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Banks Dynasty – Day 16.2 (Part 1)

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It’s moving day for Kai and me. I get up extra early to pack up our things and get Kai ready. Pop-pop warms up left-overs for breakfast. I greet him with a big hug before we sit down to eat.

Quincy Sr.: Sweetheart, I want you to know that if you ever need anything, you come to me. You hear?

Prosperity: Yes, Pop-pop.

Quincy Sr.: I’m serious. Never let pride get in the way. If you need something from me, ask for it right away – no need to suffer through anything unnecessarily.

Prosperity: Thank you, I’ll ask, I promise.

Quincy Sr.: *turns to Kai* And you, little man…I know you’ll probably be half-grown the next time I see you, but don’t be in too big of a hurry to grow up. Okay? Enjoy being little while you can because this life passes like a breeze. *chuckles* Before you know it, you’ll be an old man like me.

Kai listens and responds as if he knows what Pop-pop is saying.

Kai: O maan?

Quincy Sr: Yep…old and grey.

We finish up our early breakfast, and I call a rideshare to pick us up and take us to the airport.  Pop-pop lifts Kai and gives him some last-minute hugs and kisses before we start on our way.

A short flight later, which Kai graciously slept through, we arrive in Britechester. We pull up to our new home, but it’s so cold outside that we don’t get a chance to linger…we’re forced to hurry inside.

I take a quick tour of the dining area and kitchen before removing our winter clothes and checking to ensure Kai’s bedroom is set up to my desired specifications. I walk in, happy to see that it’s perfect for him. He follows me and settles down to play with his tablet.

I check out my bedroom next. It’s bright and colorful, sure to fill me with warm, happy feelings every time I spend time there. It’ll be my retreat.

Opposite of warmth, I enter the living room and notice white flakes falling from the sky through the large windows. It’s the first time I’ve seen snow falling. I stand and stare like a fascinated child.

Foolishly, I step out onto the porch with no coat or shoes on, not realizing what I’ve done until I feel the cold go through my sweater and relentlessly stab at my skin. I shuffle back inside, barely able to feel my feet, to put on the proper attire and head downstairs for a quick peek at the apartment that I hope to rent out eventually. It’s very nice and seems to be ready for tenants.

Kai leaves his bedroom looking for his mama. Panic fills him when he doesn’t see her.

Kai: Mama?

He toddles to the kitchen and is distracted by several things that make him forget that he’s afraid. There are several doors with shiny handles. If he pulls a few of them, he’s sure to find some new toys to play with. Sure enough, he opens a cabinet and finds a couple of things that will keep him occupied for several minutes.

I hear voices outside and leave the apartment to see three girls standing outside.

Felicia: *in green* Hey there! You must be my new neighbor. I’m Felicia, and these are my friends Maryam and Achara.

The girls say hello. I recognize Maryam *in pink* from my visit to campus the other day, but the others are new faces.

Prosperity: Hi, I’m Prosperity. Nice to meet you all.

Felicia: I guess we’re your welcome wagon. How do you like Britechester so far?

I sit down in the rocking chair, prepared to meet my first Britechester friends.

Prosperity: Well, I didn’t expect it to be so cold here.

Felicia: You’ll get used to it eventually. Where are you from?

Prosperity: Oasis Springs

Felicia: Then again, maybe you won’t get used to it.

Suddenly I remember that Kai is upstairs alone. I jump out of my chair.

Prosperity: I’m sorry to cut this short, but I have to hurry back upstairs. Nice to meet you!

I’m sure the girls think I’m rude since I don’t invite them to come with me, but I’m not quite ready to announce that I have a son yet.

Felicia: *disappointed* Oh, uh…well, maybe next time.

I’m heading upstairs as I hear the girls expressing exactly what I figured they’d be thinking.

Maryam: What the heck was that about?

Felicia: I don’t know. So much for trying to be nice.

Achara: She could have at least invited us inside. It’s cold AF out here.

It’s quiet, too quiet when I enter the house. My whole stomach fills with dread as I worry that something might have happened to Kai. But I find him perfectly fine in the kitchen, making a mess on our new kitchen floor.

Prosperity: Kai! What are you doing?! You’re making a big mess.

I take the chocolate syrup and flour out of his hands, which seems to break his little heart. I instantly feel bad because it’s my fault he was able to make this mess. I should never have left him alone, even for a minute.

(Generation 2 Chapter Summaries)



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