Xavier joins us as we return to the rental, which seems to have put an extra spark of joy on Maia’s face. I guess it’s her way of making up for Clyde’s absence. Either way, she’s smiling, and I love to see it.
While she gets started on dinner, I lead Xavier to the couch. I can’t help but wonder why he’s not spending the holiday with his family.
Wade: Do you have any family in the area?
Xavier: Nessie is my family.
Wade: So you’ve never been married?
Xavier: At one point, a long time ago. But I discovered riding horses was a lot easier than maintaining my relationship. She ran off and remarried some fellah from San Myshuno, and I’ve been here ever since doing what I do. Yessir!
That’s rough, but Xavier doesn’t seem too torn up about it. I guess he found his happiness in other ways.
The outside chill has followed us inside, so I light the fireplace while Xavier shares stories of his adventures here in Chestnut Ridge. The old dude is full of energy and is pretty funny.
Xavier: *concludes his story* … all I can say is some folks don’t know how to use the good sense that the Watcher gave them. And it’s spreading quickly. *hearty laugh* Make sure to duck to avoid getting hit with it.
Wade: I can’t argue with that one. It’s spread across the entire country.
Xavier: You’d better know it. *brief pause* Oh, before I forget – I brought a gift for you and the missus to thank ya for ya hospitality. Mind if I put it under the tree?
Xavier and I move closer to the tree as he adds his gift.
Xavier: It’s not much, but I hope y’all can find some use from it just the same.
Wade: That’s nice of you. I wish we had something for you.
Xavier: Well, ya know… just being here is enough of a gift for me. Yessir!
Right on cue, Maia calls us for dinner.
We grab a serving and sit at the table.
Maia: I hope you don’t mind fish, Xavier.
Xavier: If it’s dead, and it used to swim, fly, walk, or cluck—I’ll eat it. But do you mind if I say grace first?
We’ve never been a religious family, but a little grace has never hurt.
Wade: Sure, go for it.
Xavier: If I can get y’all to bow your heads.
While the rest of us bow our heads, we can hear Tami’s fork hitting her plate. We look up to see she’s started eating.
Maia: Mr. Ware has asked us to bow our heads for a moment, Tadpole. We’ll eat in a few minutes.
Tami isn’t used to it, but she follows our example. Luckily, Xavier keeps it short and sweet.
Xavier: Thank you, Watcher, for this food and the hands that prepared it. May you bless us all this Winterfest and the days that follow. Amen.
Maia and I follow with an amen of our own, but Tami goes right back to eating. We wait for Xavier to take a bite.
Xavier: Now that’s some good fish! I can’t remember the last time I had food cooked this well, but it was probably back when I was a boy.
Wade: Did you grow up here in Chestnut Ridge?
Xavier: I grew up in a few different places. We moved anywhere my dad could find work. He was a factory worker, so we lived in Copperdale, Moonwood Mill, and even Evergreen Harbor for a time. I made my way here when I was old enough to set out on my own and been here ever sense.
Wade: I went to high school in Copperdale. It was a long drive, but the private school there is top-rated.
Xavier: The place has changed so much, I can barely recognize it now.
Maia gets up and begins clearing the dirty dishes.
Tambara: Can we open gifts now?
Wade: I don’t see why not. We’ll start with the ones under the tree, but we can expect more from Father Winter.
Tambara: Maybe he’ll get me a horsy!
Xavier: *chuckles* Nessie has planted the ‘love for horses’ bug. I remember the first time I climbed on a saddle—it was love at first ride.
I know there’s no way Father Winter is giving Tami a horse, but I allow her to hold on to hope because that’s what Winterfest is about. Tami hurries from the table to the gifts and tears through them at record speed—smiling after each fresh surprise.
After Tami has finished, Maia and I open our gifts. Then Maia pulls out matching pajamas and insists on us changing into them right before Father Winter arrives. I feel like a dork sitting there—a grown man in matching pajamas in front of Xavier, but I forget all about it when Father Winter shows up.
Father Winter: Merry Winterfest! Who’s ready for their gift?
I raise my hand like a small child.
Wade: Me! I’m ready for my gift.
Father Winter looks over the rim of his glasses at me.
Father Winter: How about we start with the young one first?
I put my hand down, feeling extra silly.
He turns to Tambara…
Father Winter: Hey there, little one. Are you ready for your gift?
Tami waves.
Tambara: Yes, but only if it’s a horsy.
Father Winter: I’m sorry, I’m fresh out of horses. Maybe I have something else that you’ll like just as much.
Tambara: No thanks. What can be better than a horsy?
Maia: A horse is not a reasonable gift, Tadpole. It’s too big to fit on Father Winter’s sled.
I’m sure Maia thinks that Tami’s request for a horse is a common thing that most children ask for. But if my daughter is anything like me; she’s not about to let it go.
Father Winter turns back to me.
Father Winter: It looks like you’re up first, then.
I jump up way too enthusiastically, but who cares? It’s gift-receiving time…my favorite part of Winterfest. I hope I get something big and expensive!
Father Winter: And here you are!
I open my gift and am not disappointed. It’s a set of beautiful chess pieces.
Father Winter: The chess table will await you at home.
Wade: Thank you! This is amazing.
Father Winter walks back over to Tami and tries again.
Father Winter: So, are you ready for your gift yet?
Tami closes her eyes and turns her head away.
Tambara: If it’s not a horsy, you’re wasting your time and mine.
Maia gasps.
Maia: Tami! If you don’t want the gift, that’s fine… but there’s no need to be rude. *to Father Winter* I’m so sorry.
I’d love to say that I’ll take Tami’s gift if she doesn’t want it, but reading the room–I know it wouldn’t be appropriate.
Father Winter: It’s okay. There’s nothing wrong with a child that knows what she wants.
I agree with Father Winter, but I’d bet my last dollar Maia doesn’t. She confirms my suspicion with a long sigh. And are those tears in her eyes?
Father Winter gives up on trying to convince Tami and sits on the couch next to Xavier and me.
Maia: *to Tami* I think it’s time for you to go to bed.
Tami doesn’t argue. She gets up and walks up the stairs to the small bedroom.
The evening winds down, and Xavier helps by grabbing the trash and taking it out on his way out the door. Maia gets a generous gift from Father Winter before he also leaves. And finally, she and I crawl into bed, realizing that tomorrow will be challenging for us all.
(Generation 4 Chapter Summaries)
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