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Banks Dynasty – Day 24.2 (Part 1)

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I don’t talk about the colors much anymore, partially because life seems to move so quickly that my moods are blurred. I rarely get a moment to reflect. I get up in the morning and instantly start the process of getting myself and Kai ready. Today is challenging because I realize that I left the leftovers from dinner out, and they’ve spoiled, and the broken kitchen sink is spewing water all over the floor. I call up a handyperson, hoping that they arrive before it’s time for me to leave for class.

I manage to get Kai fed and sent off on time. Now I scramble to complete my breakfast. The handyperson arrives as soon as I’ve finished eating, so I’m able to also leave on time. I just hope they remember to lock the door on the way out.

I’m constantly drowning in homework. I figure the best place to get some of it done is at the library. It is located in the center of both campuses, so it attracts a lot of students. I grab a table close to the door, which might be a mistake because it seems everyone else prefers that table as well.

Usually, I wouldn’t mind the extra company, but today I need it to be quieter to concentrate on my lesson. I head to a more peaceful research room and manage to complete my work quickly. The only issue is that I never have time to do anything fun. I’m desperate for some amusement.

I pull out my sketchbook, but it seems college is full of distractions in the form of attractive guys. One sits down across from me at the table and attempts to introduce himself. I shut him down quickly because I don’t have the time to engage in any unnecessary conversations. I’m about to be late for class, so I leave the library and hop on my bike, hoping to make it to campus on time.

At the daycare center, Kai is feeling pleased with himself because his grades have improved. Mr. Washington complimented him just as he was leaving class. Miss Charlie watches him as he attempts the monkey bars.

Miss Charlie: You’ve got it, Kai! Just swing and grab on to the next bar.

Despite slipping a few times, Kai manages to get across and back without falling to his doom. As he’s playing, he overhears Liliana and Yvette talking.

Liliana: Is your dad going to come to Donuts for Dads on Friday?

Yvette: I’ll ask him today. What about yours?

Liliana: I think so. My dad loves donuts.

Kai’s school held a special assembly today to announce a Donuts for Dad’s breakfast that’s supposed to occur on Friday morning. He’s happy to know that he has a dad, but he wonders if his dad likes donuts.

Vern joins Kai on the monkey bars.

Kai: Does your dad like donuts?

Vern: Whose dad doesn’t?

Kai takes that to mean that maybe his dad, Craig, probably likes them, too.

Kai: Is your dad coming to the breakfast on Friday?

Vern: He usually has class on Friday morning, but I’m sure he’ll have his teacher’s assistant cover it. He doesn’t like to miss my school events.

Maybe Kai’s dad has someone to cover his job, too. He’ll have to ask his mom about it when he gets home.

Kai joins Liliana in the sandbox. The anticipation of Friday’s event follows him there.

Liliana: *to Kai* Do you think your dad will come on Friday?

Kai: My dad doesn’t live with us.

Liliana: My daddy doesn’t either, but I visit him every other weekend, and this week is his weekend, so I think he’ll come.

That gives Kai even more hope. Even dads who don’t live with their kids sometimes visit.

I pick Kai up from daycare and start work on a presentation that I have to give before the end of the term for my figure drawing class. Kai is extra excited and talkative about some donut event that’s happening at his school on Friday.

Kai: So maybe you can call my dad, and he can come, too.

Completely consumed with the task at hand, I can barely hear him. Luckily I know that he has some homework that he needs to complete. That’ll get him out of my hair long enough to get started on my assignment.

Prosperity: Go and do your homework, and we can talk about this later, okay.

Kai: Okay!

Kai walks away, and I turn my full attention to the presentation board in front of me.

My presentation feels unorganized, and papers keep falling all over the place. I don’t know how I will get this thing finished on time while studying for exams and completing even more homework. Kai finishes his work and goes upstairs to play. It’s almost time for dinner, so I know my time is running out. I keep working for a bit longer, wondering if this whole college degree thing will be worth it.

(Generation 2 Chapter Summaries)

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