I’m approaching a new stage in my life, and I decide it’s time for another change in my appearance. So I cut off my hair again, just like I did before starting college. But this time, I probably won’t be growing it back. I go downstairs to a full kitchen.…
Posts published in “Banks Dynasty”
Dub and Perla sit at a nearby table, admiring the decorations and listening to the music. Moments later, the song changes to something that Perla seems to like. She begins to snap her fingers and nod her head to the beat. Dub takes this as his cue. Wade: Do you…
Me-Me searches the house for her mother and finds her sitting alone in the laundry room. Understandably, Jalisa hasn’t been herself since she and Leslie arrived. She’s been pensive and walks around with silent steps as if trying to disappear. So naturally, Me-Me is worried. Melisa: Mom, are you okay?…
I tell the boys all about the physical process involved in woohoo. I’m sure it’s nothing they haven’t heard before, but there are a few things I want to emphasize. Kai: Boys, it’s natural to want to stick your thing somewhere. Your hormones constantly tell you that’s what you’re supposed…
I wake up the morning of New Year’s Eve, reflecting on my life. Despite the losses we’ve experienced over the years, I’m happy to say that Me-Me and I have built a great life together. Our relationship is strong, and our kids are happy and healthy. We’ve done well. I…
I feel terrible arriving home to the bad news of Merlin’s passing. The thought of Me-Me and the kids suffering through this without me is devastating. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to make this up to them, but I’ll do my best. Dray is the first person…
Note: These posts guest star Nathaniel C. Pierson of The Pierson and Friends story created by Jes2G of Tumblr. Check out her incredible work here: storiesbyjes2g In the morning, before sunrise – we take a few more pictures before it’s time to pack up and make our way back down the mountain. About 20…
Note: These posts guest star Nathaniel C. Pierson of The Pierson and Friends story created by Jes2G of Tumblr. Check out her incredible work here: storiesbyjes2g We make our way to the next climb – Croft Icefall. The weather is pleasant, and the climbing conditions are in our favor. Mo, Stef, and Nate, don’t…
Note: These posts guest star Nathaniel C. Pierson of The Pierson and Friends story created by Jes2G of Tumblr. Check out her incredible work here: storiesbyjes2g I begin baking a cake for Mase and pull it out of the oven just after midnight. Mase steps over and pauses with his…
Me-Me answers the door to greet Uncle Merit, his family, her sister Lia and Lia’s husband, Stef. After a hug, Lia pulls Me-Me to the side. Jamelia: Are we sure we want to let our hubbies climb that mountain tomorrow? People die up there, you know. Melisa: I know, Lia.…