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Banks Dynasty Day 39.4 Interlude: City in Love (Part 2 – Collab with igglemouse)

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Note: Aside from most of Drake and Damon’s dialogue, this part of the collab was written by Maria, also known as igglemouse. The link takes you to her Tumblr page!

Tonight is the night, date night, and for me, it’s never too early to start preparing. I like to give myself time and space to make sure I’ll be at my very best, not just looking great but feeling great, too. After all, it’s not just about the dress you are wearing or how your makeup is applied; it’s also about how you carry yourself. You have to bring the confidence, after all!

I want that moment; I want his jaw to drop when he sees me, but I also don’t want to overdo it. I need to look effortlessly beautiful and to do that, I need to find the sweet spot. The goal isn’t to look like a model but to just be the best version of myself, because that should always be good enough.

Maybe I spent a little too much time on my makeup, but you know you have to get every angle just right. The reflection staring back at me tells me it was time well spent, subtle yet polished, and just enough to highlight my best features. Presentation matters, right?

Looking good is more than just makeup though, as it all goes to waste if my outfit is lacking. I am a little prepared for tonight. I’m always prepared for a date night, and not only do I know the dress I’ll be wearing, but the heels as well. Slipping into them gives me a boost of confidence and also a boost to my height. There is a small worry that if we start dancing, these heels might not be up for it, but I’ll make it work. I always do!

I arrived a little early at Mirador del Amor, thankfully, as I like to have some time to myself before a date-just time to breathe and prepare for whatever the night might bring. I will admit to having high hopes for it. Drake had been incredibly sweet the last time we met. Polite and charming and, most importantly, cute! I can’t deny that his adorable niece might have played a role in that, but I suppose tonight, he’ll be on his own.

The date is off to a good start since he isn’t late. I sort of expected he might be. After all, he’s on vacation, and it’s easy to get lost in an unfamiliar place. But he makes it on time and looks well put together. So, off to a good start! I have to settle myself mentally because I’ve been on soooo many dates that start out well and end horribly, but I do have a really good feeling for this one.

Drake: Sorry I’m a little late. My brother got married today, but I got here as soon as I could.

Mariana: Right on time. The night is still very young. Ready?

Drake: Yeah, let’s do it.

And so we step inside Mirador del Amor, greeted by the soft hum of music and conversation. It looks to be a busy night but not too crowded, and I’m happy to let him lead because I’m curious to see where he might guide us. He heads right for the bar. One thing I love about this bar is the layout. Everything is close enough to feel lively but not far enough to feel isolated, and really, it’s the perfect spot to start a date. As I settle into my stool, I decide that this feels just…. right? It gives us a chance to get to know each other without the pressure of a dance or the threat of the music blaring over our conversation. Speaking of conversation…

Mariana: Soooo…your brother’s wedding? Sounds like you’re having a pretty eventful week.

Drake: So far, so good – but the best part was meeting you.

Mariana: Let’s add tonight to what I hope is a very memorable week, then!

But before we can get too deep into our conversation, someone else swoops in, making his presence known with a wave and a confident smile on his face.

Damon: First time here?

Drake: Um, yeah? I’m on vacation.

Damon: Uh, I was talking to her. *to Mariana* I’m Damon, by the way.

I’m in the middle of these two and at first I thought they knew each other, but I guess not? Just to make sure this guy isn’t here to make this night a little too interesting. I let him know that I’m with Drake.

Mariana: It’s a date night!

Damon: Oh, well, be careful on that dance floor, and don’t drink too much if you plan on hitting it! Maybe I’ll luck out, and you’ll save me a dance.

Mariana: Umm, thanks? If I slip and fall, Drake will catch me.

I give him one of those smiles; you know the one? A sort of thank you, but no thank you…a kind of I am politely rejecting you, smile.

While I don’t appreciate that guy trying to butt into our date, he does have a point. I want to be clear of mind when we hit the dance floor, especially in these heels. But why sit at a bar if you don’t plan on having a drink or two – all part of the experience, right? Slipping and falling on the dance floor would at least be memorable, but it’s not the kind of memory I want to create for tonight for either of us, so we decide on something light.

Damon isn’t going to move, but I’ll ignore him for now, as long as he’s not interrupting, I guess. I need to put him out of my mind and focus on my date, and funnily enough, a few sips from my drink brings me back to the conversation I wanted to have with Drake.

Mariana: So what was that you were saying over the phone? You were asking if I can keep up.

Drake: I was just having some fun. I’m not about to regret that, am I?

Before I can reply, the DJ’s voice cuts through the air, energized and hyped up and calling for the tempo to turn up. The beat changes, turning into something faster and with a tempting rhythm that dares to be ignored. The timing feels like destiny itself. I down my drink and give Drake a look.

Mariana: Sounds like that’s our cue. Let’s see if you can keep up with me.

Drake: Are you sure? We can order another round if you want-

Mariana: The music calls, and we must answer!

While I was full of confidence, dragging him to the dance floor, I admit to having a flutter of nerves once we were there. The space was wide and open, and it felt like we were the center of attention, like all eyes were on us; although looking around, I could see that was not true. Sometimes you just feel like you’re being watched, even if it isn’t true at all.

Thankfully, the music drains some of my nerves away, a favorite song of mine plays, and the tension melts. I let my hips sway a little, telling myself he’s probably just as nervous as I am.

Mariana: So, how are you liking the city?

Drake: There’s a lot of spirit here…and culture. I could see myself staying in a place like this.

Mariana: The nightlife is vibrant, and you are really just seeing the start of it!

Drake: Oh, you have more to show me?

Mariana: *smirks* There is always more to show.

Thankfully, the right song came on, and that was all the motivation I needed to really let loose. One second, I was casually trying to find the rhythm, and the next, I’m in it. The nerves completely wash away, and whatever fears I have of slipping or embarrassing myself are gone. All I want to do is move.

Y tengo un novio nuevo que me hace



No me busques, que aquí no queda na’, na’ de na’

Me hace



Tengo otro que me lleva a la disco a perrear  (song: Natti Natasha x Becky G – Ram Pam Pam)

It helps that this isn’t just any song but one I’ve danced to privately countless times. One I’ve played on a loop, one that I have my own little routine for that I’m now sharing with Drake and the rest of the club. Even Damon is impressed, although I worry he’s there to make sure he’s the one who catches me if I slip and fall.

The music lifts me and guides me to putting on a show and while there were no eyes on me when I first stepped on the dance floor, there are certainly a few pairs of eyes on me now. It’s best to just live in the moment, enjoy it, grasp it, and hang on to it for as long as you can.

I’m so lost in the moment that I didn’t realize Drake was keeping up. I’ll be honest and say I don’t think his moves were better than mine, but it was hard to turn away and we were very much feeding off the energy of the other. The rest of the world fades into the background as we both find our rhythm and lose ourselves to the music. After a while, it feels like the rest of the club is watching and you know something? They should be. You know you’re doing something right when you want others to see your performance. At that moment, we were in our own little bubble, and me coming out of my shell brought Drake out of his as well.

Mariana: Look at you!

Drake: No, all eyes on you!

We both laugh, a sound light enough to carry above the music, but we also share a look. I think we are both shocked at what we were able to do, but I think it is clear we do need a breather—some time to collect our thoughts and our breaths as well.

DJ: I don’t want anyone to break any ankles tonight, so let’s slow it down, especially for some of our lovebirds!

It sounds like the DJ agrees and why do I feel like she was looking directly at me and Drake?

Drake: Is she talking about us?

It’s a good question because, as far as I can tell, we are the only two paired together on the dance floor right now. Maybe we had put on a bit of a show! The music does slow, and, more specifically, another song special to my heart starts and while I’m sure Drake doesn’t know the meaning of the words, he knows the vibe of the song. Music is universal, after all, and I offer my hand, which he happily takes, and we move to it together.

♪ “He esperado tanto, tanto, tanto tiempo

Buscando un amor

Un pedacito de fruta, un trocito

De algún corazón


Yo necesito amar

A quien me quiera de verdad

Tal vez sea involuntario, como un espasmo sicario

Un vendaval” ♫  (song: Mon Laferte – Vendaval)

A slow dance can sometimes tell you everything you need to know about someone, or at least it can give you a glimpse into your connection—the first connection, I mean. The one that oftentimes means the most. I can tell by how we sway and rock and how he guides me that there is something here. I’m not sure what it is, but it is something; it’s enough, at least, for me to lose myself in the moment and fall into his eyes. A gentle smile spreading on my lips and staying there without a word between us makes the dance-well, perfect.

After all the dancing, we definitely need a break, and since I’m a little more familiar with this place, I take the lead and guide us to the lounge room and, more importantly, the bubbler. I do glance back at him as I lead the way and can’t help but notice him walking with a little more swagger than before. I suppose a dance can do that? Confidence always looks good on someone, doesn’t it? Especially Drake…

I think that confidence is what made him sit down and give the bubbler a shot. It wasn’t really my thing, but watching him take a few too many and then hiccup after doing a little too much was funny.

Mariana: I had a really fun time tonight!

Drake: Oh yeah? You killed it on the dance floor. I think even the DJ was watching. I hope I didn’t embarrass you.

Mariana: The opposite, actually. I think we made each other look good. Come on, let’s get out of here!

It would be a good time to call it a night, as it is well past midnight. Actually, I’ve lost so much track of time that a couple of hours here would have us seeing hints of the sun. It’s definitely time to get up and go; besides, I wouldn’t want him to have too many bubbles!

We make it through the dancefloor again, which was ironically a lot more crowded than before. I’d like to think all those people decided to give us a bit of space and let us work. We slipped right through and back outside, leaving the music, club, and excitement behind.

Once outside, it’s just the two of us and the perfect time to summarize the date.

Drake: Mariana, this night was amazing. I hate that it has to end.

Mariana: Wasn’t it? I’m hoping you are enjoying the city so far.

Drake: Of course, it’s a lot of fun, and I think I’m enjoying more than the city.

Mariana: Oh?

It was then our lips met, and once they connected, it feels almost wrong to have them part. Yet, all things must come to an end, and sometimes, an end leads to new beginnings.

Drake: I leave for Brindleton Bay tomorrow. I’d give anything to see you again.

Mariana: Brindleton Bay? That is a little far away, but it would be fun to have you be the one doing the tour.

Drake: There’s nothing like this there. This is definitely the place to be.

I have to say, any date that ends with a kiss like that is one to remember! I’m not sure what will come of it, but it’s always important to take things as they come, and today was one I’ll remember.

(Generation 4 Chapter Summaries)

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