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Banks Dynasty – Day 7

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The next morning is Saturday…and Michael is still a bear. It’s also New Year’s Eve, so Ms. Fuller decides it’s a good day to try and eat up all the left-overs so she can begin cooking some exciting new recipes in the New Year. This morning we have a choice between left-over eggs, bacon and toast or French toast. I’m more than happy to choose French toast.

It seems that my words to Raul yesterday worked. He doesn’t tease Michael about the bear costume the whole time as we eat.

Since Raul has a scout meeting and Claudia has to work…Ms. Fuller plans a special trip for Michael, Darwin and I. The only catch is that we have to finish up our homework first. Michael and I hurry to his room to finish up as quickly as we can.

When our homework is done…we all put on our raingear (except for Michael who refuses to take off his bear costume) and head to the Plumbob Pictures Museum. Once we get to the museum…our first stop is the jungle room which contains props from some very big adventure films. Michael is mesmerized by the room…

Michael: Alida…we just have to go to the jungle one day!

Alida: Maybe one day we will!

Next, we go upstairs to see some of the behind the scenes gear that’s used to make movies. While we’re there…Michael attracts an admirer.

Little Girl: I like your bear costume!

Michael: Thank you! *extra excited* I’m going to be a bear in the next school play.

Ms. Fuller, Darwin, and I leave to see the next exhibit…but Michael remains there chatting and reciting some of his lines from drama club.

Once we finally pry Michael away from his new fan…Ms. Fuller lines us up in front of the next exhibit and snaps a few pictures. She even takes one of herself, which is extra special because I don’t think she really likes to take pictures. I mean… I’ve never seen any of her around the house.

We walk over to take a look at some movie posters hanging on a nearby wall…and suddenly Ms. Fuller gets very quiet and her eyes take on a dreamy quality. I’m not sure exactly what it means or why, but it feels good that I’m here to share that moment with her. I soon find myself staring up at the same poster with a similar expression.

After we’ve looked at almost every exhibit, Ms. Fuller takes us to the art room where we’re allowed to create some art of our own. I choose to play with the clay, while Michael sits down at one of the art desks and grabs some blank paper and crayons. Darwin just stands there watching.

Darwin announces that he has to potty. Ms. Fuller picks him up and heads towards the nearest stairs…

Ms. Fuller: I’m taking him to the bathroom, then I want you two to meet me downstairs for lunch.

Ms. Fuller leaves with Darwin and I strike up a conversation with a little girl who’s also drawn to the clay table. Michael, who’s in his own little bear world, continues working on his drawing until Ms. Fuller calls us down.

We meet Ms. Fuller in the lobby and order sandwiches from the vending machine. I’ve never had a vending machine sandwich before. It’s not as good as anything Ms. Fuller could make, but it’s not bad.

Once we finish eating…it’s time to go back out into the rain and return home. We arrive home cold and wet, but overall it was a nice field trip.

Raul is back from his scout meeting when we arrive. After we scramble out of our rain gear…I pull out my bottle of bubbles. This time…it’s not because I’m in a bad mood – it’s just because I feel like it.

Raul is in his own world, listening to his earbuds, and Michael has disappeared on me…so I take advantage of the empty bathroom and enjoy a long bubble bath. I find Michael when I finally get out.

(Note: I decided to give the kitchen a small makeover while everyone was out of the house. I went with darker countertops so they wouldn’t look so washed out when the pictures are recolored.)

Alida: So…do you want to go over our lines now?

Michael: I already went over mine. I’ve memorized them.

Alida: You did? Do you think you can help me with my lines?

Michael: Maybe later…I’m over it for now and Mama Nadine says we can have some New Year’s treats.

I guess I deserve the rejection since I did the same thing to him yesterday. I sit down next to Michael ready to enjoy some sweets. We all get our choice of cake or rice crispy treats. It’s a tough choice for me because everything Ms. Fuller makes is delicious, but I grab a plate of rice crispy treats.

Afterward…we gather in front of the TV to start the New Year’s countdown.

All Together: 10…9…8…7…6…5…4…3…2…1…HAPPY NEW YEAR!

We share some hugs and then all head to bed. My thoughts begin to drift and I think about my mother. It’s been a while since I’ve seen her…and I find myself thinking about her less and less. That makes me sad. As I walk to my bed, I once again hope that she’s good and that one day we’ll be together again. For now…there’s nothing to do, but get some sleep.

(Generation 1 Chapter Summaries)





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