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Banks Dynasty – Day 32.2 (Part 1)

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It’s Kai’s birthday. I bake him a monster cake since he seems to be into that type of thing. He blows out his candles and ages up to a teen.

(Kai’s Aspiration: Renaissance Sim/Quick Learner Traits: Adventurous, Outgoing, and Happy Toddler)

While I shower and dress for the day, Kai takes a few selfies until he finally gets one that he likes. When I return, he tries to get me in a shot.

Kai: Smile, ma!

Prosperity: I’m not taking any pictures. I’m too stressed out about my presentation.

Kai: You’ll do fine. *snaps a picture anyway*

I recall what I said I’d do this morning. I pull out my phone before I chicken out. My timing is terrible because I’m in the middle of typing a text to Mr. Washington when Kai walks over.

Kai: Who’s that, ma?

Prosperity: None of your business.

I tilt the phone out of his view, but it’s too late. He’s already seen it. He sits down and grabs a slice of cake.

Kai: Did that say Kai’s teacher? Why would you be writing my teacher?

Damn it. I knew I should have changed that.

Prosperity: I’m not. Mind your business, please!

It’s true. Mr. Washington is no longer Kai’s teacher. Luckily Kai drops it, but I’m not sure he’s convinced about my truthfulness.

Prosperity: I have to get to class. Please, help clean up.

Kai: Okay, ma.

I walk out the door, leaving Kai to draw whatever conclusions he wants. I just hope Mr. Washington responds soon.

Kai cleans up the kitchen mess, wishing he had something more exciting to do on his birthday. He misses the daycare and his friends. If his mom weren’t so busy all the time, he probably would have invited them over to help him celebrate.

With nothing better to do, Kai goes out to the mailbox to check the mail. There’s a package there addressed to his mom, but there’s no return address. Could it be another mysterious package from his dad?

Kai pulls out his soccer ball, the last gift his dad sent him, and begins to practice his dribble. But he still sucks at it, which is apparent when the ball bounces off his foot wrong and hits him right in the middle of his forehead.

I finish my classes for the day and then head off to give my photography class my final presentation. It goes okay. I’m sure I’ll pass with flying colors. I leave the classroom feeling disappointed, but it’s not because of the presentation. It’s because I find out that I didn’t win the lottery. Oh well, if I complete my degree, I won’t need the money anyway because I’ll be making tons of it from my art.

Meanwhile, in Del Sol Valley – Michelle and Alida meet up at the diner next to the group home where they grew up in Mirage Park.

Alida: I’m surprised you wanted to meet here. I thought you hated this place.

Michelle: Yeah, well, I’m feeling old and nostalgic, so sue me.

Alida sniffs the air.

Alida: Oh, Watcher! Did it always smell like this?

Michelle: Like decades-old piss and shit? Yeah.

Alida: I never noticed it before.

Michelle: Then be thankful you don’t have a sensitive nose.

Alida glances over at Mama Nadine’s old house. She can feel herself tearing up a bit as she’s suddenly flooded with old memories.

Alida: I guess I’m old and nostalgic too.

Michelle walks up to the hostess to request a table. She sits them at the table closest to the big window that faces their old group home. Alida glances at her menu, decides what she wants, then puts it away.

Alida: *staring at the old house* I wish I had done a better job of keeping up with everyone. I know you have though, how’s everyone doing?

Michelle: *picks up her menu* They’re all doing okay. I even ran into Raul the other day.

Alida is surprised to hear that.

Alida: Really? And you two made it out alive without me to referee?

Michelle: It was good. We settled our differences, and he finally stopped calling me Michael.

Alida: No freaking way. I guess he finally grew up.

Michelle: We all have.

Alida: I’m happy to hear that. Truly happy. Speaking of Raul, I have one little confession to make.  One I’ve been holding on to for a while.

(Generation 2 Chapter Summaries)

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