It’s the morning of Winterfest, and I wake up to see Maia slumped over and sitting on the side of the bed. My first instinct is to ask her how she’s doing, but the answer is in her body language. She’s still trying to hold it together, and there’s not much I can do about it. But then again, maybe the plans I made last night will help.
Silently, I sit beside her and place my arm around her back. She leans into me without hesitation. We sit like that for a while before I break the silence.
Wade: I made all the arrangements. The funeral will be in Willow Creek, the day after Winterfest—the same place where my family is buried.
Maia’s body shifts slightly in response, and I can feel her cheek rise into a slight smile against mine. I continue with my plan.
Wade: I was thinking—maybe we should get away for the night. I booked us a rental in Chestnut Ridge. We can spend Winterfest there, and Willow Creek will be a short drive away.
I feel her shift again and I hesitate…is this like with the cat? Am I jumping the gun again here? I open my mouth to apologize and take it all back, but Maia responds before I get the chance.
Maia: I like that idea.
Wade: Yeah?
Maia: Yeah. It’ll be good for Tami.
I squeeze Maia tighter, happy that I finally did something right.
Wade: We can leave in a couple of hours.
Maia: Okay. That gives us time to pack and eat breakfast.
Tami wakes up feeling off. She’s still sad about her grandpa and Luna, but there’s something else. Tami brushes her tongue along her teeth until one of them gives to the pressure. She has a loose tooth. Of course, she knows about losing teeth. Most of the kids in her class sport a missing tooth grin, but Tami doesn’t like the feeling at all. Losing a tooth is another loss.
We gather in the kitchen for breakfast. I expected Tami to be still upset, but I don’t expect the tears at the breakfast table. I offer words of comfort.
Wade: It’s okay to cry, Princess. We’ll all miss your grandpa.
Tambara: *shuddering* M-my t-tooth is l-loose!
Is that the cause of the tears?
I sit in my seat.
Wade: A loose tooth is natural. Those are just baby teeth. Mommy and I both lost ours.
Tambara: But I don’t like it! It feels icky, and it hurts to eat.
Tami wipes her tears and begins frantically wiggling her tooth.
Wade: You’ll feel better when it falls out. If you keep moving it like that…it’ll happen sooner rather than later.
Tami stops moving the tooth around. Maybe the idea of the tooth falling out is bothering her.
Wade: Losing a tooth is a happy occasion. It means the tooth fairy will visit soon.
Tami tries to eat, but the struggle is apparent.
Maia: Try to eat around the tooth. Daddy planned a surprise, and we’ll go after breakfast.
Tami takes a few more bites, but the chewing process is slow as she tries to take Maia’s advice.
It takes longer than planned, but Tami eventually forgets her tooth long enough for us to get dressed and out the door. Although Chestnut Ridge is the next town over, my only experience with it was when Maia and I took the train through it on our way to Del Sol Valley when we first met. The scenery was beautiful then, but driving through gives us an up close and personal view of the place.
We arrive at our rental and admire our surroundings before making our way inside. Maia and I lead while Tami drags behind with Hiro and Majesty.
The cabin is cozy, and the warmth is a pleasant contrast to the chilly mountain air outside. I want to bring the ‘fest’ back into our Winterfest, so I immediately start looking for decorations for the outside of the house. There’s a decorated Winterfest tree in the corner, so Maia and Tami take some time to light it.
With the tree lit and the outside of the house decorated, our Winterfest is already feeling much brighter!
The odd feeling of the wiggly tooth once again distracts Tami. Her tongue has been darting back and forth all morning, pushing it around. She wiggles it some more, but this time, she wiggles too hard, and the tooth falls out.
The idea of holding her tooth in her hand is unsettling. And now there’s a strange taste in Tami’s mouth that is like licking a metal simoleon.
Tambara: Ew! I can taste blood.
The wiggling tooth isn’t there anymore, but her tongue now explores the space left by its absence. Tami can’t decide which is worse.
Maia: Now you place the tooth under your pillow for the tooth fairy. In the morning, you might find a prize.
Tambara: I don’t understand why the fairy would want my old icky tooth.
Maia: It’s just one of those things, I guess.
No longer distracted by the loose tooth, Tami explores her new surroundings. She spots a colorful tube on the coffee table that looks like the leftover cardboard after the toilet paper has run out. She’s seen these on TV. It’s a Holiday Cracker. Tami picks it up, shakes it, and finally pops it open. It’s like a mini piñata, full of confetti, with candy inside.
I reenter the cabin after I’m satisfied with the outside décor. It’s nice to be out of the cold and even nicer when Maia walks over with a tiny smile.
Maia: This was a wonderful idea.
I’m so glad to hear that.
Maia pulls me into a big hug.
Maia: Thank you!
Having Maia approve of my actions again feels good. I finally feel like I’m out of the doghouse. Maybe this is a step towards making Maia’s words, ‘I don’t think we will make it’ fade away for good.
After the hug…
Wade: There are some horse show competitions scheduled for this morning. Should we go check some of them out?
(Generation 4 Chapter Summaries)
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