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Banks Dynasty – Day 36.4 (Part 1)

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I finally discover the best time to work on my SimTube channel, and that’s when everyone else is asleep—or at least in bed. I finish editing and uploading my video with no interruptions. Then I walk around the house doing what my dad always did when we were growing up: locking all the doors and ensuring everything was in order.

I enter our bedroom and am glad to see Maia awake, relaxing on the bed. We crawl under the covers together, and I beckon her over—holding my arm out. She slides close and rests her head near my shoulder.

Wade: I miss you

Maia: *confused* What do you mean? I’m right here.

Wade: Yeah, but I miss this… being close to you.

Maia snuggles into my arms.

Maia: I can see that. Nothing is the same now that Tami is here.

Wade: True, but it doesn’t mean we can’t make time for this. We should get away for a day or two. It can be like in Tartosa.

Maia smiles at the memory.

Maia: But we have Tami now.

Wade: We can find a sitter—maybe Luca and Sophia.

Maia: I don’t want to leave her.

When I think about it, I can’t imagine leaving her either.

Wade: Maybe Dray can come with us. He’d jump at the chance for a free trip, and I’m sure he wouldn’t mind watching Tami.

Maia: Okay, but where do we go?

Wade: Let me think about that for a while.

Maia closes her eyes, and her breathing slows as she settles into sleep. I’m still awake, thinking about how this trip might be the perfect time to propose. Maia’s ring has been burning a hole in my thoughts, but I’m ready for it to find its new home on her finger. I make a mental note to look for the perfect city for our getaway. Then I turn off the lights and close my eyes.

After a good night’s sleep, I grab Hiro and head out of the house for a morning jog. The day is overcast but warm. Hiro and I turn a corner to a frightening sight – a strange sim dressed as a raccoon just standing on the sidewalk across the street. My heart skips a beat, and I’m a little paranoid about continuing my jog if it means crossing their path. But I take a deep breath and do it, anyway. I’ve been afraid of enough stuff lately. I won’t let some weird sim shenanigan scare me away from my morning routine.

Back at the house, Maia and Tambara start their day with a potty training session.

Maia: Are you ready to give this another shot, little tadpole? You can learn to use the potty just like mommy and daddy.

Tami is a little unsure, but she sits down anyway. The sitting continues for a long time while Maia patiently watches. Suddenly, it pays off as Tami successfully poops and pees in the potty.

Maia: Good job! I knew you could do it.

Tambara: Yay! I do it!

Maia: You sure did.

There are at least two good things for every strange thing that happens in this city. And my two good things happen back to back. First, I experience the sweet sounds of a street piano player. It’s like a free morning concert. Then I get home and check the mail to find a coupon for a 75% discount on any computer. That’s practically free. I’ll take advantage of that as soon as I can.

When I return to the house, the sky opens, and a rainstorm begins. I’m just glad Hiro and I didn’t get caught in it. Maia is sitting down to breakfast, and I sit down to join her. She blows me a kiss, and I happily catch it.

Wade: So, how long do you think the rain will last this time?

Maia: Hopefully, it’ll pass quickly. I’m just glad I finished my rug yesterday.

A tiny voice interrupts our conversation.

Tambara: I eat too, Daddy!

I’m shocked—that’s a complete sentence.

Wade: When did she learn to say that?

Maia: She’s been picking up a few new words every day.

Maia gets up to put Tami in her highchair, and I do my part by grabbing the dirty dishes.

Maia has food for Tami, but the fur babies are hard to ignore as they swarm around in the kitchen.

Maia: *to Hiro and Luna* Don’t worry, I’ll make something for you two next.

Luna and Hiro get super excited when Maia opens the refrigerator to grab ingredients for some gourmet pet food.

Yesterday was a mess. I can still feel the stress of dealing with our tenants and trying to find time to get some work done. Today should be all about spending time as a family. I take Tami out of her high chair.

Wade: Ready to play with daddy, baby girl?

Tambara: Play!

I put Tami down in the living room and pull out a few toys, but I seem to be the only one interested in them. Tami soon leaves me behind to play with Luna in the kitchen instead.

Maia: That’s right, tadpole. Gentle touches—good job!

(Generation 4 Chapter Summaries)

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