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Banks Dynasty – Day 38.4 (Part 2)

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At six on the dot, Maia and I make our way to the top of Torres Amanecer, to the restaurant of the same name. I approach the host, who greets us in English. I’m glad–otherwise, I’d be in trouble.

Host: How may I help you?

Wade: We have a six o’clock reservation under the name Banks.

He scrolls down his tablet.

Host: Ah, yes, Señor Bancos. I have you right here. Please follow me.

The host leads us to a booth that offers fantastic city views.

Maia: This is beautiful, Dub.

Wade: You are beautiful!

Is she blushing?

Maia: Thank you

I receive my 2nd kiss in less than 30 minutes. I’m on a roll. These romantic dates pay off in the best way. The waitress walks over to take our order. Both feeling in an experimental mood, Maia and I order dishes we’ve never seen or heard of. It’s just that kind of night.

Maia: I can’t get over this view. There are so many buildings! Do you think people live in all of them—or are they mostly office buildings?

Wade: My guess is it’s a mix of both.

Maia: Coming here was such a good idea. I’ve always wanted to visit.

Wade: Now we can both cross it off of our bucket lists.

Our food arrives, and we dig in.

Maia: I’ve never quite tasted anything like this. And these are real rose petals. I always heard they’re edible, but never expected them to be so good.

My focus is on my drink.

Wade: My food is okay; this drink wins the day.

Maia: Just okay?

I hold up my spoon.

Wade: Here, try a bite.

I feed Maia a bite of my space taco.

Maia: It tastes like seasoned plastic.

Wade: Right? But almost in a good way –

Maia: True

Wade: You ever taste something so nasty that you can’t stop eating it?

Maia laughs.

Maia: Is that like a dog so ugly that it’s cute?

Wade: Yes! This taco is that dog.

I try to offer Maia another bite, but she’s laughing too hard to take it. I push my plate to the side and focus on her. Her eyes reflect her smile, reminding me of what she was like when we first met. Life was so easy back then. But now we’re parents and everything is much more complicated, but I can’t imagine dealing with it all with anyone else but her. I gently pat the engagement ring in my pocket. It’s time!

The wait staff clears our plates, and Maia stands near the barrier to admire the view again. I take a deep breath, stand up, and approach her.

Wade: I didn’t just bring you here for dinner. I have something else in mind, too.

She gives me a puzzled look.

Maia: What else do you have in mind?

I wonder if Maia can hear my heart pounding in my chest.

I get down on one knee as Maia grabs her chest.

Maia: Dub! What are you doing?

Wade: Something I’ve wanted to do since we met.

I pull out the ring Dwight and I worked so hard to create.

Wade: I know I’m taking a big risk here because you’ve expressed your uncertainty regarding marriage multiple times. But I pray to the Watcher that my certainty is enough for both of us. I love you; you’re my perfect companion and mother to our daughter. I want to complete that picture. Maia Tilley, will you marry me?

Maia nods slowly and takes the ring.

Maia: It’s green! Oh, Dub, it’s so beautiful!

Are those tears in her eyes?

Wade: Dwight and I searched high and low to find that gem. It’s a plumbite.

Maia: Yes, I’ll marry you.

I jump up and kiss her.

Wade: Thank you, babe! Thank you for saying yes.

Maia: *smiles* I just wanted the ring.

I know she’s just joking, but my heart drops momentarily.

Maia: I’m just kidding, Dub.

The night is perfect, and I want to consummate our engagement. It’s time to go back to the rental.

Wade: Let’s get out of here.

I leave enough money for our bill and a generous tip.

But we don’t make it out of the restaurant. We find a small maintenance closet inside the building where we can steal a few minutes alone… which we do. It reminds me of that hot night we spent in the hot tub in Tartosa. I hope this time doesn’t result in another baby, but it wouldn’t be so bad if it did. Tami can use a playmate.

Our date concludes at Mariposa Plaza, near our rental.

Wade: I should call Ma and ask her to help us plan our wedding.

Maia: Isn’t she already planning your brother’s?

Wade: Right. But Ma loves these types of things. She won’t mind.

Maia suddenly stops walking.

Maia: I don’t want a big wedding. Something intimate with you, me, and Tami is good enough.

Wade: So you’ve never been that girl to dream of a big fairytale wedding?

Maia: I’ve never dreamed of any wedding.

I should have guessed that.

Maia: *continues* But what do you want? Do you want a big wedding?

I stop to think for a moment and realize that I don’t care about a big wedding either. I just want to skip to the end and woohoo with my wife. Why put it off?

Wade: We’re here—in South Simerica’s most romantic city. Maybe we should elope.

Maia: You mean, get married now?

Wade: Not right now. I’d want Tami to be there, of course, and Dray… and maybe even Luca and Sophia if they’d be willing to come.

Maia: Wouldn’t your parents be upset at missing out on your wedding?

Probably, but at least Maia’s father Clyde wouldn’t be there to object.

Wade: They’d get over it. They’ll just be happy that we’re married. And like you said–they’re already busy with Mase’s wedding.

Now that we’ve decided, I remember the gift I purchased for us at the flower shop to share. It’s a box of Mochi.

Wade: So instead of flowers, I got us this.

I pull it out and show it to Maia.

Maia: What is it?

Wade: Mochi—a semi-sweet rice dessert.

Maia: Oh, it looks—interesting. You first!

Maia takes one of the Mochi and stuffs it into my mouth.

Maia: How is it?

Wade: *muffled* Iii gooh

After I’ve successfully chewed and swallowed, I attempt to feed her one, but her mouth isn’t as big as mine, so most of hers end up on the ground.

(Generation 4 Chapter Summaries)

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  1. Charana Charana September 25, 2024

    Oh my goodness, I was thrilled and couldn’t wait to click the link to your website. I am so proud of Wade. Though it felt like he took a while to make up his mind from his perspective, his contemplation made a lot of sense from my point of view. I am delighted that it worked out, and it was refreshing to see the nerves many men experience before popping the question.

    • diego2memphis diego2memphis Post author | September 26, 2024

      Thanks so much! Sorry to have dragged it on for so long, but I hoped it would be worth the wait. I’m glad it worked out too! I was just as nervous as Dub. lol

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