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Banks Dynasty – Day 51.4 (Part 3)

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Dub isn’t the only one feeling like a fool. Maia feels the same, but for her, it’s deep-rooted and long-standing. The emotions that have come from being disrespected and disregarded have lasted too long. Something will have to change, and Maia understands that the change required will have to be significant and drastic. She has to stand up for herself and her daughter or risk seeing Tami grow into a type of woman that Maia can’t even fathom.

Tami moves inside where the rest of her birthday gifts are waiting, although she knows almost anything she receives now will be a letdown after getting a horse for her birthday. Still, she opens the first gift, sees what it is, and discards it to the side.

Tambara: *unimpressed* Next!

Tami shakes and listens before opening her other gifts. And to her surprise, she receives some amazing stuff. Some of her guests understand the art of gift-giving. And others have spared no expense.

The gift-opening excitement fades once Tami is staring at a pile of empty boxes and wrapping. It’s time to eat, so she goes outside for food and birthday cake. She sits at the table with her cousin Jaron and some angry-looking girl that wasn’t invited.

Tambara: Who are you and why are you here?

Teenage Girl: I’m—

Tami interrupts before the girl can even answer the questions.

Tambara: It doesn’t matter. I didn’t invite you and you don’t fit the dress code. You also didn’t bring a gift, so you should leave.

Teenage Girl: *stammers* I was, well—

Tambara: Oh, and one word—sunscreen! Orange is not your color.

The girl doesn’t wait around to hear more. She gets up from the table and walks away.

The party winds down as the guests leave. Tami takes one last birthday selfie before heading over to Xavier’s ranch to spend more time with her horse. Xavier welcomes her and teaches her how to put on Finesse’s saddle. Afterwards, Tami hops on and guides the horse into a trot.

Now that she’s mastered the basics, Tami wants to try some of the more advanced skills. She leads Finesse over to one of the jumping obstacles.

Tambara: *to Finesse* Okay girl—let’s see what we can do!

Tami and Finesse make the first jump, but it ends with Tami practically falling off the saddle and gripping the reins too tight. She and Finesse turn to try again. The second jump is perfect.

Tambara: That’s it! I knew we could do it.

Tami left the party without telling us where she was going, but I know where to find her. Maia is sitting on a bench in front of Duke’s Hall. I cautiously walk over to her.

Wade: Are you ready to go?

She nods.

Wade: We need to get Tami.

We find her at Xavier’s ranch, riding Finesse, just as I suspected. We watch Tami in silence as she completes a few perfect jumps on horseback. Surely Maia has to be impressed. I sure am! I approach Maia, hoping Tami’s success will help to smooth things over.

Wade: See babe, she’s a natural!

Maia doesn’t respond, and I can see tears forming in her eyes. Regret grows and falls heavy in the pit of my stomach. I have to fix this. I have to figure out the right words to say.

Wade: I’m sorry for hurting you, babe. It wasn’t my intention- I swear. Maybe we can come up with something to-

Maia takes a few steps before turning just enough so I can hear her loud and clear.

Maia: You need to find someplace else to sleep tonight.

She then pulls out her phone and continues walking towards Tami.

Maia silently stares out the window the entire ride home. Tami is asleep and doesn’t notice. My mind flitters from the road to Maia and back again. Maia said I should sleep somewhere else tonight, but she can’t be serious. I’m sure she’ll take this time to rethink everything. When we’re at home, in bed, she’ll be back in my arms. We’ll cuddle and talk for a while. Then she’ll fall asleep on my shoulder. I’ll wake up tomorrow with my arm numb from holding her all night. At least that’s what I hope.

We make it home and I see Maia is still on the brink of tears. Tami drags herself inside for bed, which leaves us standing there not talking. Maia sniffles and wipes away tears. And I scramble for something to say.

Wade: Maia, babe. Let’s go inside and talk about this.

Maia: Goodnight Dub. I’m sure you have your key to the rental.

She walks towards the house, and I can tell following her isn’t the right move. She needs more time. I turn and unlock the door to the rental.

Wade: *to himself* She’ll come around!

I can count how many times Maia and I slept apart since getting together. Sharing a bed was natural from the start. I smile and look around the rental. Spending one night here won’t be so bad. I have some blame in this, so I’ll take the hit. I’ll be back in our bedroom tomorrow night. Maia can’t stay mad for too long. She’ll meet me in the middle and everything will be okay.

It has been a long, emotional day and I’m exhausted. I don’t have any pajamas with me, so I crawl up onto the bed in the master bedroom and sleep in my clothes.

(Generation 4 Chapter Summaries)

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