move over to the ottomans, but I suddenly freeze. There’s been a lot going on today. Is now the time to start bringing up a heavy subject like marriage?

Maia: So, what did you want to talk about?

It probably isn’t a good time.

Wade: Nothing in particular. I just wanted to check-in. Is everything okay?

Maia: Yeah, everything’s fine, except –

Maia pauses.

Wade: Except what?

Maia: I think it’s time for me to return to work.

Wade: Oh

I can’t recall Maia ever talking about work. Why is she bringing it up now?

Maia: I miss what I used to do. I went online and took on a new client  – I’ve been commissioned to make a rug.

That doesn’t sound very exciting, but okay.

Wade: That’s good!

Maia: Yeah, and when Tami is a little older, maybe I can start thinking about that food booth I mentioned a while back.

Wade: Oh, yeah – at the market.

Maia: I checked, and there’s a space available.

I’m excited for Maia because she’s thinking about living her dream. Maybe it’s time for me to start living mine. Tomorrow I’ll contact Dwight and ask him to make a ring – perhaps not the exact one I wanted, but a nice one. Then, I can begin planning a proposal.

(Generation 4 Chapter Summaries)

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