Me-Me arrives at her sister’s house in Tartosa and is greeted by the two sleep-deprived new parents and her overjoyed mother. She’s anxious to meet each of her new nieces and nephew, but she turns her attention to Lia first. Melisa: *big hug* You did it, sis! I’m so proud…
Posts published in “Banks Dynasty”
There are only a few more days until Dub becomes a young adult. He’s looking forward to leaving some things of the teen years behind, like acne, school, and homework. But quickly running out of time for things like getting to know Perla better. Dub doesn’t know exactly what he…
It’s lottery day. I shouldn’t take it seriously, but somebody has to win it, right? I purchase a ticket just for fun, then go down to the kitchen for breakfast. Mase is sitting there working on his homework. Kai: Why are you just now doing your homework? Mason: I was…
Our family and friends have been waiting around long enough. It’s time to serve the drinks and call everyone over for food. I lead the charge by grabbing a plate and sitting at the table. Mo goes outside to gather Dray and Mabel. Drake: *to Mo* Mr. Crews, I don’t…
Despite today being a day for celebration, the work on the farm never stops. My first task is caring for Cocoa Puffs, but a sudden stray kick from the cow leads to an entire bucket of spilled milk. It’s upsetting to lose so much of it, but Cocoa Puffs still…
Today is my birthday – the day I become an elder, and I’m feeling some kind of way about it. I’m beginning to understand how ma felt on her elder birthday. All I can think about are all the things I’ve never had the opportunity to do, and I feel…
Mase returns home from his chess meeting as Dub heads outside. Wade: I’m going for a bike ride. Want to come? Mason: No. I think I need a nap. Wade: Okay, suit yourself. Dub hops on his bike and rides along the path parallel to the River Bagley. Dub stops…
It’s Spring, which means it’s planting season, and there’s a ton of work on the farm to prepare. So I dress quickly and leave my bedroom just as Dub emerges from his. The holidays are over, so it’s back-to-school time for all three boys. Dub, Mase, and Drake gather in…
I find out that Lia and Stef are expecting when I finally reenter the house and sit at the table. Jalisa: You definitely should have a baby shower. It’s the best way to get everything you need for the baby. Jamelia: I don’t know, mom. I don’t want to bring…
Me-Me and Jalisa pause for a few selfies after leaving the spa. Melisa: *kissing her mom’s cheek* I love you, mom! Jalisa: Love you too, Me-Me. Jalisa: I’m going inside for a bath. Melisa: But Lia will be here any minute. Jalisa: I’ve waited all this time – I can…