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Banks Dynasty – Day 37.4 (Part 1)

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Maia wakes up before Dub for the first time in a while. She’s having one of those ‘off’ mornings where something doesn’t feel right, but she can’t pinpoint what it is. She also realizes that it could be nothing at all—just one of the many side effects of her mood disorder.

Maia knows that the best way to remedy it is a bit of self-care. The house is tranquil, which means the pets must still be sleeping. Maia goes to her yoga room, turns on her focus music, lights her candles and sage incense. Then she begins one of her favorite mind-focusing yoga routines.

Maia’s mind has been kind to her over the last year, and she’s been grateful for that. But now her old doubts are revisiting her, trying to convince her she’s a terrible mother who doesn’t deserve to live the more privileged life that she’s been living.

Maia’s Thoughts: Go back to your father. That’s where you belong. Tambara would be better off without you.

Maia lies back on her mat after completing her routine. The years have taught her not to fight the negative thoughts that settle in her mind occasionally. It’s more powerful to allow them to float away like a dead leaf in the wind until they have no power over her. Once her thoughts are clear of negativity, Maia goes outside to care for her flowers and dabbles in a little flower arranging.

I wake up and check on my morning payouts, happy that SimTube has been good to me. Now that my financials are in order, I can finish planning our impending trip. First things first -I need to call Drake to see if he’d like to help us with Tambara. Then, I’ll start searching for a place to stay in my chosen destination—Ciudad Enamorada. What better place to propose to Maia than a city dedicated to love?

Outside, Maia also thinks about the trip while arranging flowers, wondering why it seems important to Dub. Sure, he’s right–there’s been distance between them lately, but she’s chalked it all up to being new parents and living in another city. She misses the time she and Dub had to spend together when they first dated, cuddled up in bed with no one else to worry about but themselves. But now that Tambara is here, can they ever return to that? Will this trip help them rekindle their early passions?

After grabbing something to eat, I call my youngest brother on a video chat. He answers with ruffled hair and puffy eyes, and I can see he’s still in bed. But he’s single with no children – he can sleep in as long as he wants to.

Wade: *on the phone* What’s up, little bro? Did I call too early?

Drake: *on the phone* No. I was getting up. What’s up?

His voice is heavy with sleepiness, and while I hate to interrupt a good morning’s rest – this is important to me, so I continue.

Wade: I need your help! How do you feel about taking a free trip with me and Maia?

Dray wipes the crust out of his eyes and sits up on his bed.

Drake: Where to and what’s the catch?

Wade: Ciudad Enamorada…

That gets Dray’s attention. He straightens up a little.

Wade: …and well, there are two catches; one, you’d have to meet us there tomorrow.

Drake: Okay – that’s not a problem.

Good, I continue –

Wade: And two—we need you to watch your niece, Tambara, for us.

I sweeten the deal because I don’t want that to be why he says no.

Wade: But not the entire time! Maybe one night, so Maia and I can spend some time alone.

Dray runs his fingers through his curls, clears his throat, and then falls back on his pillow. He closes his eyes as he thinks about it.

Drake: Yeah, I can do that.

Wade: Bro! You’re a lifesaver! I’ll send you a plane ticket, and you can meet us there.

Drake: No problem—works for me.

Wade: Cool, see you tomorrow. Go back to sleep!

We end the call.

With Dray on board, I’m one step closer to making this proposal happen. Now we need a place to stay. I pull out my laptop and begin a search. First, I check out the local hotels, but quickly rule them out. A hotel wouldn’t give us the space needed for a family of four. Rentals are the way to go, and a quick search reveals a big luxury pad not too far from the park with a pool that sleeps eight. You can’t get any more perfect than that. And better yet, it’s available. I quickly make our reservation.

I’ve secured a place for us to stay, so I have time to post a short video to my SimTube, hoping to gain more followers now that I’m closer to having a million.

Maia realizes that Dub and Tambara are probably missing her and wondering where she is, but she wants to squeeze in a few more minutes alone. She lowers herself to her favorite meditation pillow beside their backyard pond and closes her eyes. A pleasant breeze flows through the wind chime that’s hung on their back porch, topping off this already perfect morning. The sound of the chimes, combined with the croaking of Maia’s frogs, creates a harmonious melody perfect for meditation. Maia sinks deeper into relaxation, concentrating on her breath.

I can smell Tami before seeing her, which tells me she desperately needs a bath. I haven’t seen Maia all morning, so I guess I’m the one who’ll be giving it to her. But first, she needs her breakfast. I place her in her high chair with a bowl of strawberry yogurt and a sippy cup full of juice.

After she’s eaten her fill and made a decent mess, I lead her into the bathroom. I’ve never bathed her before. That’s a duty that Maia has always taken care of. I was afraid when she was an infant because she was so small and slippery, but now that she’s older, I feel confident that I can get it done.

I fill the tub and make sure the water isn’t too hot like I’ve seen Maia do and add in some bubble bath, giving it a little extra squeeze because I believe the more bubbles, the better. Then, I grab a sponge and begin washing.

Wade: *singing* This is the way we wash our hair, wash our hair, wash our hair. This is the way we wash our hair—so early in the morning! **

Tami rewards my terrible singing efforts with several splashes of water that lands all over my clothes. By the time the bath is over, I’m as wet as she is. I lift her out of the tub and dress her for the day.

(** to the tune of ‘The Mulberry Bush’)

Now that the morning routine is over, it is time to find Maia so I can fill her in on my preparations for our trip. Tami follows me outside, and the first thing I see is Maia floating several feet above the ground near the pond, which is shocking enough. But behind her stands our tenant, Haru. Maia is deep in her meditative state, so I’m sure she doesn’t know he’s there. Something about it is highly creepy and sends me on edge. I hurry over.

Wade: I thought I banned you from our backyard!

The shock of my voice breaks Maia’s concentration, but thank the Watcher-she doesn’t fall. She lowers herself slowly to her feet like a well-practiced expert.

Haru: We still live here. You can’t ban us from anything!

Wade: Not for long! Your lease is up in two days, and we will not renew it.

Tami walks over before Haru can respond. He looks her over dismissively.

Haru: So this is your spawn.

I don’t like the tone of his voice or the derogatory word choice, and apparently, neither does Tami. Before I can stop her, she kicks Haru in his shin with her hard-toed sandals. He bends over in pain.

Maia gasps behind me and mumbles something that sounds like, ‘Oh my Watcher!’

Haru: What a rotten little –

I respond immediately.

Wade: Finish that sentence, and I’ll lay you out on this grass —

Maia: Dub, don’t!

I completely understand her warning tone. There’s been enough violence for one morning.

Maia hurries up and removes Tami from the situation before things escalate further. With Tami safely out of the way, she tells Haru to leave. I’m with her on that.

Haru: I cannot wait until our lease is up!

Wade: We finally agree on something.

Again, I patronize him with a wave.

Wade: Bye-bye now!

After Haru leaves, I check in with Maia and Tami.

Wade: Are you two okay?

Maia: Yeah. What was that about?

Wade: I don’t know. I stepped outside, and there he was, staring at you all creepy-like.

Maia: When did Tami learn how to kick like that?

Wade: Who knows, but maybe we should teach her to aim a little higher next time.

Maia: Dub!

Wade: I’m just saying…

(Generation 4 Chapter Summaries)

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