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Banks Dynasty – Day 39.4 (Part 2)

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Maia calls her father to tell him about the engagement, and that she and Wade are eloping. Unlike Me-Me, Clyde doesn’t care about weddings and big formal affairs. But it matters that Dub has the money to care for his daughter.

Clyde: *on the phone* So he’s finally putting a ring on it? Good. *brief pause* But I still don’t like him.

Maia: *on the phone* Stop that, father. I don’t believe that, anyway.

Upstairs, I pause the doll playing with Tami when I receive a text from Luca.

Wade: *to Tami* Uncle Luca and Aunt Sophia are pulling up now, and guess what – they brought little Desi! You’ll have someone your age to play with.

I rush downstairs to greet my friend and his family.

I’m cheesing like a guilty cat when I open the door and see Luca and his family behind it.

Wade: Luc-can’t believe you made it. My bad for the short notice.

Luca: Are you kidding? We would never miss this! It’s nice to get away for a while, too.

Wade: Can you believe it? I’m joining the club, man-I’ll be married in a few hours.

Luca: And everything will be different.

Wade: How so?

Luca: Well… When you’re dating, everything is hypothetical, you know? But when you get married, you’re, like, together together. It’s real, and you have to make things happen. Your life isn’t your own anymore, so the way you think and go about the world changes. Personally, it makes me want to be a better man. My family deserves the best!

 Wade: I feel that, and I think I’m ready.

I’m getting married today. There’s no longer any room for doubt.

 Wade: Scratch that-I know I’m ready.

Meanwhile, Sophia takes a mini tour of the place and finds Maia in the kitchen.

Maia: Oh my Watcher – you made it! Thanks so much for being here.

Sophia: Luca wouldn’t have it any other way. Congrats, by the way.

Maia: Thank you! Can I get you all anything to eat or drink?

Sophia: Oh, no. We’re good. But thank you! We brought every snack imaginable to keep Desi occupied, but she made us eat them with her. I’m so stuffed! 

Maia: We got lucky. Tami slept the entire way.

Luca walks around to get a good look at the rental. It’s a nice place to stay for a last-minute mini vacation. While Maia and Sophia continue chatting, he walks into the backyard to check out the pool.


Sophia: Anything I can do to help you get ready?

Maia: Maybe help me pick out a dress? Dub, being Dub, talked me into bringing way more than I needed.

Sophia: I’d be glad to help!

Upstairs, Tami is happy to have a playmate her size.

Tambara: You play pwetty girls with me?

A few hours later, we arrive at the Vista Hermosa neighborhood of Ciudad Enamorada for our vow exchange. After some research, Maia and I discovered that this spot, ‘The Wall of Love,’ is the most frequently chosen location for couples who decide to elope in the city.

We spend a few minutes reading some of the love declarations previously written on the wall by couples from all over the Sim World. There are messages written in every language. Some are so old that they have faded with time. But there are plenty of new messages too. It’s beautiful to know that falling in love is still in style, and I can’t wait to add to the wall.

It feels almost surreal to be here now with Maia, my daughter, brother, best friend, and his family for this special occasion.

I still feel bad that Ma and Dad couldn’t be here. And it’s even worse because I intended to livestream the vow exchange for them, but I accidentally left my drone at home.

There are smiles on everyone’s faces except Tambara’s, who gets all clingy whenever she witnesses affection between Maia and me.

Tambara: *sad* But I’m the baby.

I know she doesn’t understand what’s happening right now, but even she can sense it’s something special.

Wade: You will always be our baby, but mommy and daddy have something important to do now. Then we can leave this place, and you can play with Desi. Okay?

Tambara: Kay

I can tell that Tami is moments away from a complete meltdown, so we’d better make this fast. I turn and take Maia’s hands in mine.

Wade: You look beautiful. I love you so much!

And she is. I don’t think I can express how much I love this woman.

Maia: I love you too.

Wade: I had everything planned except what I wanted to say. I hope you don’t mind if I just speak from my heart.

Maia: Can I go first?

Wade: Of course

Maia squeezes my hands tighter and begins.

Maia: I want to tell you why I said ‘yes’ when you asked me to marry you.

I smile, recalling my happiness when I heard that sweet word.

Maia: *continues* I honestly never thought I’d be here. Growing up, I was surrounded by bad relationships, so my views on marriage were skewed. But your response after I told you that stuck with me through the years. You said that we could rewrite those experiences. At first, I wasn’t sure how to do that, and it took some time for me to get through my issues. But I believe you now. You’ve shown me repeatedly what love is and, even more important–what it could be in the future. You have continuously exemplified what it means to be a good man and a great father. Mentally—you are my safe place and I’m blessed to be here by your side and look forward to continuing to grow with you. I don’t want to be just me anymore. I’m looking forward to us-with you and Tambara because you are the best things to have ever happened to me. I love you and am honored to become your wife. That’s why I said yes last night and am still saying yes today.

I rarely feel like crying, but Maia’s words touch me deeply. But I can’t stand here blubbering in front of my boy, Luc. Plus, seeing me lose it will surely set Tami off. I do my best to swallow my tears and regurgitate them into words.

Wade: Maia, I —

I take a deep breath and start again.

Wade: Your smile, your touch, your voice-I didn’t even begin living until you brought it all into my life. I was lost when I first met you-a silly boy off on his own for the first time. But you led the way to me becoming a man and a father, and now, someone suitable to being here by your side.

I hear someone sniffling and can feel my emotions bubbling up again. I’m unsure how to proceed. I glance to the side and catch Luca’s eyes for a moment. He nods his encouragement, and I suddenly know what to say. I turn back to Maia.

Wade: *continues* I—I spoke to Luca before I proposed last night, and he told me to be real with you because it’s what you need to hear. But, *to Luca* you had it wrong, dude.

Luca: *chuckles* Oh, really?

Wade: Completely. *back to Maia* I say that because it’s actually what I need to hear. So let me be real.

I squeeze Maia’s hands for courage.

Wade: I’m a fraud, Maia. I pretend to be cool and tough and try my best to make everyone believe I’m confident, but I’m not. And honestly, I was afraid you’d say no to my proposal because deep down; I know I’m not worthy of you. You are a goddess, and I’m…just me.

Maia: I’m just me too.

Wade: Maybe so, but you’re light years ahead of me in every way, and I dread the day you realize that. What I’m trying to say is that I’m still that silly boy in some ways, but I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you. And maybe, over time, I can grow into someone who deserves to be by your side. But until that day comes—I’ll work each minute to be better than I was before. That’s my promise to you. So if you will have me-I’d be honored to be called your supporter, your friend, your partner, your baby’s daddy-

Everyone, including Maia, laughs.

Wade: *concludes* And… your husband. Will you be my wife?

Maia: *smiles* I will. Will you be my husband?

Wade: I will, and I do.

We kiss while Drake, Luca, and Sophia cheer.

We’re officially Mr. and Mrs. Banks! And it’s time to add my declaration to the wall. I start with the date, and underneath it, I write, ‘The day I became the luckiest man in the world. I love you, Maia Banks’ and enclose it all in a heart shape with an arrow like a love-struck high school student vandalizing a bathroom wall.

It’s time to make good on my promise to Ma. We spend the next half hour taking pictures, with Drake as our photographer. He’s still an amateur, and his photos aren’t nearly as good as mine, but they still capture the moment, and I know Ma will be happy to see them.

We can’t leave without selfies with the friends and family who traveled far and wide to be here by our side.

As evening approaches, we can see that the girls are getting restless. I try to get a few pictures of them, but they are ready to go. As I put away my camera, I spot Luca and Sophia having a moment, staring up at the sky on a nearby bench, which gives me an idea. I approach Luca after Sophia gets up to check on Desi.

Wade: You were here for me. I want to be here for you. Let us watch Desi tonight so you can take Sophia out on probably the first actual date you’ve had since Desi was born.

Luca: We couldn’t let you do that. It’s your wedding night.

Wade: Dude, I asked you to travel over two hours with a toddler at the last minute. At least let me repay you for that type of dedication. Maia and I have our entire lives together. Waiting one extra night won’t hurt. My brother Drake, our supposed babysitter, has plans, so we’re in parent mode tonight, anyway.

Luca: You have a point.

Wade: I know I do.

Luca: It’s late. I don’t have time to make any plans. Where would we go?

Wade: There are a lot of nice spots-it’s the City of Love, dude! Maia and I spent time in Mariposa Plaza last night. It’s beautiful and has some romantic things to do within walking distance of the rental. There are food stands, the park, walking trails, and a cute little flower shop where you can treat Sophia to some flowers or chocolates.

Luca: *convinced* Okay, yeah. Let me see what Sophia says about it.

(**Note: Jes, of jes2gstories, wrote parts of Luca and Sophia’s dialogue. The link takes you to her website!)

(Generation 4 Chapter Summaries)

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