Me-Me and I combine my bread dough with her beef, and she places it all in the oven. Now it’s a waiting game. This time, we don’t take any chances. We both remain by the stove to make sure we get it right this time. Me-Me pulls it out of…
Posts published in “Banks Dynasty”
Peri drags herself out of bed an hour before work the following day. Kai mentioned her retiring when he asked her to move in. Now seems like as good a time as any to go ahead and say goodbye to her career. She reached the top a long time ago.…
Me-Me is sitting with Dub in the living room, reading a book at the end of the day. It’s one of his favorites, and he practically has it memorized. Melisa: *reading* The happy little bear goes to the store and buys a – Wade: Cat! Melisa: Good job, Dubbie! *continues…
Dub and I go outside to take care of the animals on the farm after ma leaves to meet her friends in Windenburg. It’s time to help Dub overcome his fear of bunnies before it becomes a phobia. We enter the fenced area where we keep the chickens and rabbits.…
Me-Me and I are up at the same time this morning. She heads downstairs for breakfast while I go outside to get my daily workout in. In the kitchen, the cause of Me-Me’s queasiness over the last few days becomes evident. She’s expecting another baby. I’m outside finishing up another…
Waddell Washington (Day 25.2 – Day 35.3) was not a planned addition to the story, but he became a perfect companion for Peri and a father figure for Kai over the years. He will be missed by everyone who knew him. May he rest in peace. (Generation 3 Chapter Summaries)…
While Me-Me is working on getting things ready for ma, I decide to read Dub a bedtime story. Kai: Are you ready to read Charlotte’s Pig? Wade: No Everything has been “no” for Dub lately, even if he doesn’t mean it, so I pull out the book and start reading…
The windmills are fixed, hopefully for a while this time. I go to the mailbox and see why I need to ensure they stay functional – our bills for this week total over §13,000. We could save a lot if I work on making the farm less dependent on the…
The day starts as it normally does. Dub wakes up early in the morning and finds his way into our bedroom as usual. Luckily I’m already up and stop him before he can wake Me-Me up. Kai: May I help you, stinky boy? I think it’s time for a bath.…
I manage to quickly treat the bee hives and collect honey and wax before Dub becomes too tired and cranky to remain outside. But with the help of the gardener, this day didn’t turn out so bad after all. I managed to get most of my work done. I would…