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Posts published in “Banks Dynasty”

Banks Dynasty – Day 71 (Part 2)

Now that the unpleasant part of the day is over, we all travel to Strangerville to Q’s sister’s house for a surprise birthday celebration. Sophia and her husband Duane recently purchased the Airbnb that was originally owned by her parents, after selling her childhood home.  She was quick to volunteer…

Banks Dynasty – Day 71 (Part 1)

It’s “Sun”-day and Q’s birthday, but there isn’t much room for celebrating this morning, because today is also the day that we say goodbye to my mother. Q does manage to treat himself to a new birthday hairstyle, though. It’s the first time I’ve seen him without locks. Everyone gathers…

Banks Dynasty – Day 70 (Part 3)

Byron and Peri hug in front of Zee’s. The waitress walks over after they’ve been seated. Peri: I’ll have a Neapolitan cone and he’ll have… Byron: Oh…a root beer float please! Peri hands the waitress the menu. Prosperity: Thanks! Prosperity: So…I’ve been asking everyone about their plans after graduation. Are…

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