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Banks Dynasty – Day 36 (Part 2)

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Michelle has done a great job of keeping in touch with our foster siblings. If it wasn’t for her, this evening would not have been possible. We all arrive at Mama Nadine’s and spend a few moments outside catching up.

Claudia is married now. Her husband is Theo Aviles and they are expecting their 1st child any day.

Darwin is married as well. His wife is named Evie. We would have loved to meet her, but she has to work tonight.

We’re all surprised to see Raul. We would have figured that his military schedule would be keeping him busy, but he informs us that he’s currently on leave. He doesn’t go into details.

Molly is responsible for helping Claudia and Michelle orchestrate this little get-together.  She and her sister Emily are still teens and are the only ones currently living with Mama Nadine.

We all decide that I’d be the first to enter the house and surprise Mama Nadine. I go up and knock on the door. Mama Nadine immediately pulls me into a hug.

Mama Nadine: It’s soooo good to see you!

Alida: It’s good to see you too.

Mama Nadine: *after the hug* I hear that your mom has been released. Miss Hilary told me.

Alida: Yeah…can you believe she showed up at my door looking to move in with me?

Mama Nadine: I’m not surprised. It’s often hard for people with a criminal record to get back on their feet after release.

I’d never thought about it like that.

As Mama Nadine and I finish talking about my mom…everyone else comes in to surprise her. She seems to be overjoyed at seeing all of her “babies”. Michelle seems to be unusually withdrawn. She hangs out for a while, then disappears…probably to the garage like she used to do when we were little.

Meanwhile, Claudia and I spend some time catching up…

Alida: So what’s it like carrying a whole ass baby in your stomach?

Claudia: Weird…like I have a heavy backpack that I can’t take off.

Alida: Do you know what you’re having?

Claudia: No…Theo and I want to be surprised. We want to be able to welcome the baby with no preconceived expectations, you know?

Alida: I guess I can see that.

Claudia: Of course my brother…*turns towards Raul* insists that we’re having a boy and that we should name him Raul Jr.

Raul: You want him to be great, right? You name him after the best and he’ll be the best.

Claudia and I both chuckle cause we know Raul really believes that.

Molly is just as chatty as she was as a child. To my surprise, she’s not even mad that this is the first time I’ve visited since moving out, despite my promise that I’d visit more often. We sit down at the counter and she tells me all about school and her dad, who’s had a few relapses during his journey to becoming sober. He still visits the girls regularly.

Mama Nadine finishes preparing a grand dinner like she used to do during special occasions while we were growing up.

It doesn’t take any coaxing to get us all to the table. Most of us haven’t eaten a good home-cooked meal since we moved out. The kitchen is soon busy and loud as everyone scrambles to grab a plate while maintaining 3 – 4 different conversations at once. Even Michelle is eager to re-join the group.

Michelle finally makes eye contact with Mama Nadine, who immediately gets up to hug her.

Mama Nadine: Michelle! It’s so good to see you again.

Michelle: You know my new name?

Mama Nadine: Of course…I’ve been keeping up with your career from the start. I’m so proud of you!

Michelle: You don’t seem surprised that I’ve changed my name…or that I look the way I do now.

Mama Nadine: You’ve been who you are from the beginning. Why would I be surprised? You don’t think I noticed the missing items in my closet and that my make-up supply was slowly disappearing over the years? Why do you think I kept the stock refilled? Lord knows I haven’t used make-up in years.

Michelle: You knew?

Mama Nadine: Of course I did. You’re my baby…my first baby. I know you like the back of my own hand.

Michelle is soon back to her old self. She tells Mama Nadine all about her career and her next audition. Everyone else settles in just like old times.

Towards the end of the evening…we prepare to leave, but not before preparing ourselves some doggy bags.

It’s been an amazing evening. Seeing each other again is almost like food for our souls. Eventually, we begin to disperse and head home. As Michelle and I step out the door, Raul calls me to the side. He and Michelle have never really gotten along and I suspect that that hasn’t exactly changed when she continues out the gate and waits for me near the curb.

I stop to hear what Raul has to say…

Raul: I found her! I had a chance to visit Selvadorada and I actually found my mother.

Alida: Oh my Gawd…are you serious? That’s great news.

Raul: Yeah…it’s not a bad place. I stumbled upon an interesting opportunity there, so I’m sure I’ll be returning soon.

Alida: That sounds amazing. I’ve never even been out of the desert before.

Raul: You should consider coming with me…you know – if you can.

Alida: I don’t know about that. I have quite a bit going on right now.

Raul: Well…I’ll give you a call if I decide to go. Just in case things change.

Alida: Yeah…okay.

I wave…

Alida: Well, I’d better go. You can call me whenever…not just about Selvadorada.

Raul: Okay…I’ll definitely take you up on that. Talk to you soon?

I step through the gate and meet back up with Michelle, then I pull out my phone to schedule a ride back to Strangerville.

(Generation 1a Chapter Summaries)



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