Jamelia and Stefan’s nuptials take place on a gorgeous day, the last day of summer, at the Courtyard Lounge – the exact location they came to escape the rain on the first day they met. They exchange vows and share a kiss as they become Mr. Stefan and Mrs. Jamelia…
Posts published in “Banks Dynasty”
Me-Me joins me in the kitchen on the morning of her sister’s wedding. I watch as she begins preparing pancakes for breakfast. Melisa: So, I have bad – or good news, depending on how you want to take it. Kai: What’s up? Melisa: Lia has decided that the wedding will…
I was right to second-guess my decision to let Mo go first on the treadmill. He effortlessly beats my previous time and sets a new climbing challenge record. Kai: I didn’t know you were that good at climbing. Have you been practicing? Maurice: No. My focus has been weightlifting and…
Just when Me-Me has come to terms with being pregnant again, her doubts and fears begin to creep up on her. Today she starts work again for the first time in weeks, but she has to walk in with a big belly – short of the skill level she needs…
Dubbie had a great first day of school. As soon as he arrives home – he gives his mom a big hug, prepared to tell her all about it. But he gets a bit distracted. Wade: Why is your belly so big? Did you eat one of daddy’s watermelons? Melisa:…
It’s Dubbie’s first day of school, and Me-Me is up extra early to make sure there’s something warm for him to eat before he leaves. After suppressing a bout of nausea, she successfully creates her first milk bread. Me-Me is up before me, so I know she has to be…
A heavy Tartosan thunderstorm dampens our last day of summer vacation. Luckily, there’s a family game room in the rental, so we spend our time in there playing Don’t Wake the Llama after breakfast. Dub loses the first round but immediately wants revenge, so he sets up the game for…
Me-Me and Lia join Dub and me at the table. Melisa: *to Kai* We have some good news to share! Kai: What’s up? Jamelia: Stephan and I are getting married. Kai: So, my potential climbing partner will be joining the family. Nice one, Lia! Jamelia: I’m obviously not marrying him…
Peri arrives at the art center first thing in the morning. Her goal is to complete the mural for the wall in the front room. Other than a few interruptions from art students asking her advice on finishing a project or two, she has plenty of time to get it…
Little Mase has water played himself into exhaustion. So I take him upstairs and sit him on the potty while Dub gets familiar with his temporary new bedroom. After he’s successfully peed, we go into the nursery. I change him and place him on his bed. He goes down without…