It’s after midnight when we finally head to bed. Before we do, I mention to Maia that Luca and Sophia invited us to a barbeque at their house later that day.
Wade: I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier. We can cancel if you’re not feeling up to it. I’m sure they’ll understand.
Maia: No, don’t. I wouldn’t pass up a chance to visit with Sophia. It’ll be fun.
I’m thrilled to hear that because I miss my boy, Luca, and can’t wait to catch up.
Maia is the first up a few hours later after having a dream about her father. She can’t remember the details but can remember his energy and it seemed he was trying to encourage her to continue on the path she started—whatever that is. Maia hopes a mind-centering yoga session will help bring back the details of her father’s nocturnal visit.
Maia enters her yoga room, turns on her New Age music, lights candles, and burns a sage incense. She can already feel the tension melting away. She focuses on each pose, taking them one at a time. Her father’s face from the dream flashes before her eyes, but the message he was trying to deliver still isn’t clear. Maybe his entire purpose was to remind her he hadn’t left her. Or perhaps he was trying to tell her to lean on her husband—the version of Dub that was there for her last night, holding her and welcoming her tears on his shoulder.
I hear music coming from Maia’s yoga room when I wake up. I walk down and peek my head in to check on her. Unfortunately, I’ve caught her in the middle of a challenging pose and my presence is just enough to distract her. She loses her balance and crumbles down on her mat, landing on her back. Ouch!
Wade: I’m so sorry, babe. I was hoping you wouldn’t know I was here.
Maia: It’s not you—I’m just not strong enough for this pose yet.
Wade: Keep working at it—I’ll be in my office. Holler if you need me.
Tami wakes up determined! She puts on her workout clothes and sneakers. Today is the day that she’ll become a bike rider!
But she’s momentarily distracted by Hiro and Majesty, who have congregated in her bedroom. Hiro walks over to Maj’s bowl and sniffs it.
Tambara: No, Hiro! That food is for Maj, not you!
Tami still doesn’t like the tiny dog.
Tami enters my office while I’m answering my SimTube comments. I have gained almost 200 followers since my last video, which puts me closer to 2 million followers—a considerable feat. Feeling encouraged by the numbers, I decide on a new aspiration – to test the limits of my career by increasing my celebrity status. I can already imagine the endorsements and cash flow it could bring me. I can see the paparazzi and almost read the magazine and blog posts written about my success.
But first, I must answer to Tami…
Tambara: I’m ready for my bike riding lesson.
My ambitions will have to wait. My fatherhood duties are calling.
Wade: I see you finally listened and put on some sneakers.
Tambara: You left me no choice.
Wade: To ride a bike, you need the right tools. Let’s go!
Tami leads the way with her determined posture. I follow a few steps behind, still hearing the music coming from Maia’s yoga room. Part of me wants to go in and check on her, but that didn’t end well earlier, so I follow Tami out the door.
Tami hurries to her bike.
Wade: Remember what I said yesterday- push with your feet while you keep the bike up.
Tambara: Okay, daddy.
Wade: *cheering* Today is the day! I can feel it!
Maia attempts her handstand again. She takes a deep breath, holds her abs tight, and straightens her arms. She remains that way until they are steady under the weight of her body. Finally, she lifts her legs higher and higher until she’s done it! She successfully conquered the handstand! Her heart leaps, but she has to remain focused or risk another fall. A few seconds later, Maia drops from the pose with a smile.
Tami’s bike wobbles dangerously from side to side, and I hold my breath until she steadies it. The last thing we need is tears and scraped knees before we leave for Luca’s house.
Wade: That’s good! Just like that.
Tami and the bike move fast towards the street. With a heavy bump, it bounces from the sidewalk. Tami keeps it up like a pro.
Wade: That’s good, Tami! But let’s get back on the sidewalk. You want to avoid the street until you have better control.
With one goal accomplished, the others rush into Maia’s thoughts in a whirlwind. She has a fabrication job that she needs to complete, but returning to the public market isn’t an option. She needs a better place to work without the interruptions.
Maia: *to herself* Think Maia girl! What would Dub do?
The answer comes to her as she’s harvesting the money tree. It’s time to let go of the poor mentality. They have money, and they own a second home. Why not purchase a fabricator and turn the 2nd garage into a fabrication workshop? That’s what Dub would suggest if asked. She goes to the front of the house to talk to him about it.
Maia: What time are we expected at Luca and Sophia’s?
Wade: Around mid-day. Why?
Maia: I think I should buy a fabrication machine and recycler for my work. I tried to use the one at the market yesterday, but so many sims were waiting to use it.
I’m shocked to hear Maia talking about spending money. I can’t recall her spending money on anything…other than the interior design of our houses when we were planning our move.
Wade: Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Where will you put it?
Maia: I was thinking it could go into our 2nd garage.
I see hope in her eyes, and I want to encourage it.
Wade: Do it! Get whatever you need.
I’m proud of Maia for taking charge of her goals. But the pride doesn’t stop there. I turn my attention back to Tami and catch her riding her bike using the pedals!
Wade: You’re doing it, princess! You’re riding a bike!
I smile because the Banks family is in a season of making things happen! I relish that feeling until I realize it’s time for us to get dressed and leave for Luca and Sophia’s house.
(Generation 4 Chapter Summaries)
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