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Banks Dynasty – Day 52.4 (Part 3)

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Tami’s next class is science. Once again it’s with Miss Gaston, whose fashion sense seems to have changed since this morning. Did she somehow see the note passed around in math class? If so, Tami is glad to have contributed to her slight upgrade. If only she could make these lectures less boring.

Class is ending and although she can do nothing to liven up Miss Gaston’s lecture, she can get a few laughs from her classmates. That kid, Austin, from the library, sits one seat away from her. She knows he had to have something to do with Principal Tanaka suddenly showing up at the library as she was leaving.

The dismissal bell rings.

Miss Autin: Okay, that’s everything on the different stages of matter. Please read Chapter 1 for homework.

The students gather their things. If Tami doesn’t strike now, she’ll miss her chance.

Tambara: *out loud* Austin is a snitching b*tch at school and on TV!

Giggles fill the room. Some of the other students turn to look at Austin. But Tami’s eyes are on Miss Gaston.

Miss Gaston: Tambara Banks! Another outburst like that and you’ll be heading to the principal’s office!

Tami has had enough of the principal for one day.

Tambara: *sweetly* Sorry, Miss Gaston. It just slipped out.

Austin tries to defend himself amongst the snickering from the rest of the class.

Austin: I didn’t snitch on you! I swear.

Tami gets up from her seat to leave, but has one last thing to say to Austin.

Tambara: You did! I know you did, and you’ll regret it. 

Tami walks out the door and heads home, thinking to herself that today was a strangely satisfying day. 

Tami arrives home, glad to have the first day of school behind her. She can’t wait to tell her dad about school. She’ll also ask him to take her to Chestnut Ridge to ride her horse. Tami stops at the office door when she hears her father’s treadmill. She opens it, expecting to see him, but it’s her mother there instead.

Tami enters the room.

Tambara: Mom, where’s daddy? I thought he’d be in here.

Maia knew this was coming, so she’s been preparing herself.

Maia: Daddy is staying at the rental for a while.

Tambara: At the rental? Why?

Maia: Because I asked him to.

Tambara: *angered* What? Did you kick him out? Why would you do that?

Maia: Your dad and I have some things we need to work out and it’s best if we spend some time apart.

Tambara: But he’s daddy, and he lives here with us. What did you do?

Maia: This is not just on me, Tami.

Tambara: Whatever! I’m going to see Daddy!

Tami turns to leave the room just as tears roll down Maia’s face.

I’m sitting on the couch, lost in my thoughts and emotions, when there’s suddenly a knock at the door.

Wade: Come in!

It’s my princess. I’m relieved to see her! I rush from the couch and pull her into a hug. Being away from Tami for any amount of time will be hard.

We sit on the couch, as Tami tells me about school.

Tambara: The teachers are boring and there’s nobody cool to hang out with, but it was okay.

Wade: I’m sure it’ll get better. You’ll eventually meet some new friends.

Tambara: Why are you over here, Daddy? Why did mommy kick you out?

I pause, trying to think of what to say. My words and thoughts are failing me.

Wade: It’s not your mom’s fault. I haven’t been the best husband or father. I’ll be moving out by the end of the week.

Tambara: What?! Why?

Tami throws her head into her hands. I can’t tell if she’s crying.

Tami lifts her head and faces me, but there are no tears. I do my best to explain.

Wade: Tami, I’ve made some serious mistakes with you over the years. I failed to set rules and boundaries.

Tambara: I don’t understand. Is there something wrong with me? Is this my fault?

Wade: There’s nothing wrong with you, princess, and it’s not your fault. But, for starters, I shouldn’t have bought you that horse without talking to your mom about it first.

Tambara: But Mommy would have said no.

Wade: Yeah, she probably would have, but for good reason.

Tambara: *raised voice* What good reason? I’m confused. What does Finesse have to do with any of this?

Wade: I always wanted to give you everything you asked for, but I forgot to teach you the value and joy of earning them. My parents taught me, but I never passed it down to you.

I don’t know if Tami is getting what I’m trying to say, so I leave it at that for now.

Tambara: So if you move out, what happens to me?

Wade: You’ll stay with mommy, but we’ll still see each other. It might not be every day, but you can call me anytime.

I pull out my phone and open my Social Bunny account.

Wade: Are you on Social Bunny yet?

Tami gets up.

Tambara: So, that’s it? You just give up? You’re going to move out and what – get a divorce?

Wade: Nobody said anything about divorce.

Tambara: Well, you might as well!

Wade: Tami, I get that you’re upset. Everything will be okay. I promise.

Tambara: Whatever! I don’t care! You and mommy can do what you want to do.

Tami walks out the door.

(Generation 4 Chapter Summaries)

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