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Banks Dynasty – Day 56 (Part 1)

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Peri’s been dying to go outside and play in the colorful pile of leaves. She’s the first up the next morning, so she gets dressed and heads outside. Kicking and throwing the leaves is as satisfying as she thought it would be!

I wake up before Q for the first time in forever. It’s a Saturday, so I’m guessing that Peri is sleeping in. But when I get to her room, I can see that she’s not there. I find her outside playing with her block table…talking to some strange woman. I hurry over…

Alida: *forceful* Peri…get in the house now!

I step closer to the woman.

Alida: Who are you and why are you talking to my child?!

Strange Woman: It’s a lovely day…isn’t it?

I step even closer…

Alida: Maybe you didn’t hear me…why were you talking to my child?

Strange Woman: It’ll be much colder soon. Better enjoy it while you can!

Alida: Get the hell outta here!

The strange woman turns and walks away.

Strange Woman: You should learn to enjoy the small things…

Her words leave a sinking feeling in my stomach. I tremble a little thinking about what this woman could have done to Peri.

The woman ignites something in me…a fear that quickly turns to anger. I rush inside to confront Peri.

Alida: What were you doing outside? That woman could have taken you or anything!

Prosperity: But she was nice and she had colorful hair. I like her!

Alida: Colorful hair? Peri…there are crazy people in this world. You may like the way they look, but that doesn’t mean you should speak to them! Don’t ever let me catch you outside without permission again. You hear me?

I can see the fear in Peri’s eyes. I sort of feel bad, but my mission is to keep her safe…no matter the cost.

Prosperity: Yes mommy!

Q enters the kitchen. Any other time I would have told him about Peri going outside and talking to the weird woman, but I can see that he’s still purposely avoiding my gaze. Well, two can play that game. I say a quick good morning just to avoid Peri picking up that Q and I are not getting along… then we all sit down and eat breakfast in silence.

Q is dressed and ready for his morning jog. I leave the bathroom as he’s walking towards the door. I’m surprised when he begins to speak…

Quincy: My parents will be meeting us at the park at noon…*walks out the door*

It’s the first thing he’s said to me all morning. I’ll take it.

I go downstairs and start my own daily workout routine.

Promptness is important to Q’s family, so we make sure to arrive at the park right on time. Peri is so happy to see her pop-pop that she rushes over to him and greets him with a big hug.

The whole purpose of Q’s parents being here in Oasis Springs is to meet Sophia’s new mysterious husband that no one else in the family has met. His name is Duane Talla.

Q’s mom Alice is the first to greet me…

Alice: You’ve lost so much weight! What is your secret?

The last thing I want to talk about…

Alida: Um…well, there was this diet drink – I decided to try it and it worked!

I decide to leave out the part about Q being mad at me for trying it. I’m not sure whose side Alice would be on if I revealed that. Especially considering the fact that she and I didn’t always get along.

Alice: It worked well! You look great.

Alida: Thanks…

Quincy Sr. entertains Peri on the swings as the rest of us finish our greetings. Q makes sure to ask Duane a few key questions before he excuses himself to go prepare something for us all to eat. I can’t tell whether he approves of Duane or not. His mood is still off from our argument. It’s subtle, but I can still see it. I wonder if anyone else has picked up on it.

Q finishes grilling up some chicken and we all join him at the picnic tables to eat. I notice Q’s dad staring at him from time to time. I’m sure he’s noticed that something isn’t right between us. Peri grabs a plate and distracts Q Sr. with her cheerful chatter.

Peri stays and talks to both of her grandparents until she gets bored and decides to run off and play.

Duane finally joins us at the picnic table after being strangely absent for a while. I’m sure he’s feeling like an outsider among us all just as I did when I first met Q’s family. It doesn’t help that no one is really talking to him. Instead, Alice and Quincy Sr. focus on Sophia…asking about her job and how things have been going for her.

After a few minutes…Q gets up and leaves the table.

(Generation 1a Chapter Summaries)

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