Another celebrity steps up to accept their award. I’m barely listening at this point. I just want to finish my drink. Maia: Are you okay, Dub? You haven’t been yourself the entire time we’ve been here. I want to tell her the truth, but I feel bad that I can’t…
Posts tagged as “Banks Generation 4”
We enter the hotel & lounge, and I immediately feel like an imposter. Everything is richly decorated and gold-plated. I’ve honestly never seen anything like it. Is this what extravagance looks like? Why am I even here? I enter our room with Maia behind me, and the awkward feelings continue.…
It’s snowing when the train begins to make its way through Copperdale, the next town over. Maia pulls two brown paper bags out of her backpack. Maia: I made lunch if you’re hungry. There’s veggie with hummus and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Which would you like? I’m not hungry…
Maia and I travel back to Brindleton Bay in a shared S-Uber while continuing our discussion about the trip to Del Sol Valley. After seeing her home, I return to my place to finish my night, still feeling high on the tea and our kiss. A thought occurs to me,…
We now say goodbye to sweet doggy Belle Banks (Day 43.3 – Day 15.4). She added a lot of joy to the family (and often appeared in the background of random pictures). She will be missed! (Generation 4 Chapter Summaries) Thanks for reading! Please hit the “like” button if you’ve enjoyed…
Shortly after my family leaves, I arrive in the Spice District in San Myshuno. Now that I see it, I realize I was wrong to prejudge it. It would have been a great place to live, but then again, I would be living in an apartment – not a large…
I receive a call from Ma first thing the following day. I answer it right away. Wade: *on the phone* Hey Ma! Is everything okay? Melisa: *on the phone* Mostly, but I have bad news to deliver. I tense in anticipation. Wade: What is it? Melisa: Belle passed away this…
We leave the museum and go up the hill to the lighthouse. The day is still grey and dreary, but at least we’ve gotten a bit of respite from the rain. I never thought of a lighthouse as exciting, but I can understand the appeal as we get closer. The…
I’ve procrastinated on quitting my job for days now. I don’t know what’s held me back. Maybe it’s the fear of what my parents will say. Or perhaps I’m a little afraid of putting my financial future entirely into my own hands. Either way, I pull out my phone with…
I order another one of those Lobster Rolls, and Maia orders water and the cheapest item on the menu. Maybe she’s on a budget. It makes me wish she would have just let me pay. But she’s here with me, and I’ll take it how I can get it. Wade:…