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Banks Dynasty – Day 48.4 (Part 1)

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Hiro has me up and out of the house first thing in the morning, just as the first of many snow flurries falls. Stepping one foot out the door into the bone-chilling mountain air is enough to remind me how much I hate the snow.

Meanwhile, back at the house…

Tami wakes up and immediately remembers to check her pillow for a gift from the tooth fairy. She’s not disappointed. She finds her mommy in the hallway.

Tambara: The tooth fairy came and left me simoleons!

Maia: Just like I knew they would.

Tambara: Are you still mad at me from yesterday?

Maia considers the question and realizes she was never mad. The more accurate word would be concern. The spoiled and ungrateful behavior worries Maia, making her question Tami’s future. What type of adult will Tami be if she always expects to get what she wants? 

Maia’s thoughts bring back memories of her father. Today is the day she says goodbye to him. Maia recalls the issues she had as a child but also remembers that Clyde loved her unconditionally. Did he ever question how Maia would turn out? Of course he did. And it was his worrying that often made Maia feel as if he had her in a chokehold.

There are corrections to be made, but Maia also wants her daughter to feel the same love her father offered, without the debilitating restraints and belief that something is wrong with her. Overcome with emotion, Maia grabs Tami and lifts her into a big hug, momentarily ignoring the sour, sweaty smell coming off Tami’s little body.

Maia: Mommy was never mad, Tadpole! And I love you no matter what, okay?

Tambara: *giggles* Okay! I love you no matter what, too.

Maia’s back tweaks a little as she realizes the days of picking her daughter up are long gone. She places her gently back on her feet.

Maia: We have to get ready, and you need to take a shower.

Tambara: Okay, mommy.

Maia heads downstairs to make breakfast, carrying her love for her daughter with her… hoping it’s enough to propel her through the rest of this challenging day. Majesty is down there scratching away at the cat scratching pole. She can’t deny that the little cat is cute and needs love, just as Luna did. 

Maia surveys the refrigerator and decides that bacon and eggs are the easiest to do. She prepares them expertly.

Just when Maia believes she’ll be able to get through the day…she sits down to eat, and all the emotion she’s been attempting to suppress comes back to her in a storm cloud. Her body is trembling in sobs as she wills herself not to crawl back into bed and stay there until the day ends. Suddenly, she can hear her father’s words in her head…

Clyde: *in Maia’s head* Pull yourself together, Maia girl! Everything is gonna be okay.

Maia’s big smile is back when Tami comes downstairs for breakfast. She’s getting good at faking it. But it also helps to be overloaded by the cuteness of little Majesty. Maia takes the tiny kitten into her arms and showers it with love and kisses. It’s hard to remain gloomy with such a sweet little thing to love.

Tami finishes her breakfast and pulls out a toy she received from Xavier for Winterfest. It’s a toy horse. Tami pretends it’s trotting across the table.

Tambara: Okay, Finesse – run fast and catch the pirate ship before the thieves escape.

Playing with the toy horse is fun for a while, but she remembers how much fun an actual horse is. Father Winter failed her, and Tami refuses to forgive him. 

Tambara: *to herself* Ugh! Stupid Father Winter! What’s the point if you can’t give me what I want?

I hurry back to the rental after walking Hiro, and less than an hour later, we arrive at Peaceful Meadows Cemetery on time for Clyde’s funeral.

Maia: This place is lovely. Father would be pleased!

Tambara: Why are we at the park, Daddy?

Wade: This isn’t a park, Princess. It’s the cemetery where we’ll bury your grandfather.

Tami no longer asks questions, so we continue across the grounds to the corner for Clyde’s ceremony. Maia approaches the podium, stops, and stares at Clyde’s picture and urn.

Tami and I take a couple of seats behind Maia, giving her space to mourn her father. Moments later, I hear footsteps approaching and turn to see my brother Drake and Dad standing behind us.

I’m so happy they could make it. I hurry over to greet them with hugs.

Wade: You came!

Kai: Of course. We wanted to be here to support Maia.

Wade: It’s a long drive in such lousy weather.

Kai: Yeah, but we’re used to it.

Wade: We appreciate it. Are Mase and Zoe here, too?

Kai: No. Mase wanted to be the one to tell you, but they just found out they’re expecting. And you know us older people with our superstitions—it’s supposedly bad luck for pregnant women to attend funerals.

Wade: Oh wow! Am I going to be an uncle already?

Kai: Seems that way…

I can’t believe my little brother Mase is about to be a father. I shake my head in disbelief as I step away from Dad to begin the ceremony. The earlier we start, the sooner we can escape the cold and gather someplace warmer.

But before I can begin, Ma walks over to comfort Maia.

Melisa: Oh, honey. We’re so sorry to hear about the passing of your father. I’m sure you all being there for him in his last days meant everything to him. I want you to know that we’re here for you if you need anything.

Maia: Thank you!

I give Ma a few more minutes to express her sentiments before officially starting the ceremony.

Wade: Okay, everyone. Please bow your heads for a moment of silence in memory of Clyde.

Everyone bows and closes their eyes. After a few minutes, I clear my throat to begin the eulogy. I hoped some of Clyde’s friends would be here to cover this part of the ceremony, but most of them have died or cannot travel, so the task falls to me.

Wade: I’m probably the last person who should give this eulogy for Clyde—because I’m no doubt one of his least favorite people. But I wanted to honor him anyway and talk to you about what he taught me about being a man and a father.

I take a moment to pull out a few notecards.

Wade: I didn’t know Clyde for five minutes before he laid down the law regarding his daughter. He made me promise that I’d never hurt her and even threatened to go upside my head with his cane. *everyone chuckles* Back then, I thought he was some crazy old man, but now I have a daughter – I get where he was coming from. I don’t know if I’ll ever be as effective as Clyde, but I vow to protect my daughter as ferociously as he protected Maia.

I continue with a few more stories of my encounters with Clyde before concluding.

Wade: *turns to Clyde’s urn* So here’s to you, Clyde. We honor your life and remember that this isn’t goodbye. We’ll all continue to carry our memories of you and live on in your name.

I pause before adding one last part because I never said it to him when he was alive, but somehow, I know he’d approve.

Wade: Rest well, father.

After I’ve finished, I step away from the podium, giving Maia time to walk over and light a candle in her father’s memory. We respectfully observe and wait until she’s finished before returning to our side conversations.

Ma walks over to Tami.

Melisa: You get bigger and bigger each time I see you. Before we know it, you’ll be all grown up!

(Generation 4 Chapter Summaries)

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