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Banks Dynasty – Day 6.2 (Part 1)

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Mr. C invaded my dreams several times last night. Dreams so vivid and real that I’m ashamed even to face him this morning. It makes me grateful that I promised to visit pop-pop and gran today. I quickly change and grab food, hoping to be gone before Mr. C, and everyone else emerges from their tents.

I don’t move fast enough. The next thing I know, he’s joining me at the table, just as Keith walks by with an odd expression on his face. I notice Mr. C giving my outfit a hard look.

Craig: You have plans for today?

Prosperity: *awkward wave* Uh…yeah, I’m supposed to be visiting my grandparents today. I mean…we do get Saturdays off, right?

Craig: We try to, but I just found out that I’ve been promoted to Ocean Observer, so I’ll be working today. But usually, Saturdays are reserved for doing laundry and cleaning up the camp…which reminds me, you’re on laundry duty today.

It sort of delays my plans, but I agree to it.

Prosperity: Yeah, I’ll try to get it done before I leave.

Craig: Don’t worry…laundry isn’t just on you. We all take turns. The wash bucket is over near the dew collector.

Prosperity: Wash bucket?

Craig: Yep, we wash clothes the old fashion way. It keeps us honest and helps us to remember not to change clothes constantly.

I’m suddenly self-conscious about wearing a brand new outfit today.

Prosperity: Yeah…I’ll, uh, try to remember that.

Piper sits down next to me practically slamming her bowl down. I turn to her.

Prosperity: You okay?

Piper: I could have used more sleep, but you woke me up entering the tent so late last night.

Is she trying to imply something? I play it off.

Prosperity: It wasn’t that late.

I notice that Mr. C usually tries to avoid little squabbles between us. He uses that moment to excuse himself to leave for work. I stare after him…probably a bit too long. I turn back to Piper as soon as I realize it.

Prosperity: I’m sorry if I woke you up. I’ll try to get back earlier from now on. Deal?

Piper: That’ll help.

I want to get to pop-pop and gran’s before noon, so I grab all the dirty clothes that I can find and head towards the wash bucket. I pass Wild on my way over.

Prosperity: Oh, hey! Good morning.

She flashes me a strange look, then greets me.

Wildflower: Hey, Peri.

I wait for her to say more; after all, I thought we were beyond ordinary polite greetings. When she doesn’t…I keep walking. The way Keith, Piper, and now Wild have been looking and acting towards me makes me think something is up.

Washing clothes using a wash bucket and a scrubbing board is like torture. It doesn’t take long before I’m feeling the effects on my shoulders and upper back. I try to distract myself by recalling some of the scenes from my dreams with Mr. C last night. I can only imagine what it would be like to kiss him.

Wild walks over, completely interrupting my thoughts. Based on the way she treated me moments ago, I’m shocked that she even bothered, but I welcome it hoping it’ll take my mind off my task.

Prosperity: Can you explain why everyone is treating me like a social pariah this morning?

My question clearly makes Wild uncomfortable, as if she’s now tasked with delivering news that no one wants to deliver.

Wildflower: Everyone noticed that you and Mr. C were the last ones in last night.

Wild sits down to eat her breakfast.

Prosperity: And? It was raining, so we went to the resource center to stay dry.

Wildflower: Well, they’re starting to think that the two of you have something going on.

I can’t even look at her, because it feels true…even if it’s just playing out in my mind.

Prosperity: They do…or you do?

As I recall, Wild was just heading to her tent when I arrived back at camp last night. It seems to me that she has to be the one spreading rumors.

Wildflower: I could care less about what you or Mr. C do. You asked a question…and I’m answering it.

She obviously doesn’t appreciate what I’m implying. Just like that, the conversation is over. Wild tosses her dirty plate and sits back down, this time with her back to me. She pulls out her knitting project and begins working on it.

I take the newly washed laundry and begin hanging it on the clothesline. Maybe I’ll just go ahead and enroll in college after all. I can already tell that I probably won’t be making any friends here.

(Generation 2 Chapter Summaries)







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