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Banks Dynasty – Day 34.4 (Part 1)

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After several unsuccessful trips back to the cavern in Oasis Springs, Dwight decides to create his own luck by investing his time into growing and nurturing the crystal trees in his jewelry store’s garden. It soon pays off! He now has the Plumbite gem to begin crafting the engagement ring for Wade.

Dwight decides to go with Rose Gold metal and a Starry Sailor design he’s never attempted. He only has one chance to get this right, so he takes a deep breath and begins planning the design.

Dwight can usually complete a new ring in about an hour, but he takes his time with this one. At a selling price of 2,142 simoleans, it’s the most expensive ring he’s worked on to date, so he wants to get it right. A few hours, some sweat, and a tear or two later — the engagement ring is complete. He and Bri have been invited to Tambara’s 1st birthday party today, so Dwight plans on surprising Wade with the ring tonight.

Dwight sighs with relief and places the ring safely in his pocket, giving it an extra pat to ensure it’s in there.

It’s the morning of Tambara’s birthday. Maia is up early, feeding the hungry baby a bottle. She stares at her daughter, almost unable to believe that time has passed so quickly. It seems like yesterday that she was still trying to decide whether she wanted to go through with her very unexpected pregnancy. And now she sits here with her daughter in her arms, unable to conceive of any other decision.

Maia pulls Tami up to her shoulder and gently rubs her back.

Maia: You’re everything to me, Little Tadpole.

Tami responds by burping warm milk that lands all over Maia’s shoulder. Maia chuckles and places Tami on the floor, allowing her time to practice crawling before putting her back in her crib.

I start my day working out. With Tami already becoming a toddler, I realize that time is not on my side. Getting older is much easier to swallow if I stay in shape like my Dad.

After a good sweat working out with a fitness video in my media room, I move to my media center to promote my SimTube station. While I’m there, I get a message from Ma and Dad telling me they won’t make it to Tambara’s birthday party today because they’ll be in Britechester attending Mase’s graduation and celebration. I almost can’t believe that Mase is graduating. It makes me regret putting my own education on hold. I tell them to give Mase my best wishes and promise to do the same for them with Tami.

I also receive a text from Luca, letting me know that his father has passed away. My heart goes out to my friend as I send him my condolences and offer anything I can do to help him in his grief.

All of this news is further proof that life is moving fast. My younger brother has earned his degree, and now my best friend is one step closer to navigating this world without parents.

On the campus of the Foxbury Institute in Britechester, three members of the Banks family, along with Mase’s girlfriend Zoe, make their way to the school’s auditorium.

Mason: Come on y’all! I can’t be late for my own graduation.

Melisa: *falling behind the others* You won’t be late, and I’m not trying to run in these shoes. Just go ahead – I’ll meet you all there.

Mase, Kai, and Zoe speed up their pace, making it just in time for the graduation lineup.

Moments later, Me-Me catches up. She and Kai pull out their cameras and snap photos of Zoe and their proud graduate.

There’s just enough time for a few selfies and one picture of Me-Me and Zoe with the school mascot before graduates enter the auditorium. Kai, Me-Me, and Zoe follow Mase inside to witness him receiving his hard-earned diploma. Kai and Me-Me reminisce about their moments in the sun as they walked across that same stage many years ago.

After the graduates have exited and tossed up their graduation caps, Mase surprises them all by suddenly dropping down on one knee in front of Zoe and holding up a ring.

Mason: Zoe Tidwell, they say that each day is the first day of the rest of our lives. Well, I cannot imagine spending any of them without you. Will you marry me?

Kai, Me-Me, and Zoe gasp simultaneously. When Zoe finally comprehends what Mase is asking, she takes the ring from Mase’s fingers and stares at it.

Zoe: You want me to marry you?

Mason: I do. Will you be my wife?

Mase shuffles a little, trying to find a more comfortable position on the ground as he awaits Zoe’s answer.

Zoe: I don’t know what to say.

Melisa: Yes! That is always a great answer.

Zoe: Yes?

Zoe realizes that her response sounds unsure and awkward. She places the ring on her finger and tries again.

Zoe: I mean –  yes, I’ll marry you!

Mase jumps up to relieve his knee from the pain and to kiss his new fiancé. Me-Me and Kai gleam with pride at their grown-up son and future daughter-in-law. They couldn’t be happier at the potential of finally officially welcoming a daughter to their family.

Melisa: Our family is growing!

Kai: Yes, it is!

Mase picks Zoe up into his arms before realizing she’s heavier than he anticipated.

Zoe: It’s okay you can put me down.

Mase quickly obliges.

Mason: So? When should we do this?

Melisa: I’ll be glad to help with the wedding planning.

Zoe: Thanks! I guess I’ll have a lot to think about. But first, I need to tell my family.

Mason: We’ll tell them together.

(Generation 4 Chapter Summaries)

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