Tami blows out her candles and ages up to a teen.
(Tambara’s Aspiration: Championship Rider Traits: High Metabolism, Mean, Cat Lover, Topnotch Infant, Happy Toddler, Cold Acclimation, Pack Animal, High Self Esteem)
Tami celebrates by taking a few sad selfies.
Wade: Why aren’t you smiling?
Tambara: I’ll smile when my birthday wish comes true.
I can already guess what that wish is.
We call Maia over, and we join Tami in a few selfies. I still can’t get a smile out of her, but Maia does.
Tami gets a call from her Gran Me-Me and Pop-Pop.
Melisa: *on the phone* We’re sorry we’re not there for your birthday. Pop-Pop is recovering from a back injury. It’s not too bad, but a long car ride is too much right now.
Tambara: Is he okay?
Kai: *grabbing the phone* I’m okay. Your gran is treating me like an old man. I would have been just fine in the car.
Melisa: *in the background* You heard what the doctor said!
Kai: *quietly to Tami* I would have been fine, but your gran is like a warden.
Melisa: *in the background* I heard that. Give me the phone! *to Tami* I’m sure we’ll see you soon!
Tambara: Did you send me a birthday gift?
Melisa: Of course we did. We sent it with Mase and Zoe.
Tambara: Thanks, Gran!
Tami ends the call just as her uncle Mase walks over.
Tambara: Is Pop-Pop really okay? Gran just called to tell me he’s hurt.
Mason: Yeah. He’s strong—he’ll be fine if we can get him to admit that he’s getting older. Ma can’t keep him off the climbing treadmill. That’s how he injured himself.
Everyone is having a good time. Lively conversations are taking place throughout the party. A popular song comes on, and a few of us excuse ourselves from our side conversations for some time on the dance floor. I’ve never been a fan of country music, but this one has hip-hop vibes and sort of slaps.
♪My baby want a Birkin, she’s been tellin’ me all night long
Gasoline and groceries, the list goes on and on
This nine-to-five ain’t workin’, why the hell do I work so hard?
I can’t worry ’bout my problems, I can’t take ’em when I’m gone, uh
One, here comes the two to the three to the four
Tell ’em, “Bring another round, we need plenty more”
Two-steppin’ on the table, she don’t need a dance floor
Oh my, good Lord
Someone pour me up a double shot of whiskey
They know me and Jack Daniel’s got a history
There’s a party downtown near 5th Street
Everybody at the bar gettin’ tipsy
Everybody at the bar gettin’ tipsy
Everybody at the bar gettin’ tipsy…♫
(Song: A Bar Sing (Tipsy) by Shaboozy)
It’s my favorite part of any birthday–gift time. After a few rounds on the dance floor, I make the announcement.
Wade: If you’ll follow me, we’ll present Tami with her first gift.
I lead some of the party guests to the horse’s training course behind the hall. I turn to Tami…
Wade: This gift is from me and Mr. Xavier.
Tami immediately starts jumping up and down as I give Xavier the nod. He lets out a big whistle and Tami’s birthday surprise comes trotting from around the corner. Her eyes light up into a smile and the guests ooh and aw.
Tambara: Oh my Watcher! Daddy, is that-??
Wade: You’ve finally got your horse! It’s Finesse. Mr. Xavier, and I worked out a deal. We’ll pay him for her care and housing, and—
Xavier: One day, she’ll be all yours! I’m not getting any younger and I feel much better knowing she’ll be in good care when I’m long gone.
Tambara: Thank you! You did it, Daddy! I knew you wouldn’t let me down.
Tami runs towards me and I hold my arms open for a hug. But she brushes past me to Finesse. I rub my hands together to play it off.
I never intended to disappoint Tami, and the arrangement I made with Xavier is sure to please Maia as well. Speaking of Maia, I realize in all the excitement I forgot to make sure she was there. I wanted this to be a surprise for her, too.
Wade: Where’s Maia? Does anyone know where she is?
Terra: I’ll go find her!
Terra walks over to get her, while I stand there feeling proud I could make my daughter’s biggest wish come true.
Terra: *to Maia* You guys are the best parents in the world! What teen doesn’t want a horse?
Maia isn’t sure what Terra is talking about, but she plays it off with a pasted-on smile. She sees the crowd gathered and walks over to find out what’s going on. Her eyes land on Tami and the horse.
Maia: *to herself* Dub! What did you do?
Maia walks over and I’m glad to see a smile on her face, but a closer glance reveals that it’s stiff like a mask. She’s not happy.
Maia: I need to talk to you for a moment.
I follow Maia away from the earshot of Tami and the party guests and begin explaining.
Wade: Before you say anything, I wanted this to be a surprise for you as well as Tami. And I’m sure when you hear how it helps Mr. Xavier, you’ll-
Maia: I can’t believe you did this to me again.
My open mouth closes… this is not good.
Wade: Did what? Babe—it’s not as expensive as you think. Xavier needed some help with the costs of caring for the horse, so I figured-
Maia: *interrupts* It’s not about the horse or Xavier, Dub! Can’t you see that??
I look over and see Tami mounted on the horse. It’s a dream come true for her. How could providing it be wrong?
Wade: Is it because I didn’t tell you? I thought you’d be okay with it once you heard the terms.
Maia: You didn’t tell me because you knew I’d say no.
Wade: But why would you say no… especially if it makes our daughter happy?
Restrained anger…
Maia: Tami doesn’t deserve a horse Dub. She’s been a brat about it from day one. Did you see the way she treated Father Winter?
Wade: I did, but honestly I didn’t see the issue. Even Father Winter admired her for knowing what she wanted.
Maia: But that wasn’t his call Dub. It doesn’t matter what he said. It mattered that Tami was rude and out of line…and you just rewarded her behavior.
I can feel the blood rushing to my face. How is this all my fault? I try my best to filter my anger.
Wade: Babe, this is the first time I’m hearing about this? You didn’t tell me that you felt that way. Am I supposed to read your mind?
Maia: No, but I never brought it up because I didn’t know a horse was even on the table! You never once mentioned the possibility. But we talked about Tami’s behavior before. I thought we were on the same page.
Wade: Maia, that was a million years ago! You expressed your concerns, and we discussed them. You never brought it up again. I honestly thought you’d be on board with the horse. You saw her yourself—Tami’s a natural!
Maia: I agree, she is. But, if we had talked about it–together, we could have come up with some conditions for her to earn the horse.
Maia has a point, and I’m tired of arguing. I want to get back to watching our daughter enjoy her gift.
Wade: You’re right and I’m sorry.
Maia flares up in anger.
Maia: Do you see what you just did? That’s the problem. You never include me in your decisions, because you want to do what you want to do. You’d rather apologize than talk it over with me. How do you think that makes me feel? You have zero respect for me. I didn’t want to see it before, but now I do.
Wade: That’s not true. I have nothing but respect, Maia.
Maia: You have a crazy way of showing it. Hiding things from me and then expecting me to forgive you later doesn’t make me an equal partner. It makes me a stooge. You have your own rules that you follow and you leave anyone out that doesn’t see it the way you do.
Wade: My own rules? What are you talking about, Maia? It was a gift—a surprise. I thought it would make you both happy. I just wanted to provide for my daughter and make my wife smile. And it helps Xavier out. How is that a crime?
Maia: I give up! You’ll never see things my way—I know that now.
Wade: I want to see it your way. But I can’t if you never explain it. Babe, I can’t read your mind. What do you want me to do—tell Xavier we can’t accept the horse? I’ll go do it right now.
Maia: It’s too late, Dub. You do that and I’m the bad guy.
Wade: So, what then? Tell me your solution and I’ll do it.
Maia: I don’t think there is a solution.
And with that, Maia walks away, and I’m standing there looking like a fool.
(Generation 4 Chapter Summaries)
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