It’s Me-Me’s birthday, which also means that it’s Lia and Jay’s birthday. She calls both of her siblings first thing in the morning to wish them a happy birthday. She finds out that both of them have plans for the day. Jay is currently in Sulani with his girlfriend, Justina.…
Posts published in “Banks Dynasty”
In her short time as a parent, Me-Me has already learned to use every spare moment. While Dub plays with his pail and shovel in the sand, she studies up on her mechanical skills, hoping a promotion won’t be far off when she finally returns to work. I hate to…
Merit, Roni, and their girls arrive at City Hall in Tartosa. They have chosen today, the first day of the new year, as their wedding day. But rather than have a big wedding, they have decided on a small ceremony with just their immediate family. So they go inside, exchange…
Wade is a toddler now, and he has my eyes (and the Fussy aspiration)! Kai: Happy birthday, little Dub! Melisa: Dub? As in “double u”? Kai: Yeah, it’s what I’ve been calling him – you know, as a nickname. Since I never really had one. Melisa: *considers it* I like…
Me-Me walks over to Merlin and hugs him as well. Then, he announces that they’ll only be in town for one more day because he and Jalisa have to be back at work. It makes me sad that they live so far away. But I’m sure they’re feeling the same…
Kai is fast asleep when Wade wakes up hungry. Me-Me has managed to get some decent rest, so she answers the call. First, she lifts Wade out of his crib. He latches on quickly to her breast, and Me-Me watches as he sucks until he’s full and drowsy. Then, she…
Waddell spends his time downstairs while Peri gets to know her grandson. He loves Kai as if he were his child, so he can’t help but think of Wade as a grandson. But knowing that he’ll never actually father a child still brings him some pain. Waddell has some things…
Jalisa and Merlin are at the door, eager to meet their first grandchild. They’re also happy to get their first look at their daughter’s new home. Jalisa: This is a nice place. Merlin: *looks around* Yeah, it reminds me of the house where I grew up. Me-Me leads them upstairs.…
Our strategy worked. Me-Me finds me downstairs several hours later, as I’m finishing up my homework for school, to tell me that she’s in labor. At first, I don’t hear her because my head is full of Biomes and everything I need to know for today’s final exam. But, eventually,…
Early the following day, after leaving Kai and Me-Me’s house and instructing Terra to help her baby sister inside… Veronica: That was an excellent way to spend Winterfest. Merit: Nothing beats spending time with family. But you know what would make it even better? Veronica: No. What? Merit gently kisses…