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Banks Dynasty – Day 36.4 (Part 2)

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Tambara finally joins me in the living room to play, but it seems she likes the rough and tumble stuff. I lift her and swing her around. She rewards me with all her cute little giggles and smiles.

A call from Ma interrupts our playtime. Maybe I’m paranoid, but my heart sinks when I see her face on my phone. I immediately think of how my friend Luca recently lost his parents. Is she calling to tell me that somebody died?

Wade: *on the phone* Ma! Is everything okay?

Melisa: *on the phone* Everything is fine. Why shouldn’t it be?

Ma is right. Why shouldn’t it be? My parents are still relatively young and healthy. They’ll be around for a long time, and a call from them is just that.

Wade: No reason. How’s everything going?

Ma fills me in on everything that is going on with them and with Mase and his wedding planning. It’s all just further proof that things are moving way too fast. My little brother is getting married, and I feel I’m at a standstill in my relationship with Maia. I need to plan our trip and, more importantly, my proposal.

Tami is swinging a toy robot around a bit aggressively. I’m almost afraid that she’s going to hurt herself. Then I realize I’m doing it again – finding yet another thing to be anxious about. Although it’s storming outside, maybe it’s time for a change of scenery.

I grab Tami and walk into the kitchen to find Maia.

Wade: How about we get out of the house for a while?

Maia: In the storm?

Wade: We won’t be in it for long. Let’s go check out the rec center.

The storm hasn’t let up at all, and the next thing I know, we’re out in the middle of it. Maybe it’s time for us to invest in some rainy-day clothes. I hold Tami tight and run to the rec center, leaving Maia with a broken umbrella behind. I feel bad, but the alternative would have been staying back to help, with Tami getting more and more soaked by the minute.

In the end, it doesn’t matter. We’re all completely drenched and unhappy when we enter the building. Tami squirms in my arms because she wants to get down, but I hold on to her for just a little longer… still a bit traumatized by the terrible weather. I think about what Luca said about the weather always being nice here in San Sequoia. Did all the lousy weather from Brindleton Bay follow us here?

Maia: They have completely remodeled this place. It wasn’t like this when I lived here.

We look around and notice there’s something here for everyone.

Wade: I’ll take Tami to the infant and toddler room.

Maia: Okay. I have some candles that I need to complete for a client, so I’ll be in the arts and crafts room. Maybe they’ll have what I need there.

Wade: Meet you in the lobby in a few hours?

Tami and I turn and enter the playroom. I put Tami down and she hurries away in this space made just for little sims like her, while Maia disappears into the big room at the end of the hallway.

The arts and crafts room is impressive and well-stocked with everything a creative person might need. Not only is there a candle making station, which is what Maia is looking for, but also a place for jewelry making. She wouldn’t mind trying that out eventually, but she has a contract to fulfill for now.

Tami settles into a comfy chair and falls asleep. I guess I neglected to realize that it was past her nap time when I suggested we leave the house. Oh well, she’s safe and getting the rest she needs. It’s time for me to find something to do while she sleeps.

I go to the workout room on the other side of the building and chase away a few demons with well-placed punches to the heavy bag.

I leave the workout room feeling much better, but just like Tami, I’m sleepy and wouldn’t mind taking a quick nap. There’s coffee in the lobby. I’m not much of a coffee drinker, but if I hope to stay awake, I’d better become one. I grab a mug full and return to the playroom to check on Tami. She’s finally up and playing on her tablet. I sit down next to her, but before my butt settles on the cushion, a woman with bright blue hair approaches us.

Blue-Haired Woman: Oh my gosh! It’s you, Dub! You’re one of my favorite Simtubers! When you announced you’d be moving to the area, I hoped I’d meet you one day.

So, this is one of my fans. I don’t run into them very often.

Wade: Thanks for sticking with me.

Blue-Haired Woman: Always! I love your vlogs. And this must be your daughter! She’s as cute as I imagined she’d be. I’ve been following your journey from the beginning… from the day you moved out of your parent’s house for the first time to finding love and now having a family.

I cringe a little as I listen to her because I never thought about how creepy putting your entire life online could be before now. This woman is talking to me like she knows me, but she’s a complete stranger. And now she’s seen my daughter.

The woman turns to Tami.

Blue-Haired Woman: What’s your name, Sweetpea? Aww, you have your father’s pretty eyes.

How do I deal with this? Do I tell this strange woman my daughter’s name? How do I know she won’t plaster is all over the internet?

Tami saves me from having to say anything with some well-placed toddler babble.

Tambara: Gah Mah Mah and Da Da!

The woman beams.

Blue-Haired Woman: Could you be any cuter?

Tami exaggerates shaking her head in a way reserved only for toddlers.

Tambara: No!

My baby is a charmer.

Blue-Haired Woman: Oh, my ovaries! I’d better go. It was nice meeting you.

To my relief, the lady leaves, finally giving me room to hang out with my daughter peacefully. I pull out my tablet.

Wade: *to Tambara* Nicely handled!

Tambara: Welcome!

I chuckle at Tami’s version of–’You’re welcome’ and begin a search by typing, ‘the most romantic cities for a perfect proposal.’ I scroll through the list.

Tambara squirms in her seat.

Tambara: I potty daddy!

Wade: Potty? Do you need to use the potty?

I could let Tami go in her diaper, but would that hamper Maia’s progress?

Wade: Do you have to pee pee or poop?

Tami nods her head. Does that mean she needs to do both? I don’t want to change a poopy diaper. I pick her up and search for a bathroom. The nearest one is in the lobby; luckily, there’s a toddler potty. I sit Tami down and let her handle her business.

It’s late by the time we leave the rec center, and although Tambara is beyond tired, she still insists on walking on her own. I carry her until we’re closer to the house, but even that short distance takes us forever with me doing my best to keep her protected from the rain with my umbrella.

Walking doesn’t help with Tami’s mood. As soon as we cross the threshold, she stomps her foot and lets out an ear-piercing scream. Maia looks over at me as if I can stop it. I guess I can try.

I turn and do my best to reason with this tiny sim.

Wade: *calm voice* Hey, hey! I know you’re tired, but everything is okay. Guess what? We’ll go on a trip soon, and you’ll get to play with new toys and see new things. How do you feel about that?

Tambara’s screaming slowly becomes a whimper, so I continue.

Wade: Right now, you need to go to bed and rest. Can you do that for Daddy?

Tambara is helplessly tired and doesn’t fuss when I pick her up and take her upstairs to her bed. I tuck her in and kiss her on the forehead as her eyes droop, and she falls asleep.

In my bedroom, I undress and sit on the bed, thinking about my research at the rec center. I’ve finally found the perfect place to plan a short family trip that would double as a place to propose to Maia. After finishing the planning tomorrow, we will hopefully be on our way in a day or so. I can’t wait!

(Generation 4 Chapter Summaries)

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