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Banks Dynasty – Day 23.2 (Part 2)

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I pull out a photo that I’d been holding on to for a while and hang it on Kai’s bedroom wall.

Prosperity: That’s your father. His name is Craig Conway, and I met him in Sulani, where you were born.

Kai studies the photo carefully.

Kai: We have the same hair!

Prosperity: You do. You have the same eyes, too.

Kai: Is he nice?

Prosperity: He’s nice. Not as nice as you, but he had his moments. He works as a conservationist. His job is to help clean the beaches in Sulani so that the animals can have a better life.

Kai: That’s a nice thing to do.

Prosperity: I agree.

Kai: Is that why he won’t come to see me because he’s too busy with the animals?

I think about it for a while. How do you tell a kid that their daddy never wanted to be a daddy? I try to find the words to explain as best I can.

Kai turns and looks up at me, and I realize that the wrong answer could truly break him.

Prosperity: I think your father is afraid that he wouldn’t know how to do the very best job as your father. So we agreed that I’d take care of you. But he sends money to help and gifts like the soccer ball for your birthday. He sent you that train on your dresser too. I think that’s his way of telling you that he’s thinking about you.

Kai: *hopeful smile* Maybe he’ll stop being afraid. Like me. I’m not scared of going to daycare anymore because I know you’ll always come and get me.

Prosperity: That could happen, but I don’t want you to feel bad if it doesn’t because it’s not your fault. He is missing out on a sweet little boy.

It’s time to warm up something to eat and finish up my term paper. I check with Kai before I do.

Prosperity: Do you want to help with dinner?

Kai: No

His eyes never leave Craig’s picture, and the hopeful smile doesn’t drop from his lips. I can only pray that I did the right thing for Kai. My intention was not to give him false hope, but part of me believes that’s what I’ve done. I sigh and leave Kai’s bedroom.

Kai eventually comes out of his bedroom dressed for bed.

Kai: Can I watch TV for a while?

Prosperity: You need to eat dinner. But, if you’re very careful…you can eat while you watch TV.

That excites him. He grabs a serving of leftover taco casserole and sits down to watch cartoons.

I work hard on my term paper and complete it right as Kai goes to bed. There’s no rest for me, though. As soon as I’ve turned in my term paper, I start on my homework assignments for tomorrow. It’s very late by the time I’m able to crawl into bed.

(Generation 2 Chapter Summaries)

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