After visiting with the Murillos, we return home, change into our pajamas, and settle in for the evening. I’m sitting in the living room when Tami comes in to join me.
Wade: What’s up with you putting me on the spot about the horse today?
She sits down next to me.
Tambara: It’s my birthday tomorrow and I know you’ll do the right thing.
Wade: Oh do you?
Tambara: Absolutely! I have faith in you, Daddy.
I wish I had these types of skills when I was a child. There’s no telling what I could have gotten. Now I’m feeling the pressure to make a call to Xavier to see what I can do.
Wade: How about we watch a movie?
Tambara: Okay
Wade: Have you ever seen Lost Dog’s Journey Home?
Tami shakes her head, so I turn it on.
Tami tunes in for as long as she can, but today has proven to be a long day. Before we even get to the plot of the movie, she’s asleep. It’s probably for the best because I’d forgotten how sad this movie is. I can already feel the tears forming.
Meanwhile, Maia is in the bathroom contemplating a huge decision. Last night, she told Dub she was considering starting up her meds again. Here she is, staring that decision in the face. For years, she’s avoided them… successfully filling the voids with yoga and meditation. One swallow and controlling her erratic emotions is easy, but her dependence on them would be hard to break. There has to be another way.
Maia reflects on their visit with the Murillos. It was refreshing seeing their friends again, but she thinks about Sophia and how happy she was chatting about going back to work and all the successes they’ve experienced lately. Maia wants to know what that feels like. She’s wasted so much time, but starting tonight… Maia is going to do what she can to become the person she always wanted to be.
Maia enters the living room and sees Tami sleeping on the couch.
Maia: Time for bed, Tadpole.
Tami opens her eyes, looking drowsy and disoriented.
Tambara: What?
Maia: It’s time for you to go to bed. You have a big day tomorrow.
Tami slowly gets up and starts walking towards her bedroom.
Tambara: Goodnight, Mommy. Goodnight, Daddy.
Maia & Wade: *together* Goodnight!
Maia’s timing couldn’t be worse. I’m in the middle of an emotional scene and now tears are streaming down my face.
Maia: You okay?
Wade: *wiping tears away* Yeah, I think there’s an eyelash in my eye.
Maia sits and I turn the movie off, hoping to regain some of my manhood. She leans in close.
Maia: I didn’t get to thank you for being there for me last night.
Wade: No need. There was nothing else I would have rather been doing.
Wade: I had an interesting talk with Luca today. He told me he and Sophia are taking a youth potion to regain the time they lost when trying to get pregnant.
Maia: Yeah, Sophia mentioned that to me too.
Wade: What do you think about that?
Maia: I think it’s an excellent decision.
My eyebrows shoot up. Maia is full of surprises today.
Wade: Really? Is it something you’d consider doing?
Maia thinks for a moment before answering.
Maia: No
Wade: Why not?
Maia: It’s not that I want to die, but I feel that when it’s time for my life to be over… then it should be over. There’s a certain beauty in that.
I can’t say that I agree. I’d love to have as much time as I can to reach my goals. But I can’t imagine life without Maia. So there’s no way I’d touch the stuff. But I’m happy for Sophia and Luca.
Just when I think Maia can’t shock me anymore… she does.
Maia: Hey, how about we do something fun?
I like the sound of that, so I lean in closer. Is it adult playtime?
Wade: Like what?
Maia grabs one of the game controllers.
Maia: How about a little competition?
It’s not exactly what I had in mind. But I have never seen Maia play a video game before. I forget about the other playtime for the moment and grab the second controller.
Wade: So you’re ready to end the night with a big L?
Maia: No, but you are!
Let the sh*t talking begin!
I don’t know what has possessed my wife tonight, but I like it! We play a few rounds of Esports and I lose, just as she predicted. But it’s worth it to see the big smile on her face.
Wade: I can’t believe I lost. I guess I’m going to bed with a big L.
Maia: You don’t have to.
Wade: I don’t?
Maia: No. Let me make it up to you.
That gets my attention.
I’m convinced that Maia has gone crazy when she leads me outside, still in her pajamas, strips down to underwear, and climbs in the hot tub. Is she in some sort of manic state, or did she decide to take her meds after all? I have to admit that it’s better than the depression that’s been dragging her down all week, so I strip down to my underwear and climb in next to her. Maybe she wants to talk again.
She leans in and uses her mouth, but not for talking. Her kisses are passionate and hungry. Did she change her mind about having a baby? I refuse to ask and risk ruining the moment. I just go along for the ride… and oh, what a ride it is! Did she forget this is how we conceived Tami?
Maia’s energy has been an unexpected whirlwind tonight, and I don’t want it to end. What did she and Sophia talk about that led to this? Maybe Maia got struck by lightning just like Luca and forgot to tell me about it. She climbs out of the hot tub and puts her pajamas back on. I sit there for a moment or two, trying to figure it all out.
Eventually, I climb out and put my pajamas back on. I’m sure Maia is in bed, and I’m heading that way myself. But first I check in on Tami. She’s fast asleep. Standing there staring at her makes me sad because she ages up to a teen tomorrow. Where did all the time go? Before I know it, she’ll be dragging some guy to the hot tub and… oh hell no! How did Luca and I do all that talking, but forget to make plans for when our beautiful daughters become teens? Maybe it’s time to form a daddy coalition.
(Generation 4 Chapter Summaries)
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