Now that the unpleasant part of the day is over, we all travel to Strangerville to Q’s sister’s house for a surprise birthday celebration. Sophia and her husband Duane recently purchased the Airbnb that was originally owned by her parents, after selling her childhood home. She was quick to volunteer…
Posts published in “Banks Dynasty”
It’s “Sun”-day and Q’s birthday, but there isn’t much room for celebrating this morning, because today is also the day that we say goodbye to my mother. Q does manage to treat himself to a new birthday hairstyle, though. It’s the first time I’ve seen him without locks. Everyone gathers…
Byron and Peri hug in front of Zee’s. The waitress walks over after they’ve been seated. Peri: I’ll have a Neapolitan cone and he’ll have… Byron: Oh…a root beer float please! Peri hands the waitress the menu. Prosperity: Thanks! Prosperity: So…I’ve been asking everyone about their plans after graduation. Are…
Merit and his friends jump in the pool and work on their swimming skills with some coaching from Q. Peri walks over to Maria, who she hasn’t seen since Michelle’s New Year’s Eve party. Prosperity: So…have you been looking into any colleges? Maria: A little, but if I don’t get…
I’m still exhausted, waking up after an emotionally challenging night. I believe I even heard Q crying in his sleep a few times. I jump in the shower, trying my best to get myself together for Merit’s birthday party today. Q is in the kitchen making Merit’s birthday cake when…
Lea Tate (prologue – Day 69) led a tough life, which eventually landed her in prison to serve 20 years. This was time spent away from her daughter Alida. Upon release…the road to leading a fulfilled life and developing a relationship with her daughter was equally challenging, but she managed. Lea had…
Upstairs, Q lets Byron in and greets him with a handshake. Quincy: Good to see you again…and you’re on time! I like that. Byron: Thanks Quincy: Just as a heads up…our family just received some bad news a little bit ago. I want you to keep that in mind tonight…
Baking is a part of the Egg Day tradition. We haven’t done much to celebrate the day, but Peri decides not to let this tradition pass her up. Besides that…home-baked cookies could possibly be a great gift to give Byron after their date. Peri makes a batch of sugar cookies…
It’s egg day, but the big event for the day is Peri’s upcoming date with Byron. Still, second-guessing his parental decisions a little, Q wakes up extra early…does some spring cleaning, cooks breakfast, and goes outside to hit his new heavy bag for a while. Since it’s a holiday, Peri…
I leave Merit’s room feeling very mixed feelings. I’m glad to finally know what Peri was up to the other day, but I’m not sure how I feel about her dating. I know that we’re long overdue to have the woohoo talk. That will have to happen before Peri is…