Ivan has agreed to spend time teaching new Fighter’s Guild recruit, Blade Lukas, a few pointers in sword fighting.
Ivan can see Blade Lukas’ potential, but his fighting style is odd.
Lukas has speed and a forceful jab. Ivan commends him on that.
However, Lukas’ style is rough. He reacts rather than plan his moves.
“Blade Lukas, I can see why Lord Jude has chosen you, but your fighting style is off.”
“It is because I am no fighter. I was a meat merchant. I guess I learned a bit about the sword, because when you transport meat in a town full of starving peasants, you have to learn to watch your own back…”
“Apparently Lord Jude spotted me fighting off a hungry crowd and thought I had potential.”
“Ah! That makes sense,” Ivan says referring to Blade Lukas’ rough fighting style.
As Lukas begins to walk off, Ivan has an idea on how to best train him.
“I just figured out what you are missing…good defense. I think I will train you on how to use a steeled defense.”
“First allow me to show you how to counter another person’s moves here on the tactical map. Then we will try it on the dummy,” Ivan suggests before beginning a game of military strategy with Lukas.
After Ivan beats Lukas at military strategy, they decide to take a break. Ivan heads downstairs to prepare a stew.
Ivan’s energy is low after all of the training, so he drinks a flask of his special energy drink.
The drink helps, but he still finds himself fighting sleep.
Upstairs, Lukas and Ivan play another round of military strategy. Suddenly Lukas understands the idea of countering an opponents moves. “I think you have it!” Ivan says after Lukas beats him.
Back at the training dummy, Ivan continues to instruct. “OK, so the key is to mirror your opponents moves.”
“Do not think about your blade, think about your opponents! Move with your enemy…flow with them and you shall never be hit again,” Ivan shouts to be sure that it is ingrained in Lukas’ mind.
Lukas practices the things that Ivan suggests. “That is good. Keep your focus,” Ivan encourages.
“Now hit with all of your might!”
“Very good Lukas. You have improved!”
“You are a fine instructor,” Lukas answers, “You really know your way around the sword.”
“It is easy to teach when the pupil has such potential.”
“Well, I really hope you will join our guild.”