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Banks Dynasty – Day 39.4 (Part 1)

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The house is quiet, and everyone else is asleep when we return to the rental. It’s officially the morning of our wedding, but we don’t wait until after exchanging vows to begin our honeymoon. We are in the world’s most romantic city and are drunk on its effects, so we take full advantage of the moment.

Several hours later, Tambara wakes up in a strange place different from her bedroom. She climbs out of bed and looks around, not knowing where she or her mommy and daddy are. She wants her mommy, and she wants her right now, but first, she has to find her.

Tami leaves the room and turns to the nearest door. She learned to turn doorknobs days ago and is eager to use the skill. She opens the door and approaches the bed, but the room is dark, and she can’t see anything.

Tambara: Mommy?

Words don’t work, but tears have never failed her before.

Tambara: *cries out* I WANT MOMMY!

Tami’s cries startle us out of our post-woo-hoo deep sleep. I’m just glad she didn’t walk in a few hours ago. Now that she can open doors independently, I make a mental note to lock our door before intimate moments to avoid Tami walking in and seeing way more than she should.

Maia: Tami, what are you doing up?

Tambara: I want to eat.

I guess we won’t be sleeping in today. Maia climbs out of bed and makes herself presentable by slipping into one of my shirts and a pair of shorts before guiding Tami out of the room. This leaves me with an opportunity to go downstairs to the gym to work off any ounce of fat that might make me look pudgy in my suit today.

Before hopping on the treadmill, I take care of some business by updating my social bunny status to announce our engagement. It doesn’t take long before the congrats roll in, including one from my cousin-in-law Dwight, who helped make the proposal even more special with his custom-made engagement ring. I quickly reply, thanking him again before starting the treadmill and running a few miles.

The morning is getting away from me, and I realize I have essential calls to make if we’re going to make eloping happen today. The first call is to Luca, who should be tired of me by now, although he never shows it. He answers immediately, as always.

Luca: *on the phone* How did it go?

Wade: *on the phone* It was perfect. She said yes, just like you said she would.

Luca: There was no doubt. Congrats, Dub!

Wade: Thanks, man. *pause* Luc-I’m calling because I have a big ask.

Luca: Okay, what’s up?

Wade: Remember when I said you’ll be the first invite to our wedding?

Luca: Yeah

Wade: Rather than going through the rigamarole of a big wedding, we’re eloping.

Luca: That’s fantastic, man! It’s a good option-

Wade: But it’s happening today. I hope you and Sophia aren’t busy…

After my workout and conversation with Luca, I run into Dray in the living room.

Wade: Hey, bro. Thanks for watching Tami for us yesterday!

Drake: It was no problem. How was your date?

Wade: Everything I hoped it would be. I asked Maia to marry me, and she said yes.

Drake: Oh wow! Congrats! So both of my big bros will be married men.

Wade: Yeah, but one of us sooner than you think.

Drake: What do you mean?

I lead Dray over to the couch before I continue.

Wade: Maia and I are eloping—today.

Drake: Today? Have you told Ma yet? She won’t be too happy about that.

Wade: She’ll be fine.

I pause, suddenly not so sure.

Wade: Won’t she?

Drake: You know how sentimental she is about these types of things. *grins* At least it won’t be me getting into trouble this time.

Drake pulls out his phone.

Drake: By the way, I won’t be able to babysit tonight.

Wade: Why? What’s up?

Drake: I met somebody yesterday. I’m about to call her and ask her out now.

I’m glad that Maia and I had our pre-marriage celebration last night because it won’t happen again tonight.

Wade: Okay, handle your business. I’ll call Ma now.

Drake puts his phone away.

Drake: On second thought, I’d rather hear what Ma has to say about you eloping.

Wade: Ma will be cool—you’ll see.

Dray gives me a knowing smirk.

I dial the number, and as soon as I hear Ma’s voice, I know Dray is right. This call won’t end well. I start with the good news.

Wade: *on the phone* Hey Ma! I have something that I wanted to tell you. Is Dad around?

Ma calls Dad to the phone and puts it on speaker.

Melisa: We’re both here. What’s the news?

Wade: Maia and I are engaged. I asked last night, and she said yes.

Ma and Dad cheer.

Kai: Congrats, son! It’s about time.

Melisa: Two of my babies are getting married! I can hardly believe it.

I give them a few minutes to celebrate before telling them the rest.

Wade: Yeah, but there’s something else…

Melisa: Are we getting another grandchild?! Oh, Dub, that’s wonderful. Maybe it’ll be a boy this time.

Wade: No, Ma. That’s not it.

Melisa: Well, what else could it be?

There’s no sense beating around the bush.

Wade: We’re eloping, Ma–here in CE…today. In a few hours, to be exact.

The phone goes silent for a moment.

Wade: Ma, Dad—you still there?

Ma’s voice comes back clear and loud. She has taken the phone off speaker, so I know she’s unhappy.

Melisa: Dub, why would you do that? You know we want to be a part of your special day.

Wade: You already have your hands full with Mase’s wedding. Besides, this is what Maia wants- what we both want.

More silence…

Wade: Ma?

Melisa: *deep sigh* I can’t argue with that if it’s what you want. But you’re leaving us out of many significant moments in your life, Dub. First, you move so far away that we never see Tambara. Now you propose and get married, and we won’t be there for that either.

Wade: I know, Ma, but there will be more moments, and you’ll be a part of all of them. I promise… and we’ll take lots of pictures.

Melisa: Okay. We wish you well on your big day. Give Maia and Tami a kiss for us.

Ma’s voice is heavy, like when she’s on the verge of tears. I can imagine her gray eyes darkening into those rain clouds I hate seeing. There’s nothing else to do but apologize before we end the call. Nothing feels as bad as breaking your ma’s heart.

Drake: So, was she mad?

Wade: Nope, much worse. She was disappointed.

Drake: Oh yeah–that is worse.

Drake gets up from the couch.

Drake: Oh well, at least it’s not me making ma sad this time.

Dray is enjoying my moment in the hot seat, so I take a shot at him after I realize something.

Wade: Wait! You said you met someone. Was that while you were supposed to be babysitting my daughter?

Dray ignores my question.

Drake: Let me know when it’s time to get ready for the wedding.

I watch him as he hurries out the back door. That’s all the answer I need.

Drake stops by the pool, dials Mariana’s number, and smiles when he hears her beautiful accent. He can’t wait to see her again; tonight is the last night it can happen. Their brief vacation ends tomorrow.

Drake: So, how about that tour? Are you available to show me a little more of the city?

Mariana states that she’s available and asks him if he can dance.

Drake: Do dogs bark, and do pigs have snouts?

Mariana: *giggles* I’m sorry—what was that?

Drake: Sorry-bad joke. Yeah, I can dance, but can you keep up?

I wash off my morning sweat and leave Maia alone to enjoy her soak in the tub. Luca and his family will be here within the hour. That leaves time for me to spend with Tambara, who I find playing with the dollhouse in her room. I kneel next to her and pick up a doll.

Wade: So, are we playing rich girl or pretty girl?

Tambara: Pwetty girl!

I put on my best pretty girl voice.

Wade: *high-pitched* Okay, girl, what are we wearing to the pool party tonight?

Tambara: Pwetty dwess and mommy’s shoes.

Wade: *high-pitched* Mommy’s shoes? No way, girl, we should go shopping and get new shoes!

(Generation 4 Chapter Summaries)

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