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Banks Dynasty – Day 47.4 (Part 2)

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Maia agrees and we arrive in the New Appaloosa neighborhood to see a few horse competitions. But regret slaps me in the face as soon as I approach the doors of the Equestrian Center, as the scent of moist hay mixed with horse manure snatches me back to my days cleaning out our cow shed in Henford-On-Bagley. I vowed to myself a long time ago that I’d avoid livestock shit and the stables where they live in the future, but Maia and Tami are extra excited, so I’m forced to suck it up and breathe through my mouth as I step inside.

Somehow I make it through and even enjoy the competitions. Several hours later, I hurry out of the arena’s doors and take a deep breath of fresh country air. Maia steps out behind me.

Maia: Where’s Tami?

Wade: What do you mean? I thought she was with you!

We look around, and Tami is nowhere in sight. We’re in Chestnut Ridge for only a few hours, and we’ve already lost our child. It’s just like when I lost my little brother Drake as soon as we arrived in Batuu after my young adult birthday.

We reenter the Equestrian Center and search the stands and the stalls before we realize Tami isn’t there. That’s when the panic sets in, and we run around outside calling her name.

Maia: Tami! Tami, where are you?

Wade: *to Maia* I’ll check near the stores. You try the park!

Meanwhile, about 200 yards away…

Tambara: You’re the prettiest horsy ever!

Older Gentleman: Nessie! How did ya get outside the gate again?

The guy walks over to claim his horse.

Tambara: Is this your horsy?

Older Gentleman: Yes. Are ya lost? Where’re ya parents?

Tambara: I’m not lost. I just wanted to see the horsy.

Xavier: Well, you met Finesse and my name is Xavier. And I’m pretty sure your parents are looking for ya.

Tambara: But I’m not lost.

Xavier: Okay, I’ll take ya word for it. But you’re definitely not from around here. I’d remember them pretty gray eyes.

Tambara: I’m from San Sequoia, and we’re visiting the horsies for Winterfest.

Xavier: Well, Happy Winterfest, Little Miss. Since ya here visiting, I think I have a little something I can scrounge up for ya. Wait right here.

Xavier goes into his house and returns with a nicely wrapped blue box.

Xavier: No visitor to my ranch leaves empty-handed.

Tami happily accepts the gift.

Terror wallops me in the gut when I see Tami taking a gift from some strange old man. I march over immediately.

Wade: Hey! What the hell, man! You can’t go around giving things to little kids!

Xavier: I’m sorry. I shoulda asked, but I meant no harm. It’s tradition to give gifts to guests around these parts, specially during Winterfest.

Wade: Where I’m from, it’s creepy!

Which is not entirely true…not offering a guest something back home in Henford-On-Bagley is rude and frowned upon. Chestnut Ridge has the same feel and probably holds similar customs. Maybe I’m overreacting. But then again, we don’t live in Henford anymore. We live in San Sequoia – a big city. Taking a gift from a stranger there can be dangerous. Tami has to be more careful.

Wade: Tami, you shouldn’t be over here! We’ve been looking everywhere for you! You don’t talk to strangers, remember?

Tambara: But I’m not lost! And he’s not a stranger. His name is Xavier, and I wanted to see the horsy.

Wade: We don’t know him, so he’s a stranger!

Xavier: Your daddy is right, Little Miss. I’m sorry, I shoulda been more considerate.

Again, I realize that his giving Tami the gift was his form of being considerate. My phone buzzes, and I know it’s probably Maia. In my panic, I almost forgot she’s still looking for Tami. I pull out my phone to tell her where we are. She finds us a few moments later.

Maia: Hi, I’m Maia. Thanks for keeping Tami safe.

Maia’s calm, relieved tone encourages me to lower my guard slightly.

Xavier: I’m Xavier. And ya welcome. Little Miss was a big help, keeping my horse, Finesse, from running off.

I remember my small-town manners.

Wade: Yeah, thanks, man. We’re glad she’s safe. And we took enough of your time, so we’d better go.

Xavier: No need to rush off. Let me show ya’ll around the place since you’re already here. It’s not big—won’t take long.

I open my mouth to refuse, but Maia responds before I can.

Maia: I’m sure Tami would love that.

Xavier walks me and Maia to the horse’s barn. I’m surprised to see how clean it is and there are almost no bad smells to reveal that a horse lives here. Xavier grabs Finesse’s saddle and shows us how to put it on before leading us inside his small home. I laugh to myself when Xavier refers to the tiny place as his “ranch”. If it’s a ranch, it’s the smallest one I’ve ever seen. And only a fraction of the size of Ma and Dad’s farm in Henford.

Meanwhile, still outside…

Tami walks over to Finesse, and the horse responds by kneeling in the dirt.

Tambara: You want me to get on?

Finesse lowers herself further, and Tami takes the hint and ends up on her belly on the horse’s back. Suddenly, Finesse stands. Panicked, Tami holds on for dear life.

Tambara: Wait! I’m not on yet!

As we step back outside, Xavier explains how the ranch is entirely off the grid and relies on solar panels and dew collectors for power and water. Maia suddenly gasps, and I follow her gaze to see Tami sitting on the horse’s back.

Maia: Tami, get down from there!

Xavier: No harm done. In my experience, the horse chooses the rider, and Nessie has chosen your daughter. Mind if I give her a few tips? I’ve taught almost every child in the Ridge to ride.

I don’t see any harm in that, and Maia doesn’t either. We sit down nearby and watch Xavier give Tami some riding tips.

Xavier: Finesse is calm with you up there, so that’s a good start. Now, sit with your back straight. You’re going to use the reins to tell Nessie where to go. Grab them with both hands.

Tami follows Xavier’s instructions.

Xavier: I need you to gently squeeze Nessie’s sides with your legs. That’s how ya tell her to walk.

Tami squeezes, and the horse moves forward slowly around the yard.

Xavier: Good job, you a natural, Little Miss!

After trotting around within the yard for about 30 minutes, the horse walks towards the gate. Xavier goes over to open it.

Xavier: Nessie wants to show you what she can do. Just stay calm, Little Miss, and hold on tight!

As soon as the gate opens, Finesse takes off faster. Tami grips the reins with all of her might.

Xavier: *calls after* Breathe, Little Miss! Nessie knows what to do.

Finesse takes Tami for a ride on the grounds in front of Xavier’s place, and Maia and I relax a little, realizing that Tami is in expert hands with Xavier and Finesse.

Finesse picks up speed with Tami looking perfectly at ease on her back. Xavier lights up his firepit and calls Maia and me over.

Maia: So, how long have you been a rider?

Xavier: Over 40 years. I raised Nessie from a foal and won several championships with her. After retirement, I started teaching junior riders. If ya attend any of the shows at the Equestrian Center, you’ll see most of my students. Anyone under 20, I probably taught. Yes indeed!

Maia: That’s where we came from. Tami loved it.

Xavier: She seems to have what it takes to be a fantastic rider one day. She’s tough—I can tell. But she’s also calm. Nessie took to her right away.

Wade: Well, it’s too bad we live in the city then.

Maia: Yeah. May I use your bathroom?

Xavier: Sure, you know where it is—the door in the kitchen.

Maia heads inside as Xavier and I continue the conversation.

Xavier: If ya’ll interested, San Sequoia ain’t too far. You can bring Tami over once a week, and I’d be glad to teach her to ride.

Wade: I don’t know if my wife would go for that, but it’s something to discuss.

Tami climbs off the horse and walks over.

Tambara: Daddy, I want a horse for Winterfest!

I’m not shocked by the request. What child doesn’t want a horse? But I know Maia wouldn’t go for that, and we don’t live on a ranch.

Wade: Where would we put a horse? We live in the city.

Tambara: Please, daddy! It would make me very happy. It could live in our backyard.

We couldn’t have a horse in our backyard, but I wonder if we could afford to rent a small ranch…I stop myself before I can go further with the thought process. I just got in good with Maia again and am not about to mess that up. Not even for Tami.

Wade: That’s not happening, Tami.

Tambara: Pretty please, daddy!

A call from Luca directs my attention away from Tami’s pleas. I silently thank Luca because Watcher knows Tami has me wrapped around her little finger. Maia exits the house.

Maia: Thanks for your hospitality, Mr.—

Xavier: Ware, but I prefer ya call me Xavier.

Maia: Xavier. We’d better head back to our rental, but I’d love for you to join us for Winterfest dinner unless you have plans.

Xavier: Uh, no. I don’t have any plans. I’d love to.

(Generation 4 Chapter Summaries)

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