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Banks Dynasty – Day 6.2 (Part 3)

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Miles is there to greet me when I arrive back at camp.

Miles: I was very upset to hear what the others were saying about you. I wanted to apologize on behalf of everyone here.

Prosperity: That’s not your job. You’re not responsible for what anyone else is saying.

Miles: I know, but I want you to feel welcome here, but unfortunately, some of us are still stuck in a high school mentality.

Prosperity: I appreciate that, Miles. It’s a nice gesture.

Miles: I think sometimes we lose sight of why we’re here and resort to frivolous things like petty gossip. Even if it was true…it’s none of anyone’s business.

Prosperity: I guess it’s sort of understandable. There’s not exactly a lot to do around here to keep us all occupied.

Miles: But that’s not an excuse to be unkind.

I can tell that Mile is sincere, and it means a lot to me.

Prosperity: Thank you, Miles.

Miles: I hope that we can be friends.

Prosperity: *smiles* We already are!

Miles: *sigh of relief* Good.

After my talk with Miles, I do my best to avoid Mr. C and everyone else at camp. Being seen with him will only add fuel to the fire. I find a place to sit and be alone. I’m surprised by a text on my phone. It’s from Byron.

Byron’s Text: i’m sorry I overreacted.

Prosperity’s Text: It’s okay. I’m sorry too.

Byron’s Text: no excuse, but my mom has me under a lot of pressure. i took it out on you.

Prosperity’s Text: I understand.

Byron’s Text: i miss you. can’t wait to see you.

I pause to evaluate my feelings before I respond.

Prosperity’s Text: Same!

Byron’s response doesn’t come right away.

Byron’s Text: love you, Peri.

My heart catches in my throat. I want to say that I love him back, but I’m afraid of the repercussions if it isn’t true. But if I don’t say it back… then what? I send him a kiss emoji, hoping that it’s enough for now. He responds with a smiley face.

Feeling better about my relationship with Byron, I head over to the easel…one of the only things to do here that doesn’t require electricity. A long time ago, daddy suggested that I use painting to express the colors that I’m feeling. Now’s a great time to take his advice.

A few minutes into my work…I get a call from ma. Happy to hear from her, I tell her about my college admissions and a little about cleaning up Sulani. She fills me in on some family gossip. I end the call feeling incredibly homesick. I’d give anything to see my mom, dad, and brother right now.

I immerse myself back into my art. Before too long, I’m putting the finishing touches onto the painting. Then I hear Mr. C’s voice behind me. I jump slightly, startled into the realization that I’m not alone. How long has he been there?

Craig: Now, I can see why Britechester wants you in their distinguished programs. You have an amazing talent.

Prosperity: Thank you!

Craig: This is a true masterpiece.

I stare at the piece and blush as I recognize the colors and what they mean to me. Only I can see the restive flirtiness surrounded by anticipation with a touch of wistfulness.

Craig: How long have you been painting?

Prosperity: Pretty much all my life.

Craig: It shows.

Prosperity: Thanks!

I see an opening to excuse myself, so I do, leaving him there staring at my feelings for him on canvas.

On my way to the bathroom, I overhear Piper and Wild having what sounds like an argument. I slow my steps a bit to listen…

Wildflower: What the hell are you talking about, Piper? I’ve never been after her. If you want her, then go for it.

Piper: I tried, but you got in the way, and now there’s Mr. C. I’m the one that convinced him to let her stay.

Wildflower: For your benefit?

Piper: No, but –

Wildflower: Don’t try to convince me that it was out of the kindness of your heart! You don’t have a nice bone in your body.

Piper: Whatever! Just leave her alone. She’s not even your type!

Wildflower: She’s my friend, that’s all! Now leave me alone.

I’ve heard enough to know that I don’t want to be a part of whatever those two have going on. I handle my business in the bathroom, then walk over to the insect farms for lack of something better to do. When I first arrived here, Mr. C showed me how to handle the bugs. I’m not sure what the purpose is, but I push aside my fears and give it a try. Maybe they’d be better company than the people here at camp.

(Generation 2 Chapter Summaries)



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