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Banks Dynasty – Day 16 (Part 2)

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Michael has me meet him in the garage as soon as we get home from school. He actually has a salon chair set up when I get there.

Alida: Where’d you get this stuff?

Michael: Mama Nadine has all types of stuff stored away around here. Now close your eyes so I won’t mess up.

Michael pulls out all sorts of beauty products and gets to work. Raul just stands there in awe.

After he’s finished…Michael stands back and admires his work.

Michael: Your face is on point, but I need to do something with your hair.

Raul: *completely confused* How do you know how to do all of this?

Michael: Let’s just say…I’ve had a lot of practice.

I know that Michael means that he’s been practicing on himself, but we both spare Raul that detail. He’s already looking completely dumbfounded. I think he’d pass out if he knew that Michael has an affinity for makeup and feminine clothing. Raul stares for a while longer as Michael works on my hair. Then he leaves the garage using the excuse of changing out of his school uniform.

After Raul has left…

Alida: Thank you for doing this…

Michael: Anything for you… *sad vulnerable tone* although I’m sure Raul is going to have a field day on me now that he’s seen this.

I suspect that he’s right.

After Michael has finished styling my hair…he instructs me to go inside and change, but not before telling me exactly what I should wear. It sounds like Michael has full knowledge of what’s in my closet.

Michael: I’m late for drama club. Don’t worry about Mama Nadine…I’ll cover for you.

I thank him and he leaves the garage with his head hanging down…although in my opinion, he should be proud of the work he’s just done. Maybe he’s afraid of the things that he’s sure Raul is going to say to him.  I’d better intervene by having a serious talk with Raul.

I enter and leave the house through the laundry room…thanks to Michael having the foresight to make sure there were some clothing options available there to help me avoid running into Mama Nadine. Raul is standing by the garage when I’m done changing.

Judging by his bugged out eyes and wide open mouth…I’m guessing that he’s pleased with what Michael has done with my hair and makeup.

Raul accompanies me to Oasis Springs, giving me plenty of time to talk to him about leaving Michael alone. To my surprise…he almost sounds impressed by what Michael has done. Teasing him about it seems to be the last thing on his mind.

By the time we arrive at the meeting spot…I have cold feet.

Alida: I don’t want to do this!

Raul: We’re here now…we might as well get it over with.

Alida: We? So you’re coming with me?

Raul: Well…no. Don’t you think that would seem weird?

Alida: *disappointed* I guess so…

Raul: But I’ll be close by if anything goes wrong. See those picnic benches across the street? *I look over and nod* I’ll be right over there. See you afterward…okay?

Alida: Okay…

Raul turns and heads towards the picnic benches. And I’m left standing there trying to figure out why I’m the one stuck doing all the dirty work when the whole thing is his idea.

I hesitate for as long as I can before heading towards the restaurant, where I’m supposed to be meeting Robert Beasley. As I get closer…I try to concentrate on my walk, which doesn’t do me much good because I’m in heels that Michael borrowed from the back of Mama Nadine’s closet. It takes everything for me to stop my ankle from rolling painfully to the side with every step.

By some miracle, I make it to the hostess podium without falling and breaking my neck.

Alida: Hi…I’m supposed to be meeting with – Robert Beasley.

The hostess checks her tablet.

Hostess: Let’s see…Robert Beasley – yes, I just sat him. *grabs two menus* Follow me…

The hostess leads me to a table where there’s an older guy sitting.

Mr. Beasley: *impatient tone* I’m Robert Beasley…and you’re –

I take that as my cue to tell him my name…

Alida: Alida Tate

But Mr. Beasley is already in the process of finishing his own sentence…

Mr. Beasley: …late

Alida: Sorry…

I sit down, grab a menu and try to hide my embarrassment with it.

Mr. Beasley: Order whatever you want…it’s on me.

Alida: Thank you

I look over the menu and see that there are only vegetarian options. Either he’s vegetarian or he assumes I am.  Either way…I have no idea what to order.

Mr. Beasley looks down at his own menu so long that I begin to wonder if he’s ever going to say anything to me. After he appears to have made a decision…he puts down his menu and looks over at me as if expects me to do the same.

Mr. Beasley: So…how old did you say you were again?

At first, I have no idea what Mr. Beasley is talking about…then I realize that he must be referring to the email that Raul sent him in my name. I have no idea what age Raul put in the email. I take my best guess…

Alida: *uncertain tone* Uh…18ish

Mr. Beasley: So…almost a young adult then?

Alida: Yeah…yeah – not long until my birthday.

Mr. Beasley seems pleased with my answer…

Mr. Beasley: Good…good – you look a lot younger than that. That’s even better!

I’m not sure why that matters, but I don’t ask.

Mr. Beasley: Tell me a bit about your modeling experience…

Alida: Modeling experience?

Mr. Beasley: Yes…I got the impression from your email that you’re a professional model looking for representation.

Alida: Right, yeah…of course. *says first thing that comes to mind* I’ve done some…uh, runway stuff. And I uh…model on Simstagram.

Mr. Beasley: Okay…so you’re an influencer then?

I have no idea what that means, but I play it off.

Alida: Sometimes…

A quick micro expression crosses Mr. Beasley’s face, but I can’t read it. I’m guessing I said something wrong.

Mr. Beasley: Exactly how many followers do you have?

I can’t think of a good amount, so I wing it…

Alida: I have a lot…a whole lot. I don’t really keep up with that stuff though. I just know that you can help me be very famous.

Mr. Beasley: How do you know that?

I figure it’s a good time to bring up Mama Nadine. Maybe it’ll get him to talk about their past relationship,  so I take the chance…

Alida: I read that you used to represent Nadine Fuller. I want to be just like her!

Mr. Beasley seems totally thrown off by my mention of Mama Nadine, but the waitress arrives to take our order before he can address it. I immediately regret even mentioning her.

Waitress: What can I get for you?

Alida: Yes…I’d like a cream soda and two slices of cheese pizza – with extra cheese. Oh and some fries. Thank you!

Mr. Beasley quickly places his order after me.

Mr. Beasley: Now that’s unusual…

Alida: What?

Mr. Beasley: Most models that I know practically starve themselves to stay in shape. I can hardly get them to eat a piece of lettuce…but here you are ordering cheese pizza and fries!

Alida: Oh, that’s because I have a very fast metabolism. I can eat whatever I want and not gain an ounce.

Mr. Beasley: I see…

I can tell that he doesn’t at all. My cover is blown…I can already tell. Now I just want to get up and leave. Mr. Beasley continues…

Mr. Beasley: What’s this about?  Why did you contact me? You’re obviously not a model. You know nothing about anything to do with modeling. There must be something else you’re after. I’ll have you know that if we end up leaving here together…you’ll be required to sign a contract stating that everything we get up to is consensual!

I can’t believe my ears.

Alida: What?!

(Generation 1 Chapter Summaries)





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